A time comes when you need to stop waiting for the person you want to become and start being the …

10 Ways To Pray Effectively & Get Results

As I write this it is almost the end of November. This year has been challenging for most of us …

How Self Care Precedes Good Leadership

According to John C Maxwell, \”everything rises and falls on leadership and leadership is all about influence nothing more nothing …

Win The Week By Using The Sunday Summit

So are you one of those who use Sunday for catching up on sleep? Alternatively may be you belong to …

Incorporate Motivation In Your Goal Setting Process

We are in the second quarter of this year. If you are a goal setter you may have set aside …

5 Habits To Include In Your Morning Routine For A Productive Day

is a new year and many of us have set goals which we are working towards. Some of the goals …

How To Change Your Life Using Affirmations

It is a new year and most of us have plans and goals that we want to achieve this year …

Why We Need To Practice Gratitude This Year

It is November 2020, as is custom, our brothers and sisters across the Atlantic will be celebrating Thanksgiving this week …

5 Questions To Help You Conduct An Effective Mid Year Audit

If you are like me, you may be wondering where the month of July is rushing too. It is almost …

How To Become An Effective Team Member

Whether you are on a team as a family member or a colleague in the workplace, or any other setting …

5 Ways To Deal With Uncertainty During COVID19

The main strategy I had for handling the lockdown was simple; keep the end date in mind. So every morning …

You Do Not Have To Give In To Fear

Depending on what part of the world you are in, you have either seen the devastating effects of COVID 19 …

10 Habits To Embrace For A Successful Decade

Well, it is official, we just completed the first month of the third decade of the 21st Century. Like most …

How To Set Goals Effectively & Accomplish Them

We all know the benefits of goal setting from providing focus to allowing us to create the future we desire …

Manage Your Email Effectively & Increase Your Productivity

We all have an email address. This being the 21st century, it one of the most used means of communication …

How To Enlarge Your Vision & Thrive

A few days ago, when I opened my calendar with daily inspirations, the words therein were, \”expand your horizons, because …

5 Ways To Save Time & Money In The Kitchen

I often wonder do we have to eat in order to live right? or do we live to eat? Whichever …

What Is Your Identity?

When I looked up the definition of identity on google, this is what came up. \”The definition of identity is …

How Persistence Will Breed Results

The word persistence simply means continuing on a course of action in spite of any difficulty or opposition you met …

5 Ways To Make The Most Of Your Time

\”I wonder where the time went\”?. You or someone you know may have uttered these words at one time or …

How To Invite Happiness Into Your Life

In today’s world, one of the things that are eluding many people is happiness. You would think that with more …

5 Ways To Give Yourself A Raise Every Month

In most cases when I tell my clients about giving themselves a raise every month they initially appear shocked. It …

You Need More Than Self Discipline To Achieve Your Goals

Happy New Year!!!!! Another year and a chance for us to start all over and get the results we want …

5 Simple Steps To Conduct An Effective Life Audit

It is hard to imagine that in a few days, we shall say goodbye to this year and usher in …

5 Steps To Become A Goal Achiever In The New Year

Do you desire to not only set goals but also become a goal achiever in 2019? Well, what if I …

6 Questions To Help You Combat Depression

Today Wednesday 10th October 2018 is World Mental Health Day this year. In this day and age, mental health is …

How Our Thoughts Affect Our Feelings

Did you know that there is power in our thoughts? Our thoughts can determine whether you live a fulfilled life …

How To Remain Productive During School Holidays

I know I am not the only one who struggles with how to remain productive during school holidays. This year …
Discover Your Sweet Spot by answering these 5 simple questions and begin living a fulfilled life. #discoveryoursweetspot #selfdiscovery #fulfilledlife #life

5 Simple Questions To Help You Discover Your Sweet Spot

Last month, I was honored to speak to a group of ladies who are mostly expatriate spouses who left their …
Check out these tips on how self-care brings success in your work and business. Make time to sharpen the saw which is you. #selfcare #successatwork

How Making Time For Self Care Will Bring You Success

Self-care refers to anything that you do to refuel yourself. It is what enables you to take care of your …

How To Take A Budget Family Vacation & Still Have Fun

Did you know you can take a budget family vacation and still have fun? Well, we all know the benefits …

How to Handle Overwhelm At Work Or At Home

It happens to all of us, sometimes you feel like the wheel of life is spinning too fast and you …

3 Simple Steps To Declutter Your Life For Good

When I came across Charisse Ward\’s quote \”clutter causes stress and it is one of the main barriers to productivity\” I …

How To Master & Use The 7 Habits Of Highly Effective People (Part 3)

So far in the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People Series, we have looked at how to always be Proactive …

How To Master & Use The 7 Habits Of Highly Effective People (Part 2)

We continue our series on how to use and master the 7 Habits of highly effective people. In PART 1, …

How To Master & Use The 7 Habits Of Highly Effective People (Part 1)

The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People is a book I have turned to a number of times for the …

3 Simple Steps To Create Good Sustainable Habits

Each and every one of us has habits. These are things that we do on a regular basis that have …

3 Ways An Orgainsed Kitchen Helps You Save Money

So you are determined to make your financial situation better this year. You either want to pay off your debt …

5 Steps To Creating An Effective Financial Plan

To some people, the thought of sitting down to have a financial plan is scary. Such people prefer to live …

3 Ways To Develop A Healthy Relationship With Money

Did you know the philosophy you have about money can affect how you relate with it? I have heard of …

5 Tips To Develop A Reading Habit & Stick To It

Although reading is a habit that we should all inculcate into our daily habits, I still meet people who say they …

7 Lessons I Learnt From Oprah\’s Book = {What I Know For Sure}

I must confess, I love everything Oprah and so when she announced her latest book I knew I had to …

7 Lessons I Learnt From Oprah\’s Book = {What I Know For Sure}

I must confess, I love everything Oprah and so when she announced her latest book I knew I had to …

How Time Blocking Will Increase Your Productivity

Imagine this scenario, you get up in the morning and there are several things screaming for your attention. It is …

How To Make The Most Of Your Time: Achieve More With Less Time

We have all been in situations where our to-do list is longer than the number of hours in the day …

Make Your Sunday Count: Tips On How To Jumpstart Your Week

We all love Sundays, right? Not only do we get a few more hours of sleep but the fact that …

What is Your Relationship With Money In Your Marriage?

Apparently, most fights in marriage arise from misunderstandings about money. It does not come as a surprise, therefore, that money …

7 Simple But Effective Ways To Save Money Every Month

I am yet to come across someone who would not want to save some money. We are all in one …

How Budgeting Contributes to Living A Fulfilled Life

The debate over whether or not budgeting contributes to living a fulfilled life is one that will not end soon.  …

6 Ways To Simplify Your Life and Thrive

This year, my word of the year is Simplicity. I am purposing to be intentional about what I do and …

5 Ways To Attain Personal Growth This Year

One thing for sure is we all grow physically at the end of each year since everyone adds a year …

Why You Failed To Achieve Your Goals Last Year

So you followed all the steps and had your goals for last year written down. You then did your best …

Why Clarity Is What Will Produce Your Desired Results

It is another year and all of us have wishes and desires that we would like to see happen this …

How To Come Up With Your Word Of The Year

I was first introduced to Christine Kane\’s word of the year tool about two years ago. This year I decided …

Why You Should Finish This Year With Gratitude

In a few days from now, we shall say good bye to this year and welcome a new one. At …

Re Discovering The Meaning Of C.H.R.I.S.T.M.A.S

Have you ever taken time to dig deep into what the meaning of christmas is? The full story of how …

3 Ways To Avoid Feeling Stressed This Holiday Season

With all the hustle and bustle that goes on during the holiday season, one is bound to feel overwhelmed and …

5 Ways To Have A Memorable Holiday Season

It is official the holidays are here yet again. For those of us who love this time of the year …

How Gratitude Can Be A Magnet For More Blessings

A few months ago, we visited a church in Aberdeen, Scotland. The preacher for that day gave a sermon from …

How To Develop & Maintain A Mindset Of Abundance

Given all the stresses of everyday life and what we see on social media, it is sometimes easy to view …

20 Habits That Lead To A Fulfilled Life

One thing for sure is that there is a lot of hustle and bustle in today\’s world. We are all …

How Small Steps Can Lead To Great Wins

How many times have you set a goal and on the onset it looks too big for you?  The mere …

5 Ways to Say NO & Not Feel Bad About It

How many times have you said yes to something and later asked yourself what was I thinking? It happens to all …

Inspirational Quotes To Help You Set & Accomplish Your Goals

Quotes are good as they can provide the inspiration one needs to set and accomplish goals. When the going gets …

How To Reclaim Your Weekend & Feel Recharged

How about if I told you there is a way to reclaim your weekend and feel recharged on Monday exciting …

5 Tips To Accomplish Your To Do List

Research shows that people who work from lists are 25% more productive than those who do not. For this reason, …

7 Ways to Get Your Life Organised & Achieve Your Desired Results

I love the month of September! To me, it always brings a second chance to get your life organized and …

5 Tips For Planning Vacations On A Budget

All work and no play makes Jack or Jackie a dull boy or girl. Given the fact that our greatest …

How Fathers Can Impact Their Children Today

In a few days from now, we shall celebrate another important event on our calendars and that is Father\’s Day …

How To Avoid Raising Entitled Children

The other day I watched a mother try to explain to her son (about 10 -12 years old) why he …

How To Discover Your Child\’s Love Language

As we draw near to the end of the school year, you will be spending more time with your children …

How To Discover Your Child\’s Love Language

As we draw near to the end of the school year, you will be spending more time with your children …

5 Ways To Practice Self Care This Week

We have all had a friend or relative or sometimes a doctor say these words to us \”you need to …

Trusting God\’s Timing: Lessons From Hannah

The story of Hannah is one that is seldom referred to and yet it has a lot to teach us …

Trusting God\’s Timing: Lessons From Hannah

The story of Hannah is one that is seldom referred to and yet it has a lot to teach us …

Where You Stay I will Stay: Lessons From Ruth

But Ruth replied, \”Do not ask me to leave you and turn back. Wherever you go, I will go; wherever …

Learning To Live In The Present Moment

How many times have you caught yourself either reminiscing about the good old days or feeling anxious about the future? …

5 Simple Tips On How To Thrive In Life

This week, I found my self re-listening to the song THRIVE by Casting Crowns. The lyrics that caught my attention …

Reflections Of The Ultimate Sacrifice

Like most Christians all over the world, this Holy Week was spent in penitence. I reflected on the sacrifice Jesus …

What Is The Real Meaning of Easter?

Have you ever given thought to what is the real meaning of Easter? The other day, our son caught me …

How To Manage Your Life NOT Time

This week we continue with our organization series and move into the concept of time. Although most people talk about …

How Small Actions Can Produce Big Results

This week we continue with our organization series and look at how organizing your finances whatever the amount can produce …

Why You Need To Have Routines In Your Life

We started our series on organization last week by looking at how by living simply we can avoid stress. This week …

How Embracing Simplistic Living Helps To Avoid Stress

Can you believe it is March already?  I hope spring has sprung where you live if you experience the seasons …

A Year Of Blogging? Happy Blogiversary To Me!!

Really a year already?? I remember the day like it was yesterday. Sitted on my bed going through emails one …

3 Simple Ways to Discover Your Life Purpose

Last week during a mentoring session, my friend asked me a question, how does one figure out their life purpose? …

Why You Need Your Own Definition Of Success

In today\’s world, if you asked people what does success look like, most of them would give definitions that are …

You Can Make This Your Best Year

It is hard to believe that January is almost gone! Last week I read on LinkedIn that most people give …

10 Day Detox: My Lessons

Having never tried any diet before, I hesitated for a while before giving in and doing Jane Mukami\’s detox program …

Miracles Happen When There is No Option

This month, I will be focusing on motivation posts.  We may have heard someone say \”miracles still happen today\”. The question …

Your Deadline Versus God\’s Timing

Happy New Year!! Let me take this opportunity to wish you a prosperous, blessed and fruitful year filled with good …

Your Deadline Versus God\’s Timing

Happy New Year!! Let me take this opportunity to wish you a prosperous, blessed and fruitful year filled with good …

Memories of Christmas In The 80\’s & 90\’s

Without a doubt, I belong to those for whom Christmas is their favorite season. In our home, we are trying …

Memories of Christmas In The 80\’s & 90\’s

Without a doubt, I belong to those for whom Christmas is their favorite season. In our home, we are trying …

Choose The Light Of Life

One of the things I love about the Christmas season is the decorating. Abidjan city does not disappoint in this …

Reasons To Celebrate In Style

Given that it is the season to be jolly and celebrate, this is exactly what the Abidjan Chapter of Operation …

Focus On The Reason For This Season

It is \’beginning to look like CHRISTMAS\’ my favourite season is here! In line with our family tradition, last Saturday …

How To Design Your Life Plan & Embrace Success

The book by Michael Hyatt and Daniel Harkavy Living Forward: A Proven Plan to Stop Drifting and Get the Life …

Nothing Can Separate Us From God\’s Love

We all crave to be loved and most importantly to be given love that is unconditional. As a Sunday school …

Nothing Can Separate Us From God\’s Love

We all crave to be loved and most importantly to be given love that is unconditional. As a Sunday school …

What Season Of Life Are You In?

I must confess the last quarter of the year is my favorite.  Not only do we celebrate Christmas which I …


Becoming a goal setter is not difficult; the internet is awash with tools on how to effectively set goals. The …

How Being Organised Gives You More Money

This month we are focusing on how we can spur ourselves to finish strong and achieve our goals. Research shows that …

Why You Should Make A Vision Board For Your Goals

I first encountered the idea of a vision board after listening to the audio The Secret. However, it was two years …

You Can Finish This Year Strong

It is hard to believe that we are almost in the last quarter of this year. Where has this year …

Whose Race Are You Running?

A few Saturdays ago like I normally do, I struggled to get out of bed at 6:00 am. It is …

Why You Should Build Your House With Wisdom

This week I watched a video by Tai from in which she shared how she saves her family lots of …

He Knows Your Name

Like most mothers with children who require a little more attention, beginning of a school year often brings concerns and …

Protected: When Friendship Precedes Marriage

This content is password protected. To view it please enter your password below: Password: …

Protected: My Thoughts On Turning 40

This content is password protected. To view it please enter your password below: Password: …

How To Choose A Life Of Happiness

Over the past weeks, we have reviewed Joel Osteen\’s book Your Best Life Now in which he lays out the seven …

Life Happens: Learn To Move On!

We have all had that trial which sweeps us off our feet and leaves us questioning whether life is worth …

How Healthy Is Your Self Esteem?

Different definitions exist for what amounts to self-esteem. I like the one given by the Cambridge Dictionary. \”Self Esteem is the …

Created For A Specific Purpose

What I know for sure is we ALL exist because the Creator willed that we exist. Each of us has …

Protected: About Getting Rooted in The Vine

This content is password protected. To view it please enter your password below: Password: …

How To Live A Simple Fulfilled Life

I think it was Confucius who said: \”life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated\”. I am discovering …

Choose The Lighter Load

This week we joined the British Parliament as it paid tribute to one of its own Mrs Jo Cox who was …

We Can All Be Noble Women (Part 4)

This week we finish our Noble Women Series by reminding ourselves that we are \”fearfully and wonderfully made\”  and should …

We Can All Be Noble Women (Part 2)

In last week\’s post, we concluded that the quest for becoming noblewomen is well within our reach. This week we …

We Can All Be Noble Women (Part 1)

It is May already! for those who have not celebrated Mother\’s Day this year, happy Mother\’s day to you! This month, …

Whose Report Will You Believe?

It is teacher appreciation week at our children\’s school. A time we get to thank those who help our children …

How To Live A Life Of Contentment

Have you ever wondered if you are one of those people who is living a life of contentment? After I …

Work and Life; Can We ever get a Balance?

Last week I read an article in Forbes Woman where Katerina Schneider introduced a concept she called \”having it almost\”. This reminded …

Delegation Can Bring Balance To Your Life

In the 21st century, in order to excel at what you do, you need to work smart. One of the …

Mastering the Philosophy of Work in the 21st Century

The concept of work is universal. We are all workers either as employers or employees. Today\’s workplace has evolved and …

How To Always Choose Happiness In Life

Is Happiness a choice we can make? A lot has been written and said about how happiness is a choice …

Are you Living Purposefully?

One of the ways in which we can live a fulfilled life is to ensure that we are living on …


Welcome to the Fulfilled Life Blog. I\’m glad you stopped by. This blog is a result of a journey that …