One thing for sure is we all grow physically at the end of each year since everyone adds a year to their life. As we grow physically, it is also good that we attain personal growth in the different areas of our lives. When determining what these areas should be, I usually draw from the verse in Luke 2:52 \”And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and found favor with God and man\”. From this verse, we can draw examples of areas that we need to work on so that we can attain personal growth.
Below, I share 5 ways in which you can grow intellectually, spiritually and socially and attain personal growth this year.
#1. You Can Attain Personal Growth By Working On Your Goals
At this time of the year, almost everyone has a list of what they would like to achieve this year. The problem that usually arises, however, is we come up with this list but fail to have a plan of how to achieve what is on the list. Let this year be different. Come up with a plan that will ensure that you are always working towards achieving the goals you have set. I shared about the 12 week year and how it can enable you to achieve the goals you set.
This year come up with a plan of action. What are you going to do every month, week and day that will lead to success at the end of the year? Take small steps every day until you have in place a routine or habits that will help you produce the results you want. Remember to celebrate the small successes along the way. This provides the motivation you need to keep going for the big goal.
#2. Make Time for Learning
In order to grow professionally, and grow in wisdom, you need to be a lifelong learner. This year, take time to decide in what areas you would like to grow professionally or gain more knowledge in. The internet is awash with many resources that are sometimes free. Start consuming these until you feel the need to move into the paid resources.
Remember however there are going to be too many things competing for your attention and time. Determine from the onset what you are going to spend your time on. In order to read more books, you may need to watch less television. Find out if there are podcasts or blogs in the area you want to grow in and subscribe to them. At the end of the year, you will not regret the time you spent learning because you will be gaining expertise in an area you love.
#3. You Can Attain Personal Growth By Making Each Day Productive
Once a day goes you will not be able to get it back. Determine therefore to make your days productive. Develop the habit of planning your week in advance but leave some room for emergencies. When you have your week planned out, you increase your productivity as you are able to work with focus. In addition to having a weekly plan, have a daily to-do list. I have shared some tips on how you can ensure that you accomplish your to-do list.
When working on your to-do list, ensure that you concentrate on work that will produce the most results. Keep in mind that sometimes less is more. Remember the 80/20 rule which says it is only 20% of your activities that will produce 80% of your results. The key, therefore, is to determine your 20% and work on this.
This is the 21st century it is not about working hard but about working smart. Harness the power of technology and put in place systems that will help you to do your work faster and easier.
#4. Make Time For Exercise & Proper Nutrition
This is very important because if you do not have good health you cannot be able to achieve any personal growth. Make time, therefore, to exercise your body and eat the right food. When you make time to exercise and eat healthy, you are taking care of your greatest asset which is you.
Look for new ways you can incorporate exercise into your daily routine. Make time to have your meals on time and yes including breakfast. I have shared how making time for self-care will contribute to your success.
#5. Nurture the Relationships In Your Life
As you make time to grow personally and professionally remember to make time to celebrate the important people in your life. In the verse above, we see that Jesus found favor with both God and man.
In order to find favor with God, you need to first have a personal relationship with him. Determine in what ways you are going to draw closer to God this year. Again with technology, there are very many resources that can help you to deepen your relationship with God. Make use of them and God who is a friend that sticks closer than a brother will not disappoint you.
You will also need to make time for your family and friends. Remember it does not make sense for you to reach the top of your career and there is no one to celebrate that achievement with you because you lost them along the way. Determine to be a balanced person and work when you have to work but also make time for other things other than work. You can read about how to reclaim your weekend and feel recharged.
You need to keep in mind that unlike physical growth which happens even when you do not pay attention to it, personal growth will require that you be intentional in order for it to happen. Decide now what results you will want to have at the end of this year and then create clear plans to work towards your vision. It is called personal growth for a reason because only you hold the key that will unlock this type of growth.
In case you are interested in coming up with a personal development plan, I have an Ebook and a printable from my resources page which you can download and use.
I would love to know, what areas do you want to see personal growth this year? please share in the comments section.
The availability of personal development plans not only motivates workers, but makes them loyal to the employer. When opportunities for personal development re lacking, people move elsewhere where growth is available