5 Tips To Develop A Reading Habit & Stick To It

Although reading is a habit that we should all inculcate into our daily habits, I still meet people who say they do not read because they cannot find the time to read. The advantages of reading are immense. Not only do you gain more knowledge but it allows you to experience the life of the character you are reading about. Self-development books, on the other hand, help you to grow and become a better person.

If you have tried before and failed to stick to a habit of reading, some of the tips below could be of help to you.


#1. Begin with books you like

The mistake some people trying to develop a habit of reading make is getting into a group or a book club that dictates which book they should read. If you are a novice and trying to create the habit begin with books that you love. This will help you to stick to reading and before you know it has become a habit. After this, you can then comfortably join a book club.

#2. Set a specific time for reading and stick to it

Unless you get intentional with creating time for reading, there will never be time for it. In order for me to be able to read every day, I ensure that I set aside 15 – 20 minutes every day to read. This may seem like little time but it is what enabled me to read 8 books last year. When you have a set time, you are able to focus more and achieve more.

#3. Always carry your book or reading device with you

You never know when you may get an opportunity to squeeze in some extra minutes to read. If you are not driving, your commute is a good time to sneak in reading. Similarly, when you go to a meeting or an appointment and have to wait, the waiting time can be used to read.

#4. Be Open minded and embrace technology

Gone are the days when you must have a physical book in order to read. These days with e-readers and audio books, reading is more fun and easy. Personally, when I read especially non-fiction books I like to make notes for future reference. I am learning how to embrace audiobooks which of course cut the reading time in half. If you are a very audio person, using audible books can be a great way to get into the habit of reading.

#5. Set a reading goal for the year

Another way you can develop a habit of reading especially if you are a goal oriented person is to set a goal to read a certain number of books per year. I prefer the yearly goals for reading because in seasons when you are not too busy you can manage to get in more reading in your life. There are different sites that can help you with this. Goodreads and Amazon allow you to maintain a wish list which can be visible to your friends.


Like any other thing, creating a habit of reading will require that you are in it for the long haul. Please do not give up because you went a few days without reading. Instead, give yourself a pat on the back when you follow through with your plan. As you celebrate your small steps, this will propel you to go for the big steps.

This year so far, I am on my third book which is Jeff Goin\’s book Real Artists do not starve. I would like to know what are you reading or plan to read. Please share in the comments section.



3 thoughts on “5 Tips To Develop A Reading Habit & Stick To It”

  1. Pingback: 20 Habits That Lead To A Fulfilled Life | Fulfilled Life Blog

  2. It really helped when you said that I should start with the kinds of books that I like. I’m having a hard time understanding non-fiction works and I guess it’s time for me to explore another genre. I’ll try to look for a YA superhero book series and see if I can finish it in one sitting.

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