He Knows Your Name

Like most mothers with children who require a little more attention, beginning of a school year often brings concerns and anxiety.

This year though has been a little different. I give God all the glory for indeed he is bringing the good work he started to fruition. Since our son can get worked up when he is facing a new situation or environment, we find it best to prepare him in advance.

Preparation Is Key

When the school year closes, I make it a habit to ask him whether he is  ready for the next class. This year in June when I posed the question, for the first time in his life he said YES! I was pleasantly surprised by his answer. This however, allowed me to enjoy the summer holiday in a relaxed manner.

I asked the question again in August and still I received a positive response. I then proceeded to give him a preparation talk of what he should expect in grade 4 or year 5 (depending on what system you are familiar with). We started the school year last week without a hitch and have been blessed with a supportive teacher.

A Word In Season

A few weeks ago as I celebrated my birthday, my word for the day came from Karen Eham who noted that \” while the arrival of the school year brings a fresh start- and soon the change of seasons-it can also bring a lot of worrying to a mama\’s heart\”. She then proceeded to share from one of the scriptures I often quote as I wish children a happy birthday. It says

\”Then he went down to Nazareth with them and was obedient to them. But his mother treasured all these things in her heart. And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and Man\”.

Enjoy The Journey Of Parenthood

As I ingested the contents of her post and the scripture above, the lesson below came through.

 Do not let the concerns of your child this school year choke out the joy that comes with watching your child grow.

Reading through the scripture above, I sense that like many of us, Mary too had concerns about Jesus. We know that although he was unique he had a normal childhood and adolescence. Later scriptures show how his wisdom and knowledge astonished not just his parents but even the teachers of the law. All these things could have brought concerns to Mary and caused her to seek out people she could discuss them with. Instead she choose to treasure her thoughts in her heart.

Maybe like Mary you are parenting a gifted child and their actions cause you to wonder. Sometimes you worry how their life will unfold. You have an example to follow; this year choose to busk in the joy that your child will bring you as a result of their talents.

Perhaps you are on the other spectrum and are parenting a child who needs a little more attention. As mothers, we are often the first ones to observe progress in our children before anyone else does. This year instead of worrying and getting anxious, choose to celebrate the progress that your child makes and return the glory to the one who deserves it. We are told that \” the plans God has for us are to prosper us and not harm us. These plans also give us a hope and a future\”.


God Knows Us By Name

Given the fact that God knows each of us by name, the plans he has for each of us are also clear before him. We know that each of us was created for a specific purpose and have a definite destiny to fulfill. God in his might and wisdom is always orchestrating things to ensure we walk into the life he has planned for us.

Ours is to trust and ask him for more grace as we partner with him to raise those he has blessed us with. Instead of worrying, let us choose to leave our concerns at his feet and be present to enjoy the journey of parenting because soon these children will be out of our care.



10 thoughts on “He Knows Your Name”

  1. Hey Rossette, this is a great post. Sometimes the wearying concern is not only immediate or medium term. We can also get overwhelmed with the longer term unknown…wondering how are litlle kids will brace adolescence and the youth peer pressures….but our God remains unchanging and these beautiful and previous gifts still remains the apple of his eye. We need to keep trusting and pray for inherent qualities as caregivers and parents that will build a firmer foundation for them….let us learn to enjoy the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living…. keep trustong and leave all our burdens and anxieties at his feet…then we can enjoy his fullness and this life…so short.

    1. Thank you Rosemond and you are right the key is to lay our burdens at his feet otherwise the worries can rob us of precious time with our children.

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  2. Beautifully said! Indeed! He knows the plans He has for us and our children. Wishing you and yours a fantastic and blessed school year!

  3. Thank you Rosette for amazing insights. This is really encouraging for me as these past few days I have been going through a tough time and having conversations with my pre-schooler about not wanting to go to school every single morning. So I realised how everything that is suppose to be ‘normal’ is all new for him in the new academic year (new classroom, new classmates, new class teacher and to add to that new schedule). Now I know how to better prepare him & us for the next school year. Better late than never. Thanks again.

  4. I know it is pretty obvious now that I think about it, but I had never thought about how Mary raised a gifted child! I love that God knows each of us so intimately and I can trust Him because of that. Thanks for sharing. I found your post through the Under the Tree Linky Party at My Faith Tree

  5. Thank you Rosette. Its true the bible cautions us not to worry about what we shall eat or drink but rather seek first his kingdom and righteousness and all the rest shall be added unto us. I personally have taken on rejoicing in the good and bad times and also focus on the good things and not the bad ones. With this i no longer stress my self

    1. Way to go Lillian. It is true we are not promised a life without struggles or trials instead we were told to “be of good cheer he overcame”. When you keep remembering this word you are able to go through any trial knowing he who promised is faithful.

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