There Is Always A First Time For Everything

As we prepare to usher in 2017 am very certain there are two groups of people. The first group is rejoicing over the accomplishments they made this year while the second maybe feeling defeated and let down because they failed yet again to accomplish their goals.

Sad as this may be, it is comforting to know you are not alone. In scripture, we are told about the story of the woman with the issue of blood found in Luke 8:43-48. We read “a woman was there who had been subjected to bleeding for twelve years but no one would heal her”. From the story, we see this woman had taken a proactive approach and done whatever she could to get help yet all her efforts yielded no results. She could have grown weary and given up but instead, she believed that if she made one more attempt she would obtain the healing she was craving and she did.

Maybe like this woman you have a condition or a situation you are pushing through or praying would change. Every year you could be saying to yourself for the first time in years I will be free from this addiction or be debt free or finally finish my studies and graduate or settle down and start the family I have always wanted. What should give you courage is the fact that you have not given up on your dream and you still have the belief that one day you will accomplish what you are aiming for.

From this story, I was able to draw out two lessons which I will share below.

#1. Jesus is able to come to your rescue and relieve you of your burdens regardless of the situation or how long you have had to endure the same

All that is required of you is to touch the hem of his garment with faith that he can heal you. I read that this woman stood out from the crowd because whereas the crowd came to see Jesus out of curiosity, this woman came with the determination that if she could reach out and touch him her problem would be solved. The question for us then is how are we looking at Jesus today? do we have the faith that even when everything else has failed he is capable of doing the impossible and bring life or healing to our situations?

#2. Everything has a first time

Perhaps you come from a family where no one is a graduate and now all the circumstances surrounding you point to the fact that you are going to follow that trend. However, remember this woman had failed not for a couple of years but for a dozen years and yet her healing came not when she gave Jesus a hug but a small touch of the hem of his garment. This should motivate you to keep going and look forward to your time when one touch will capitulate you into victory and pave way for others in your family.

As we go into 2017, let us do so with expectancy knowing that the one who promised is faithful. Let us not focus on what is around us and the many reports we could have received. Instead, let us choose to focus on the words that Moses gave the Israelites to encourage them as they prepared to enter the promised land.


As you enter into the new year, it helps to keep in mind that when everyone else is looking at life with curiosity and fear I urge you instead to respond with having a \”peace that surpasses all understanding\” because you know there is always a first time to everything.

7 thoughts on “There Is Always A First Time For Everything”

    1. Thank you Miriam. Indeed we should you just never know when the time for our one touch will come up. We have to remain hopeful.

  1. Pingback: You Can Make This Your Best Year | Fulfilled Life Blog by Rosette Wamambe

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