20 Habits That Lead To A Fulfilled Life

One thing for sure is that there is a lot of hustle and bustle in today\’s world. We are all looking for that sweet spot where we feel content and are living life at our best. These simple but effective habits that help you to lead a fulfilled life are guaranteed to help you arrive at a place of bliss in your life.



#1. Live with gratitude 

The number one way you can live a fulfilled and content life is to always have an attitude of gratitude. Whatever happens learn to always look at your glass as half full and not half empty. The fact that you are alive is reason enough to be grateful. This is because you get to have a second chance to try again. When you live life with gratitude, you tend to draw more good things into your life.

#2. Have written goals and go after them

Do not stop at wishing your life was a certain way. Instead create goals or steps that will lead you to the life that you crave. Goal oriented people tend to live fulfilled lives because they see what they want and come up with ways to get it. In this post, I shared tips on how you can set goals effectively and accomplish them.

#3. Focus on and maximise your strengths

Each of us have areas we are gifted in. Sadly however, we also have areas where we struggle. The key to being fulfilled is to bask in your strengths while you work on your weaknesses. Sometimes you may be able to overcome a weakness but other times you may have to live with it. Focusing on where you are strong enables you to work around those weaknesses and achieve the results you want. I have shared how self-discovery is the key to living a fulfilled life. You can download this FREE Self Discovery questionnaire to help you discover your sweet spot where your passions and talents intersect.

#4. Find your why or purpose in what you do

For some people, their why comes from their work while others it may come from a hobby or something else. The key is to develop a WHY  that resonates with you and gives you meaning for what you do. Align your work or whatever else that you engage in with your life purpose, it will make living life meaningful as you see the contribution you are making. This will definitely give you fulfillment.

#5. Determine what your values are and live by them

If you do not determine what is important to you, other people will put their priorities on you. When you determine your values, you live with focus and intention. You are clear on what matters the most to you and you ensure that your life is aligned with your values. The result of this is often a life that is fulfilled.

#6. Have and embrace routines

Majority of the things we do everyday are repetitive so why not have routines for them. Routines not only save you time but they also ensures you are productive. I have shared why you need to have routines and show the power of routines.  Routines help you to take care of the small but necessary everyday tasks so that you have time to work on your big activities and goals.

#7. Put in place systems to keep you organised

In addition to having routines, you need to ensure that your life is organised with systems created by you that work for you. When you have systems in place, you are able to get back on your feet faster when the storms of life hit. In addition, having systems that are effective can save you both time and money all of which contribute to living a fulfilled life. Check out the resources page for some printables to help you put in place systems that can work for you. An example is in order to help me stay productive, I use my time blocking sheet. In addition, I am able to achieve most of the goals I set every year by using my Twelve Week Year System.

#8. Be willing to ask for and accept help when it is offered

No one is an island we all need each other\’s help in order to function effectively. In addition, we also need to be willing to accept help when it is offered to us. Scripture tells us to \”ask and we will receive knock and the door will be opened\”. So whether it is asking for help from God or our fellow human beings when the going gets tough we need to seek help and receive it when it\’s offered.

#9. Live life with an open mindset

There is and will always be something that you do not know and need to learn. That is why you need to live life with an open mindset willing to learn from anyone at anytime. Avoid having a fixed mindset. This can rob you of new experiences or things that would have come your way and enriched your life. Do not let your level of education affect your learning. Instead be willing to let in new information that can help you better yourself.

#10. Read, Read & Read some more

Readers are not only learners but leaders as well. With social media and the internet at our disposal these days, reading has been made easy. No longer do you need a ton of space to store books or wait for a book to be shipped to you. With the swipe of a button you can have the latest book in your lap. Research has shown that spending 20 – 30 minutes reading a day can enable you to read at least one book per month. Check out this post on how you can develop a reading habit and stick to it.

Reading contributes to our fulfillment in that we are able to nourish our minds while getting new information into our lives at the same time. Remember continuing to rely on old methods or information alone may not give you the success you need to succeed in the future.

#11. Learn to say NO gracefully

In today\’s world, almost everyone has something they are selling. You need to learn to say No to what you think is not for you and not feel bad about doing so. I share some tips on how to use the word NO and not feel bad about it. You need to keep in mind that for every YES you give there is something you are saying NO to. Therefore ensure that you yes does not take you away from the essential things of your life.

#12. Make time for the people who matter to you

In addition to sticking to your values, you need to clarify which people are important to you and work at deepening those relationships. There will always be work to be done but this should never be at the expense of those we consider dear to us. When you are gone, you can be replaced at your workplace but for your loved ones you are irreplaceable. Make time therefore to spend time with them and create cherishable memories this will definitely bring you fulfillment. You can check out these tips on what you can do to reclaim your weekends. 

#13. Have a monthly budget

Not knowing what is coming in every month and what is going out can rack havoc to your finances and rob you of your peace of mind. Instead, develop a habit of preparing your budget every month to capture what comes in and what goes out. Doing so will ensure that you live within your means. Budgeting does contribute to living a fulfilled life. You can download this easy to use budget sheet and begin making your budget this month.

#14. Aim at living a debt free life

In today\’s economy this may seem like a difficult task to accomplish however, if you embrace a life of simplicity and organise your life it is achievable. Begin by creating a financial plan in place. This ensures you have financial goals which allow you to succeed with money.  Your plan will enable you to live with contentment and teach you how to sit with want so, you are able to wait until you have accumulated the money to get what you desire.

#15. Save for a rainy day

Whether you like it or not, there will be unexpected events that occur. Cars break down, children fall sick and so on. Having an emergency fund in place will not only help you take care of these emergencies but it will also ensure that you are not stressed when they occur. Apparently, most fights in marriage occur because of money. By having savings in place, you can reduce such fights and have a healthy relationship with money in your marriage.

#16. Make time to worship God

The scriptures tell us that \”in God we live, move and have our being\” This means in order to be fulfilled, you need to develop habits that lead you to worship and maintain a relationship with God. Whether it is what you were taught in Sunday school to read your bible and pray everyday or simply going to church to learn more about God. All these habits are guaranteed to provide the fulfillment you crave in life. In addition to this, research has shown that people who go to church every Sunday tend to live longer.

#17. Determine to be a giver

As scripture says, \”it is more blessed to give than to receive\”. When you live life with an open hand, you are allowing others to take from you but you are also open to receiving the blesses God brings your way. Generous people tend to also be fulfilled people because they live life with an abundance mentality.

#18. Live a simple and clutter free life

Clutter presents its self in many forms. It can be mental, digital, relationship, emotional and even spiritual clutter. Clutter can rob you of your ability to live your best life. Only you can do the work and declutter your life for good.

If you are ready to do the work to declutter your life, I invite you to take the FREE 7 Day Organise your Life Mini-Course.

#19. Set aside time for self-care

Our bodies do a lot for us in ensuring that we are fulfilled. We, therefore, need to make time to not only nourish them but to also take care of them. Check out these simple tips you can use to give yourself some self-care this week. I have also shared how making time for self-care can bring you success in your work or business.

#20. Ensure that you use social media to your advantage

Social media is good it keeps us all connected but when not managed well it has its disadvantages. In my view sometimes especially when you are going through a rough stage of life can make it appear that everyone except you has their life in order.

My philosophy with social media is to rejoice with those who rejoice and mourn with those who mourn. Make social media work for you. Look for people to follow, podcasts or blogs that can make you a better person and enable you to live a fulfilled life. However, if you find that something is causing you discomfort allow yourself to let it go and do not feel bad about your decision.


We live in the digital era where so much information is thrown at us every day. An email address is very powerful and can either help you live a fulfilled life or otherwise. Guard your email box and ensure that the information that comes in is beneficial to you. In addition to this,  keep your emails organized so that you do not feel overwhelmed by emails.

I would love to know what other things you think should make this list. Please share in the comments section.


9 thoughts on “20 Habits That Lead To A Fulfilled Life”

  1. Pingback: How To Develop & Maintain A Mindset Of Abundance | Fulfilled Life Blog

  2. Pingback: 7 Ways to Get Your Life Organised & Achieve Your Desired Results | Fulfilled Life Blog

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