Focus On The Reason For This Season

It is \’beginning to look like CHRISTMAS\’ my favourite season is here! In line with our family tradition, last Saturday we brought up the bins, decorated the house and are now listening to christmas carols.

This year I was reminded of what our then nine year old son said last year. I had asked them to give us a wish list with five items and we would choose three. After a week when I requested for the list, our son said something I found profound he said \”mummy I do not think I need anything this year let us just focus on the reason for the season which is Jesus\’s birthday\”. My sister who was visiting from Scotland commented that in her part of the world, she doubts any of the kids can forfeit presents at christmas. This year in the midst of all the hustle and bustle that this season brings, I am choosing to take the advise of our son and maintain my focus on the reason for this season and I will do this through two ways.

Create a tradition where the focus will be on the birth of Jesus

For a very long time, I had on my wish list a nativity set. It was not until we moved to Abidjan two years ago that I was able to acquire not one but two. As a tradition in our home, our daughter is in charge of arranging one of the sets. Everyday she organises the figurines in a way that depicts the Christmas story. I always look forward to her scenes.

Another item I always wished for was an advent calendar. Last year my sister brought the children some advent chocolates. Each day after school they rushed into the house to see what chocolate was available for that day. This year there will be no advent chocolates but I will keep the tradition and build on it since I now own an advent calendar. After eating the chocolate, we shall sit down and read the Christmas story which is found in Luke 1:26 -38 and Luke 2: 1-20.

Although, I love and enjoy the magnificent display of lights that Abidjan city has to offer at this time of the year, we want the kids to grow up with not just memories of this and the presents they receive but to always reflect on the precious gift that forever changed the destination of humankind.



Show my appreciation for the gift by giving

Last Christmas season, the daily mail newspaper run a story where a mother of three had spent about £ 1,500 on 300 presents for her three children and husband. The caption showed the presents almost consuming the entire tree. As you can imagine this story brought out mixed reactions around the world. Here in Africa a good number of children consider it a luxury to get a present for Christmas. Some are not even sure they will have a meal on that day!

Keeping in mind that without the gift of baby Jesus over two thousand years ago, we would not have Christmas today. I will try as best as I can to make this Christmas better for another person whether it is by speaking a kind word, inviting them into our home or where God permits sharing our resources with them.

On that note, allow me to show my appreciation to you my subscribers. Thank you for being part of this journey, for the encouragement, support and allowing me to make a small contribution in my corner of the world. May you have a blessed and joyous christmas season and may you find in Christ the saviour the reason for this season.

\"xmas-2015\" \"xmas\"


17 thoughts on “Focus On The Reason For This Season”


    Thanks Rosette for all your insightful and empowering pieces over the year. We’ve enjoyed them immensely! Praying the good Lord continues to bless and use you.

    Merry Christmas to you and your lovely family!

  2. Sharline Nabulime

    You are making beautiful memories with your kids. It makes my heart glad when I hear of kids who understand the reason for the season. May God continue to bless you and your family and may the wonder of that first Christmas fill your hearts everyday! Merry Merry Christmas to you and yours!

    1. Thank you Sharline. I learn a lot from your stories about parenting. Keep up the good work. Merry Christmas to you and yours as well.

  3. Hello hope you all have a wonderful christmas am still focussed on family and have not put up a tree in 3years but my family around makes me not miss any bit of it happy holidays

    1. Hey Bridget good to read from you! Merry Christmas to you and your lovely family. Please have a tree this year I am sure the boys will enjoy it

  4. Margaret Makanga

    Hi, Rosette, Thank you for a continuous encouragement through your blogs. God bless you and have a Merry Christmas.

  5. Thanks Rosette. A powerful reminder of the need to take an eternal view and focus on the reason for the season. May we rise above the hustle and bustle and prepare Him room. Thank you for your inspiration over the years and through this blog. Merry Christmas to you and your beautiful family!

  6. Pingback: Memories of Christmas In The 80’s & 90’s | Fulfilled Life Blog by Rosette Wamambe

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