About Us ...

“If you do not have your own definition of success, you tend to feel unsuccessful every time others talk about their success”
Rosette Wamambe Tweet
Hello, welcome to the Fulfilled Life Network, where we serve Achievers as they recognise areas where their purposes have been stolen and then create paths for restoration and renewal.
We believe that each of us has a specific purpose to fulfill and make a contribution or difference in the lives of those we encounter. We are able to do this when we take time to fill our cups by doing the work to become aware of the things we may have lost as a result of life experiences we may have gone through. This awareness moves us to accept to begin the work of change which enables us to create action plans that guide us as we journey towards restoration and renewal to become who our Creator intended for us to be.
We take action on our plans by refusing to allow excuses, fear, self doubt or anything else to hold us back. We take steps in the right direction each day and fail forward each time we fall.
What We Offer
Our vision at the Fulfilled Life Network is to ensure that our clients do the work of restoration and renewal so that they can live according to their definitions of success.
We believe that the first step towards restoration and renewal is awareness. The second is acceptance and the third is action because it is action which produces our desired results.
The Fulfilled Life Network team is led by Rosette WAMAMBE a Transformational Leadership Coach, Behaviour Analyst, Trainer and Speaker with the Maxwell Certified Leadership Team.
We offer our clients services like one-on-one Coaching, Group Coaching, Behaviour Analysis, Training and giving Keynote addresses. In addition, we conduct Workshops which allow clients to do the work of restoration and renewal by taking steps towards their desired destinations.
Thank you for stopping by, we look forward to engaging with you and serving you.