How Embracing Simplistic Living Helps To Avoid Stress

Can you believe it is March already?  I hope spring has sprung where you live if you experience the seasons. In the spirit of spring cleaning, this month we shall be focusing on organization. We kick it off by looking at how one can avoid stress by embracing simplistic living.


Although often confused, simple living and minimalism refer to two different things. However, writing in the Huffington Post, Kathy Gottberg concludes that they are two sides of the same coin. She noted that minimalism tends to be external with a focus on being disciplined to ensure one can pare down their belongings so everything they own has a designated purpose.

Simple living, on the other hand, tends to be internal and the focus is on being content and embracing life more gently and concentrating on what is most important to you. Whichever side of the coin you choose, what matters is both minimalism and simplistic living have benefits when done in a consistent manner.


As a family, we tend to lean towards simplistic living and below I share three ways in which we are doing this.

#1. Avoiding Clutter 

I do not think anyone sets out to be a clutter bug it is something that creeps upon us. You see something you like and decide to give it a place in your home this continues and before you realize it, you are drowning in stuff.

While appearing on the Oprah Winfrey show, Nate Berkus gave this piece of advise \”your home should be your sanctuary and should rise up to greet you\”. This cannot happen when you live with clutter. What makes it worse is because there is not enough space to display all the items you purchase, you fail to appreciate their beauty.

As a family, in order to avoid this dilemma, we live by the one in one out rule. Whether it is shoes which I love or clothing or furniture, in order to make room for the new we have to let go of the old. On my part, I have made tremendous progress, especially regarding my shoe collection. My husband, on the other hand, is very good in this area and he always says \”it is good to gift an item when it is still in good condition so that the new owner can enjoy it too\”.

It is imperative to point out here that clutter does not only come in the form of physical things it can manifest in activities or relationships or a lifestyle you embrace.  In order to avoid this clutter, we choose to embrace what Greg Mckeown calls \”living a life of essentialism where you commit to a life of doing only what is essential to you\”What is important to note, however, is before you embrace essentialism you must be clear about what is essential to you.

I invite you to avoid stress by embracing simplistic living. The starting point could be taking my FREE 7 Day Organise Your Life Mini-Course.

#2. Working With What We Have

As stated above, simplistic living requires that you live a life of contentment. Rachel Cruze rightly observed that \”In a heart full of gratitude, there is no room for discontentment\”. As a family, we strive to be content in all ways.

I remember when we lived in a house where my office also doubled as the family gym. In order to make it work, I decided to treat my workspace as if it were a real office. I ensured that I filed my papers well and maintained a relatively clean desk. I purposed to \”enjoy where I was on the way to where I wanted to be\”. So whether it is that small cramped kitchen or the tiny bathroom go ahead and treat it as you would treat the kitchen or bathroom of your dreams.

Perhaps one could argue that learning to work with what you have inevitably means you live within your means. Many times what we want is not necessarily what we need. When you work with what you have, you often find you are able to meet the needs before you and live contented. What this then does is help you to avoid stress simply because you have chosen to work with what you have.

#3. Always Having a Plan in Place

Simplistic living calls for being intentional. This means you need a plan of how you are going to simplify your life. Your plan should begin with you determining what matters the most to you. Ask yourself in what areas am I determined not to make trade offs? When faced with conflicting decisions to which ball am I willing to drop?

I am a person who swears by plans. Perhaps because it is the only way I know how to manage myself and my weaknesses. Plans help me to avoid stress a lot. Whether it is my weekly plan that enables me to manage my roles of wife, mother, cook, teacher, chauffeur, blogger, consultant e.t.c. or a meal plan to allow me cook simple but nourishing food for my family, or a simple menu of what to cook when we are hosting, plans work for me.

Every Sunday I sit down and draw up my plans for the coming week and then work my plan. Sometimes life happens and I am derailed but this does not completely throw me off and I soon find my bearing and get back on track. My greatest benefit of having a plan is they help break things down which enables me not to feel overwhelmed.


Perhaps the best way to avoid stress and embrace simplistic living begins with self-discovery. You need to be aware of who you are as a person. What are your strengths what comes easy for you and what are your weaknesses? I have found that when I design plans that help me to work in the areas where I am strong it enables me to win all the time. I also believe that with prayer and planning, it is possible to find simplicity and balance which in turn allows you to enjoy spending time on things that matter the most to you.

Next week we shall look at some of the reasons why you should use routines to organize your life.


The Organisation Series

How Simplistic Living Helps To Avoid Stress (You are here)

4 Reasons To Have Routines In Your Life

How Small Actions Can Produce Big Results

How To Manage Your Life NOT Time

3 Ways to Beat Procrastination

12 thoughts on “How Embracing Simplistic Living Helps To Avoid Stress”

  1. Thanks Rosette for this very useful advice with practical steps that I will be taking on board as I embrace a “life of essentialism”.

  2. “Enjoying where I am on the way to where I would like to be”. I will begin working on it, thank you Rosette.


  3. Great article Rosette. I agree, too much clutter…clutters the mind…slows you down and weighs you down.

    1. Rosette Wamambe

      Thank you Catherine. Its true clutter rids us of our productivity we need to avoid it like the plague.

  4. Pingback: How Small Actions Can Produce Big Results | Fulfilled Life Blog by Rosette Wamambe

  5. Pingback: 3 Ways To Beat Procrastination | Fulfilled Life Blog by Rosette Wamambe

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