5 Ways To Have A Memorable Holiday Season

It is official the holidays are here yet again. For those of us who love this time of the year we are looking at ways to make it another memorable holiday season. One thing for sure is that it is always good to look back and remember many of the things that made our holidays special as we grew up. Whether it was the food you ate or the gifts you received or anything else. Memories of the holidays are often good to reminence about.

Below I share 5 ways in which you can make for you and your family a memorable holiday season this year.

Start Family Traditions

A sure way that will make the holiday season memorable is beginning or sticking to your holiday traditions. Children love hearing stories about how you grew up and when you have traditions that you follow, it makes telling such stories easy.

Holiday traditions can be as simple as driving to the country side to visit grand parents or visiting an orphanage to share some goodies children who do not have homes. Remember also that these traditions do not have to cost you so much. You can create magical moments in your home that the children will look forward to year after year.

Another holiday tradition can be watching a christmas play or show or listening to christmas carols. The christmas story is one that can never grow old or be told enough. It does not matter whether you are a christian or not christmas shows with all the lights and costumes are interesting and memorable to watch. When we are in Kampala, we make it a point to brave the long queues to watch the cantata put up by Watoto Church.

Driving around your city to see christmas decorations is also another activity that you can turn into a tradition and the kids will love. Here in Abidjan, there is usually a beautiful display of lights and we enjoy driving around the city to see what they look like at  night.

Re Discover The Meaning of Christmas

This tip is similar to the one above and when implemented you can turn it into a family tradition. I am sure that if you asked some children in this day and age what christmas is all about they will say getting presents. Why not use the advent season to re discover and tell your children all about christmas. You can find the story in Luke 1:26 – 38 Luke 2:1-20.

Open Up Your Home

It is the season for giving and what better way to create memories than sharing what you have. I do not know about you but when it comes to christmas, the more the merrier. Whether it is a relative or friends invite them to spend the holidays with you. It is bound to be a win/win situation as those you invite and yourselves will enjoy and have memories to share.  Sometimes the holidays can also be difficult for those who maybe going through anniversaries of loss. It is therefore a good time to reach out to such people and invite them to your home to cheer them up.

Focus on Quality not Quantity

Everyone who is in business looks out for the profits that they make over the holiday season. Due to all the hype that comes with the season, you may find that you have bought way more than you need.

Whether it is decorations, food or gifts make your list of what will be essential and stick to it. Remember your kids or loved ones may not remember that you gave them a gazillion gifts or put out such a big spread. However, when you take time to focus on what you think each of them wants and fit it in your budget you will be at peace and this will make everyone happy.

Focusing on quality over quantity also ensures that you still have some money in your purse which will be memorable for you in a good way once the holiday season is over.

Make Each Day Count

The holiday season goes by so fast and sometimes all the hustle and bustle can make you miss it. Aim at being present and living in the moment each day. It is indeed the season to be jolly and so you need to be happy. There is reason to celebrate, the year is coming to an end and you pulled through.

Celebrate the fact that 2000 years ago, Jesus Christ came and lived among us and he brought us life and hope. Have hope that as you celebrate the birth of our Saviour and invite him into your life, you are also asking him to take charge of your life. God is faithful and he has good plans for our lives. Let us learn to trust the future with him and enjoy each day of the holiday season this year.

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