How To Become An Effective Team Member

Whether you are on a team as a family member or a colleague in the workplace, or any other setting that brings people together, all of us at one time or another have been part of a team.

For purposes of this post, it is being assumed that the team has gone through the four stages of team formation. These are the forming stage where members come together and agree to work together. The storming stage where the dynamics of the team are tested and sometimes conflicts arise. The norming stage where conflicts are dealt with and the norms of the group are agreed upon. Finally, the performance stage where the team is committed to working together to achieve results.

As the world confidently moves out of the lockdown phase of the COVID 19 pandemic, it is clear that organizations, families, and other corporate settings are bound to reconsider a number of issues. One of these issues is structure and whether they are going to continue operating the way they did before the pandemic. Some of the issues to be decided will include who will stay on the team and who has to get the pink slip. In order to arrive at this decision, the question of whether you are an effective team member will be under consideration.

Below I share 5 simple ways I believe we can all embrace to ensure we become effective team members.


#1. Effective Communication

This is the starting point given the fact that for any team to function, communication is essential. Effective communication calls for not only being able to put forth your ideas but also being open-minded and listening to what other team members have to say.

Good listeners are those who listen with the intent to understand not just to respond. As Steve Covey taught in habit 5 of the seven habits of highly effective people, effective listening is intentional and focused. It calls for being able to hear beyond what is being said especially if you are in a position of authority. Sometimes depending on how you lead, your subordinates may not be free to air out some of their views. However, if you are an effective listener you will be able to pick up clues of what it is that they are trying to communicate.

Effective communication also requires that as a leader, you act as an encourager or coach and help members of your team to shine. Let them know when they have done a good job and where they may need some improvement. One thing for sure is that for a team that exceeds their expectations, it is often certain that the team leader is an effective coach.

#2. Create An Environment Of Trust

I believe that effective teams are those where team members trust each other. Such teams have norms that provide that members act in ways that grow the strength of the team instead of tearing it apart. In order to achieve this, it is essential that members take time to build solid relationships.

Indeed trust is an antidote to effective leadership. As a leader, once your team knows that trust is a key ingredient in the team, they feel free to be themselves and take risks. The result of this is learning takes place and creativity comes to light all of this often results in good things that not only grow the team but the entity as a whole. For example, it could be parents being confident that they can trust their teenage children to go to the kitchen and create a meal. It could also be a leader in an organization trusting that a team member can research and experiment with a new tool or product. The result in both these cases is growth for those stepping out and for the team in general.

Trust in effective teams is also built when the leader shows interest in the general well being of the team members. A good leader should take the time to find out who the people on their team are. This means discovering their passions and what makes them light up. After you have this information, show interest in those areas that are important to your team members. I know for sure that when people feel that you have their best interest at heart they will in turn give you their best.

#3. Provide And  Allow For Effective Feedback

In order for a team to function effectively, the team leader needs to know what is working well and what is not. This ensures that there is quick intervention before things get out of hand. Giving effective feedback is what allows team members to grow and improve.

Coupled with being able to give feedback, I believe it should also be possible for the team to be able to receive feedback. This is what completes the feedback loop. Giving and receiving of feedback should be a continuous process instead of waiting for the end of year review which in most cases occurs after the fact.

It is imperative that the team agrees on the parameters of how feedback will be handled. This ensures that members do not get surprises or feel like they are being picked on.

#4. Give More Than You Take

I believe that an effective team player is one who in addition to playing their part in the team, looks out for and helps their teammates to excel at what they do. The key here is to have the willingness to always extend a helping hand where the need to do so arises. Not only does this make one a valuable member of the team, but it also helps one to grow given the exposure they get as they learn new skills.

It is imperative that every team member ensures that the team is better with them in it. Thus, one should avoid scenarios where they want to excel alone and put others down. A team where people are all pulling in the same direction is one that will achieve its goals faster.

#5. Develop A Culture Of Continous Growth

Effective teams are those where team members are constantly working on developing themselves and then bringing back what they learn to the team. When everyone on the team does this, the learning curve is high and this produces explosive growth for the team.


It is imperative to always remember that a team is a group of individuals who are interdependent with respect to information, resources, and skills. Usually, they seek to refine their efforts and aim at achieving a common goal. It is for this reason that the word TEAM = Together Everyone Achieves More. This in effect means in order to be an effective team member you always have to ensure that your actions are in the best interest of the group.

The question I have for you to consider is am I an effective team member?

If you need to discuss how you can become an effective team member please feel free to book a complimentary session Leadership & Productivity Coach

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