How To Always Choose Happiness In Life

Is Happiness a choice we can make? A lot has been written and said about how happiness is a choice. Whether this choice is one that is easy to make is debatable. Below I share some ways in which you can make the choice to be happy.



#1. Always Choose Life Over Death

Every day of your life, God places before you two choices. You can either choose life and blessings or death and curses. What is interesting to note is that the choice you make affects not just you but your descendants as well.

Although the choice to be made appears obvious; the actual test is not as easy at it looks mostly because we make these choices even without being aware that we are doing so. For example, when you choose to be happy and enjoy life as it has been presented to you, you are choosing life. On the contrary when you focus and dwell on things you do not have or choose to fix your paradigms on what should have been then you are inevitably choosing death.

#2. Choose to Stay in the Present 

We are told in Psalms 118:24 that \”This is the day the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it\”. It may be argued that according to this verse, every day is a gift from God. Similarly that God never intended that we postpone our happiness to some days and not others. We are called to rejoice and be glad for each day. WOW! What a high calling this is.

In order to rejoice and be glad each day, you have to make the deliberate effort to stay in the Present moment. According to the verse above, we were not promised \”days\” in the past or the future but the present day. This will require that you let go of what you think life ought to have been or what you want it to be and instead place your focus on what is before you. When you do this, you will be able to make the most of the day you have. In turn, in the future, you will be able to live off the memories you are creating and not the regrets of what should have been.

#3. Choose to Count Your Blessings

You need to also cultivate the habit of counting your blessings and naming them one by one. I have a friend who reacts to bad situations by saying \”it could have been worse\”. This is what I choose to do last week when I fell in a trench, bruised my leg and got a swollen ankle; even though this meant I would not be able to wear my cherished heels and meet my weekly fitness goals I was thankful that I had been spared a fractured ankle given the fact that the trench was a deep one.

In addition to counting your blessings, you need to remember that you are blessed to be a blessing. The joy that comes from being a conduit of God blessing another human being is immeasurable. The same goes for when you purposefully show kindness to those in need of it.

#4. Choose to be Intentional 

Without a doubt, choosing happiness requires being intentional. This means that you alone are responsible for your happiness. Your happiness should not be a result of something you achieve or because of someone\’s existence. Doing this calls for a paradigm shift given the fact that we live in a world where happiness is tagged to success and yet the world\’s definition of success is skewed. It entails working hard, getting lots of money or being popular and getting recognition from certain people. Apparently, it\’s only after you have all of the above that happiness can pop its face in your doorway. We all know if this was the case then many rich and famous people would be living happily ever after but they too are searching for the key to happiness.


Although always making the choice to be happy is not an easy decision to make, its benefits are enormous. You need to realize that happiness only comes after you decide that you will be happy. This will require being more optimistic and grateful for each day. In addition, the road to consistently choosing happiness is one that you must continue to take with the hope that one day you shall arrive at your desired destination.

In what ways are you making happiness a choice? Let us continue the discussion in the comments section.


                                                      Mountain Kilimanjaro. Photo Credit Nadiah Bakkidde




11 thoughts on “How To Always Choose Happiness In Life”

  1. This is a great article on happiness. Making a choice to be happy is a deliberate and calculated move! Always the options are two. To be or not to be (happy). The person who makes the deliberate option of always being happy is able to overcome and pass through life’s ups and downs positively. Such a person puzzles the friends and onlookers. ..They wonder why the person always looks calm and contented yet the person seems to have insurmountable challenges. The secret is that the person in question has made deliberate effort to be happy, positive and optimistic. Such a person has an inner secret too….The belief in a greater being inside the soul. Who is God and his word!

  2. Dear Rosette, that’s a good piece of work. It is full of many takeaways. My favourite ones are : 1. My happiness is not going to depend on others or what I have; 2. “It could have been worse” .

  3. Thanks Rossette for a well written insight.
    True, that we have the free will to choose. Happiness is a deliberate choice everyday to wake up to. God has given us the free will to choose life or death and He has given us the tools for it. The Word!

    Keep up the good work, which will help many people realise the best out of themselves.

  4. I actually just finished watching a news interview her in Australia about three remarkable people who have been diagnosed with Motor Neuron Disease. Their mental outlook was amazing and I wondered to myself whether I would be able to have such an outlook. Your post touched on some brilliant points. The joy I do have is I know the end of the story – and I will be with Christ. So no matter what each day brings I can find joy in that.

    1. Rosette Wamambe

      Thank you Megan for your kind words. Thank you too for the linky party am enjoying reading the several posts that the ladies are putting up. God richly bless you.

  5. This was great Rossette! It is so true that we have to be intentional in choosing happiness daily. Our flesh loves creep back in taking our focus off all God’s blessing and providence in our lives. There are so many rich scriptures to guard our hearts in this post! Thank you for your wise words!

    1. Rosette Wamambe

      Thank you Melissa for your kind words. I love your site. Keep up the good work and may God give you more wisdom. God bless.

  6. Pingback: Forget What Is In The Past | Fulfilled Life Blog by Rosette Wamambe

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