In a few days from now, we shall say good bye to this year and welcome a new one. At this time of the year, there are usually people rejoicing over what they accomplished throughout the year. However, there is also another group of people who are lamenting about what went wrong this year. I am of the view that regardless of which group you belong to, we should all finish this year with gratitude in our hearts and here are my reasons why.
#1. You Are ALIVE!
It does not matter what the past year has been like you have pushed through and lived to tell your story. This is the first and most important reason why you should finish this year with gratitude. Yes you may have gone through so much and you even wondered whether you would live to see another day but you did so be grateful for the gift of life.
#2. New Year = New Slate
Regardless of what went right or wrong last year, we are all going to get a new slate when the new year comes around. The way you will handle that slate all depends on you. Are you going to let what went wrong stop you from moving forward or are you going to draw lessons from the past year and soldier on? Even those who have registered success this year, you need to plan how you will build on that success next year.
At this point, you should not be asking why did this have to happen? instead, you should be asking how can I ensure that I learn from the past year and make the coming year a success. Make time to plan for the new year. Set some challenging but realistic goals and lay out a plan of how you will go about achieving those goals.
I usually use my goal setting worksheet and 12-week year sheet to capture my goals for the year and then plan for my year 12 weeks at a time. I highly recommend these two sheets as they have helped me to accomplish my goals over the years.
#3. Gratitude Opens Doors For More
In order to get what you desire, you need to begin by being grateful for what you already have. Personally, this year has seen us as a family go through quite a few disappointments. We came to learn that sometimes what we think is ours is never really ours until it is in our hands. However inspite of the disappointments we also had a tone of blessings we are grateful for. I am sure when I go to review my year and make the final entry in my journal for this year, I will find there are many things to be grateful for. I have learned that gratitude is a magnet for blessings. The more you are grateful the more things you will have to be grateful for in your life.
I invite you to take some time before the year ends and write down what you are grateful for this year. Take time also and reflect on the people who have been a blessing to you this year and reach out to them and say thank you.
“Cultivate the habit of being grateful for every good thing that comes to you, and to give thanks continuously. And because all things have contributed to your advancement, you should include all things in your gratitude.”
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Remember as you choose to finish this year with gratitude to magnify the good and shrink the bad or negative. Do not be discouraged about the slow progress you may have made because this is better than no progress at all. Keep in mind that your best days are ahead of you.
I wish you a happy, blessed and prosperous new year. May the Almighty God cause his face to shine upon you and grant you good health, wealth and your hearts desires.
Well said Rosette. And since you are also on my 2017 list of gratitude…allow me to say thankyou for all your hard work, dedication, determination and insightful articles always…
Happy holidays…
Thank you Rita for your kind words. Merry Christmas and a blessed and prosperous 2018 to you and yours.