The Africa Women Leadership Summit (AWLS) was created by women for women on the African Continent and beyond.

As the African Continent continues to embrace its rich diversity, resources and cultures, women leaders are emerging at a fast rate and taking up their seats at the leadership tables in the different spheres of influence. At AWLS, we believe that  Women Leaders, have a special role of helping those we serve to jorney towards transformation and fully live out their purposes. We also know that as we partner with God in creation as we carry and bring to life those, he allows us to birth.

These nurturing qualities are what we bring to the leadership table as we make our contributions towrads achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) and the 2030 Agenda.

John C. Maxwell correctly defines leadership when he observes that “everything rises and falls on leadership. Further that leadership is all about influence nothing more nothing else”. To this end, we at AWLS believe that every woman is a leader.

We welcome you all to the leadership table and undertake to serve you as you fill your cup so you can in turn pour into the lives of your followers.