3 Ways An Orgainsed Kitchen Helps You Save Money

So you are determined to make your financial situation better this year. You either want to pay off your debt or save for that big purchase. All efforts to close any leaking taps have been made but you still feel you can do more. Did you know that an organized kitchen can help you save money every month?

Confession time!! I love spending time in the kitchen. In fact, some of my most pleasurable moments happen in the kitchen. Spending time in the kitchen has taught me that I can help to bring some savings to the family budget. This I can do with the way I handle my kitchen regardless of its size. Below I share 3 ways how having an organized kitchen can help you save money.

#1. Make It Work

I  have heard people who have all sorts of excuses why they will not cook and instead choose to have most of their meals outside the home.

I recall my prayer in 2014 as we prepared to relocate to Abidjan. \”Lord grant us a four bedroomed house with a compound and a garden\”. God was faithful and he granted us a house that fitted my desire except that it had a tiny kitchen with only one countertop. My first thought was, how will I be able to make chapati (a form of flatbread that is popular in East Africa). Nevertheless, because decent accommodation was rare at the time we took the house.

Four years down the road, I have grown to love my tiny kitchen. You know why? it is because I have made it work for my family. I started by ensuring that what came and stayed in the kitchen was absolutely necessary. Then, I ensured that every item had a place. Finally, I taught myself how to make chapati on the small countertop.

By taking time to organize this small space, I find it not only enables me to cook nourishing meals for my family, but it has also contributed to the memories we have had in this home. We have been able to host some people even during big holidays like Christmas and Easter. The systems in place enable me to see what we have. This ensures that little goes to waste. Also, because space is limited, I ensure I make meals that are quick and easy.

You should refrain from making excuses for the kitchen you have. Avoid wishing or making promises that you will use the kitchen more when you have more space. Instead, look for creative ways to make what you currently have work. Without a doubt the more meals you have at home the less money you spend on food. So make that kitchen work for you.

#2. Keep Things Simple

You may have heard that the number one rule to saving money in the kitchen is meal planning. However, do you know that many people fail to meal plan because of the systems they use? For me, simple always takes the day. This is because not only are you able to keep up with simple systems, but you can also turn them into routines.

When it comes to meal planning, I keep a list of our favorite recipes which I keep adding on from time to time. Every time I introduce a new recipe I make it a point to ask my family if it should go in the favorites pile.

I also have a fridge magnet with days of the week so every Sunday evening I take time to make a menu for the week based on the activities coming up that week. I ensure that I incorporate a leftover day which is usually either Saturday or Sunday Lunch. This ensures that I rest from cooking all the time and that nothing goes to waste.

This system is working for us very well. I am one of those people who shop then meal plan around what I have bought instead of the other way round. If you have been failing at meal planning, try and come up with your own system which is simple. In most cases what works for others may not work for another person. Take time to set up a system that takes into consideration the uniqueness of your family. Not only will you stick to the habit but it will bring you results in terms of saving.

#3. Invest In Effective Gadgets

I know you may be saying wait a minute I thought this is about saving not spending. However, sometimes you need to spend before you save. Look at it this way, maybe you are one of those who buy those pre-cut vegetables because of the convenience and presentation you will get. However, if you bite the bullet and invest in a nice mandoline you will save some money by chopping the vegetables yourself. We also know that a kilo of minced turkey or beef costs more. Investing in a mincer will help you save some money in the long run.

My rule of thumb is if it will make my work easier and faster, I will put it on my wishlist and save for it.


Whether you decide to hire a professional to organize your kitchen or do it yourself, remember to put in place systems that work for you. It is good for us to go to Pinterest or watch Youtube videos and want to replicate things. However, if you do not own the system it will fail. Instead, draw inspiration from others but determine to come up with a system by you for you. Doing this will help you learn what is working for you and let go of what is not producing the results you crave.

I would love to know what tips help you make savings in the kitchen. Please share them in the comments section.

3 thoughts on “3 Ways An Orgainsed Kitchen Helps You Save Money”

  1. I am completely stunned and astonished by your amazing cause the way you have submitted the information over here is very organized and informative cause i was looking for some cool kitchen appliances for children friendly and here we go i found it here but at the end of comment i want to know more details information regarding this topic and moreover can you recommend which particular brand i really have to go? Highly appreciation for your amazing professionalism and great patience.

    1. Hi Andy thank you for your kind words.

      Please let me know what particular gadgets are you looking for then I can recommend the brands that I use. What I can advise for now is with appliances we usually prefer to go for quality over quantity. For example we have a Russel Hobbs Instant Pot that also serves as a slow cooker and a rice cooker. I think its the best Christmas gift I have ever got. My husband gave it to me last year.

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