In today’s world, if you asked people what does success look like, most of them would give definitions that are based on three things. These three things are power, status and wealth. However, if you think hard you will discover that you know some people who have all these three things and yet their actions are far from describing what success is.
When I teach my workshop at the beginning of the year entitled, “Make this your best year”, I always begin by asking the participants to determine what success is going to look like for them that year. In order to know whether you have had a successful year, you need to have a gauge for determining your success. This requires beginning with the “end in mind”. Once you have a clear picture of what success will look like for you, you then work on designing a plan to achieve your vision.
In my view, success is relative and different people attach different things to what amounts to success for them. To some people, success could mean financial freedom while others view it as having the ability to generate products that move the needle and impact people’s lives. Others may tell you it is having people to love and care for and them loving you back.
Whatever definition you go by, it is very important that we each come up with our definition of success and below I share three reasons why I think this way.
#1. It helps you to determine which direction you should take
Imagine going through life without knowing what matters the most to you!! Every day you are bombarded with things that call for your attention. Perhaps it is someone driving the latest car or it is another asserting how they earned a six-figure income last year, or one showing off photos of their latest vacation and so on. Like I love to say,
‘When you do not have your clear definition of what success looks like, you tend to feel unsuccessful every time other people talk about their success ‘When you do not have your clear definition of what success looks like, you tend to feel unsuccessful every time other people talk about their success.
On the other hand, if you have your definition of success, when you encounter these scenarios, you are able to “rejoice with those who rejoice” and remain confident that you are also successful because you have achieved what matters the most to you.
Having a clear definition of success helps you know where your true north lies. You are then able to determine what is necessary and essential to help you get to that destination. You avoid going through life climbing the ladder of success only to get to the top and discover it was leaning against the wrong wall all the time.
#2. It helps you to live a life of gratitude
Sometimes we fail to give thanks because we do not see the multitude of things before us to be grateful for. While researching for this post, I came across a person who defined success as “having tea and coffee with her family out on the deck followed by a walk through the woods”. She went on to observe that “success is more of a path than a destination, it is less about doing and having and much more about the being”.
From this definition, it is clear that this person\’s definition of success is more about appreciating what may seem like the “small” things in life. Reminds me of the quote that says “enjoy and be grateful for the little things in life, for one day you will look back and realize they were the big things”.
Having a clear definition of success enables you to live each day with gratitude because you recognize the small steps you are taking towards achieving your own success and your big goals.
In my view, success and contentment often go together. Show me a person who is content and you will see someone who also feels successful.
#3. It helps you remember that your definition can change
In order to feel successful, you have to determine what is important to you at any given time then focus on it and get rid of the guilt that often consumes us because you have not achieved your ideal situation.
Perhaps your definition of success includes having dinner with your family every evening. You may also have a goal of working your way out of debt which means you have to work extra hours. You could begin by giving yourself grace and setting a target of maybe 2 – 3 times a week. When you find yourself achieving this goal, you will feel successful in this area and as you move towards eliminating that debt then you can increase to maybe 4-5 times a week. Doing this enables you to win and when you encounter someone saying they enjoy dinner with their family every night it will not make you feel unsuccessful because you are on the road to achieving this goal too.
Whatever definition of success you come up with, keep in mind that this is a journey to your desired destination. Like all journeys, there will be both smooth and rocky paths you will have to take. The key will always be to keep focused on your vision and then work on the details. I am finding that it helps when I think big but plan small. This means I am able to maintain flexibility in the steps I am taking to achieve my definition of success.
I would love to know how have you chosen to define success? Please share in the comments section below.
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