How To Develop & Maintain A Mindset Of Abundance

Given all the stresses of everyday life and what we see on social media, it is sometimes easy to view life through lenses of scarcity instead of living with an abundance mindset. The question, however, is how does one develop a mindset of abundance?

For starters, it helps to point out what is the difference between people who choose to live with an abundance mindset and those who tend to have a scarcity mindset. People who go through life with a scarcity mindset tend to view life with a mentality that there is not enough to go around for everyone. To them, one person\’s success is often at the expense of others. You may have encountered people who use statements like \”at least there are people who are worse off than me\”.

On the other hand, people who live with an abundance mindset believe there is always enough for all of us to share. Such people, tend to be happy when others succeed and they focus on living life in the present moment. They believe what they have is enough and if they need something in the future it will still be available.

It takes effort and intention to develop a mindset of abundance. Below I share some of the things I believe you can not just develop but also maintain an attitude of abundance at all times.



#1. Live life with contentment

This may seem easier said than done but with a little practice, you can do it. I believe one of the ways you can live a life of contentment is to embrace the attitude of gratitude. Gratitude moves you from focusing on what is not working to what is working or going well in your life. It helps us see that what we have is enough.

On the other hand, discontentment comes when you choose to focus on what you do not have instead of focusing on what is before you. The key to developing a mindset of abundance is to be content with where you are while you work on getting to where you desire to be. People who are content do not necessarily have all they need or want but they make the most of what they have.

In scripture, God asks us to trust him with our lives he says \”Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Can anyone of you by worrying add a single hour to your life\”  When you choose to entrust your life to God, you move from having a scarcity mindset where you only see lack to having a mindset of abundance.

#2. Choose quality over quantity

Another way to develop a mindset of abundance is to always choose quality over quantity. People with a scarcity mindset view opportunities as once in a life time. They tend to think that opportunities may not present themselves again and so they have to stock up on things. What then ends up happening is hoarding and clutter sets in. An abundance mindset, on the other hand, views life and opportunities as constantly reoccurring.

When you choose quality over quantity you are able to focus on the present moment you are in. You believe you have what you need for that moment and if the need arises in future the opportunity to get what you need then will present itself. People with abundance mindsets tend to live a simple and fulfilled life.

#3. Give more than you receive

Another way to develop a mindset of abundance is to aim at going through life as a giver and not a receiver. We know that \”it is more blessed to give than to receive\”. When you are a giver, you often feel like you always have more than enough. This automatically moves you from a mindset of scarcity to one of abundance. In most cases, people with an abundance mindset also live a clutter-free life.

You do not have to only give material or physical possessions. Giving intangible things like a smile or a kind word is also good. You reap what you sow and when you are a giver you will also get people giving back to you. In the long run, you will have a mindset of abundance because there are always give and take transactions going on in your life.

#4. Aim at having your life organized 

Life does happen and sometimes our lives may not turn out the way we want them too. However, when you organize your life and put in place systems; this can help you to develop a mindset of abundance. Instead of feeling like you never have enough time, your systems help you to feel like you have all the time you need. Similarly, when you are organized you know what you have. This is good because then you will not end up feeling like you lack things and need to get more.

#5. Avoid the comparison trap

With social media constantly in our faces, it is very easy to become envious of what is going on in other people\’s lives. When this happens you will definitely have a scarcity mindset because you feel they have what you do not have. Instead, when it comes to social media, rejoice with those who rejoice and mourn with those who mourn. Remember an abundance mindset views life as a big pie that is enough to go around. This means today it is someone else\’s turn but tomorrow it will be your turn.

Another way to avoid the comparison trap is to avoid attaching your happiness to things or arriving at a certain point or status in life. Instead, be grateful for each day that you are alive. When you are grateful for the gift of life, you will develop a mindset of abundance because you feel with the life you have, you can achieve anything you desire.


Another way to develop a mindset of abundance is to be intentional and to count your blessings. Doing this will put before you the many things you should be grateful for. Indeed praise flows naturally when you count your blessings. This then helps get rid of a scarcity mindset where you feel nothing good is happening for you.

Although I often write in my gratitude journal maybe weekly or sometimes monthly. This month, I purposed to write just three things I am grateful for each day. I often find myself looking out for the good that goes on during the day so that I can put it in my journal. This is definitely contributing to me having a mindset of abundance.

Those my friends are some of the things you can do to develop and maintain a mindset of abundance. Remember, the key to always have a mindset of abundance is to stop needing more and appreciate what you already have.

I am curious, what about you, how do you ensure that you develop and maintain a mindset of abundance? Please share in the comments section.






6 thoughts on “How To Develop & Maintain A Mindset Of Abundance”

  1. Thank you Rosette for sharing your brilliant thoughts with me.
    You have given me homework to do, think about, so I can start living life with a grateful spirit abiding in me.

  2. Hello,

    I stumbled upon your article and just the right time. I really enjoyed the information. You have given me some great tips to work on while moving in the direction from a good life to an abundant, grateful life. .
    Thank you.

  3. Wow Rosette I love the article. Most importantly I love the point of give more than you receive. This is the main form of sharing knowledge. Great article. Thanks.

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