It is another year and all of us have wishes and desires that we would like to see happen this year. What we have to remember though is that clarity is what will produce our desired results. When you are crystal clear about what you want and do everything with focus, you will end up with the results you are aiming for. The question, however, is how does one arrive at a point of clarity. In my view, we can come to a place of clarity if we begin by asking ourselves these three questions
- What kind of person do I want to be this year?
- What do I have to do to be that person?
- What do I want to achieve this year?
Let us look at each of these questions in detail.
#1. What Do You Want To Be?
In order to answer this question, you have to dig deep and discover what you as a person stand for. What are your values or the principles or standards of behavior you consider to be of importance to you? Our values lie at the core of our personality and character and determine how we behave or react in certain situations. Are you going to jump on a bandwagon because it is what everyone else is doing? Or are you going to stick to what you know is right even if sometimes you will have to be the old man out?
According to Brian Tracy, \”developing clarity about our values is the essential step in creating a happy life\”. In other words, if you want to enjoy a fulfilled life this year, be clear about what you stand for. The reason for this is that your values will determine what you believe or idealize about yourself and the world around you. They will also help point you in the right direction when you come at a crossroads in life.
As you decide who you want to be this year, you will need to come up with your definition of what success will be for you this year. I have shared some reasons why we each need to have our own definition of success.
So take a few minutes and paint a picture of what kind of person you would like to be. In addition, write what changes you are going to make to ensure you become this person. Next, write what will be your measure of success for this year.
#2. What Do You Have To Do?
The second question of what do you want to do? is best answered by setting realistic, challenging and exciting goals. Goal setting not only enables you to live with clarity, but it also enables you to make use of your 3T resources that is time, talent and treasure. Effective goals rid you of time wasted on things that do not matter while enabling you to maximize your strengths and in the long run build wealth which all contribute to you enjoying a fulfilled life.
By this time, you should have in place some goals that you are going to work towards. I have shared how you can effectively set goals and ensure you accomplish them. Be honest with yourself as you set your goals. In addition, do a cost-benefit analysis for each goal. What is it going to cost you to achieve that goal in terms of resources and what you have to forego? At the end of this exercise, you should have clear goals which you are sure you are ready to do whatever it takes to achieve them.
Next, create an action plan. What will you do every month, week and day to ensure that you are moving closer to achieving your goals? Remember to celebrate little wins and to keep getting up even when you fall. It also helps to have someone to encourage you and hold your hand along the way. Confide in someone you trust and are sure will give you the motivation you need on the journey to achieving your goals.
In order to keep yourself motivated, you need to come up with some positive words in the form of affirmations. Affirmations are positive statements that help us to call those things that be not as though they are. When used effectively, affirmations can enable us to manifest what we desire. I have a shared why affirmations are good for you. You can download it and have a free printable with affirmations for each day of the month.
If you are more of a visual person go ahead and create a vision board with pictures of what you want to achieve this year. Put it in a place you can see it every day and let this fuel your mind as you work towards achieving your goals.
#3. What Do You Want To Achieve?
The final question of what do you want to achieve? will require that you determine what you want to attain in terms of achievements, possessions, and experiences. Once you have done the work and determined what your values and principles are as well as your goals for this year. The answers to the third question come easily since you will know what results you want in order to feel fulfilled.
As you answer this question remember sometimes less can be more. Go for depth and meaning. You will have determined what is of most importance to you and so your answers to this question should mirror that. Be grateful that you have lived to see another year and make it count for you and those you hold dear in your life.
Remember that by doing the work and coming up with answers to these three questions, you will be able to arrive at a point of clarity and this will help you live a fulfilled and productive life this year.
I wish you a happy, blessed and prosperous new year. May the Almighty Lord cause his face to shine upon you and grant you good health, wealth and the desires of your heart.
My goal for 2018 is only one thing. To live a happy and healthy life.
Hi Jane that is a nice goal. May God grant you the desires of your heart.