A few days ago, when I opened my calendar with daily inspirations, the words therein were, \”expand your horizons, because that will expand your influence, your possibilities, and your abilities\”.
This reminded me of Joel Osteen\’s book Your Best Life Now. In this book, Joel shares 7 steps to living at your full potential no matter your circumstances.
He begins by asking us to enlarge our vision. He said \”as long as you cannot see it or imagine it then it is not going to happen to you. You have to conceive it on the inside before you can receive it on the outside.\”
These words are also synonymous with the reasons why I believe each of us should have a vision board for our goals. I believe we can create what we desire through what we visualize of our lives. I also think that we can live life with an enlarged vision and thrive by doing two simple but effective things.
#1. Increase your capacity to receive.
It is true that sometimes we have not, because the places we have allowed ourselves to be in are too limited to accommodate our blessings. This is why from time to time, you need to shift your focus from one of lack to that of abundance.
Scripture tells us to \”enlarge the place of your tent, stretch your tent curtains wide, do not hold back; lengthen your cords, strengthen your stakes\”. This verse speaks to us about enlarging our visions. Once you have asked, you need to be ready and make room for the supply because he who promised is faithful.
More often than not, we ask but forget to enlarge our tents. We have been promised that when we are faithful, he will \”pour out a blessing so great we will not have enough room to take it in\”.
Increasing your capacity to receive also means you have to learn to ask for what you deserve. It is not enough to think people know what you want. You have to voice it out. We are told to \”ask and we shall receive\”.
I am learning that when I ask I should also prepare myself to receive. Very often this means working on myself to be ready for the new position I will be elevated too. For example, if you are believing for a promotion into a managerial role begin to dress and act like a person in that position. Similarly, if you are praying and believing for something do your research on how to use it. In the same way, you can even go ahead and begin to \”act as if\” you have already received what you asked for.
#2. Let go of your old mindset.
Enlarging your visions also requires you to let go of your limited thinking. You need to stop dwelling so much on what was or worrying about what will be and concentrate on what is before you.
Life is supposed to be lived in the present moment that is why we were taught to pray thus \”give us today our daily bread…\” We are not given what was leftover from yesterday or what is belongs to tomorrow instead the manna we get is for the day before us.
We are told \”he is able to do exceedingly abundantly beyond what we ask or think of\”. You must let go of your old mindsets and allow God to \”wow\” you with what he is capable of.
I urge you to make a decision to allow yourself to visualize and see beyond your current abilities. Make sure you keep a record of what you are seeing. After this, patiently wait as God goes to work and accomplishes that which he has allowed you to glimpse upon.