We Can All Be Noble Women (Part 1)

It is May already! for those who have not celebrated Mother’s Day this year, happy Mother’s day to you! This month, we shall be celebrating the gift of womanhood.

I have always found the term noble woman fascinating and so I set out to discover its actual meaning. I like the definition given by Joseph Curtis a noble woman is one who is finding fulfillment in her home, community and in her career. As a result she has the favour and love of her husband, children and above all God.”  (Emphasis added). The definition Google gave me for the word fulfillment was “satisfaction or happiness as a result of fully developing ones’s abilities or character”. 

These two definitions have led me to conclude that all women have the ability to become noble women. All you have to remember is that each of us is gifted differently. What is required of you is to develop your abilities and character using your gifts. After this, fulfillment will be ours for the taking.

The problem we face is that society has conditioned us to accept certain norms if we do not fit into these boxes we often question ourselves. For example who says because a woman is not working outside the home she is not a professional? Or because she has not gone through the full cycle of carrying and giving birth to a child she cannot be a mother?

It is imperative to note that the journey to developing your abilities and character begins with you being confident in who you are. In her book The Confident Woman, Joyce Meyer has listed seven secrets of a confident woman as:

Secrets of a Confident Woman

She knows she is loved.

You know there are people who would go to the moon and back for you. However, there are also those who in spite of what you do, they could not care less. The key is to learn to focus on those who love you and forget those who do not.

She refuses to live in fear and let it stop her from doing what she wants to do.

We all have things that we are afraid to do. Sometimes you admire the way other people do them and wish you could do the same. Joyce says we should just go ahead and give it a try even if it means doing it afraid.

She maintains a positive attitude.

There will always be good days and bad days and none of them lasts forever. If you keep this attitude then you will be able to hind the advise given by Joyce and look at the sun instead of the clouds.

She recovers from her set backs.

Scripture says, \”though the righteous fall seven times they rise again\”. Each of us is bound to fail at something. However, how you pull yourself after a fall determines how you move on after that. The key is not to look at failure as the end but learn from it and purpose to do better in future.

She avoids comparisons.

Each of us is gifted differently and no matter how talented, smart or successful you are there will always be someone else better than you. Learning this and allowing yourself to stop feeling threatened or inadequate when another woman is better than you especially in areas where you struggle is key. Instead reach out to learn from others only then will you be on our way to becoming a noble woman.

She takes action. 

According to Joyce, the only mistake you cannot recover from is the mistake of never being willing to make one in the first place. How many times do you say to yourself I will do this that or the other and never follow through. You need to be a proactive woman and determine that if you want to be or get something you are going to do whatever it takes to get it.

She does not live in “if only” or “what if”. 

Joyce has correctly observed that if only is a thief of what could be. She advises that instead you should give God what you have and he will use it and give us back more than you had to begin with.

As you may have already observed these secrets are not out of your reach. What you have to remember is although you have been given special abilities and skills, you may lack in other areas. The key then is to accept who you are, flaws and all and reach out to learn from those who are gifted in areas where you are weak. Once you do this then you will be able to meet the above description of a noble woman.

In Part 2, we shall look at the characteristics of the woman described in Proverbs 31 and learn how you can take a leaf and apply them to life in the 21st century.

Noble Women Series

The Confident Woman (You are here)

Be a Proverbs 31 Woman in the 21st Century

The Role of a Mentor 

You are Fearfully & Wonderfully Made

5 thoughts on “We Can All Be Noble Women (Part 1)”

  1. Beautiful piece. Awaiting Part 2. Happy mother’s day to you too Rosette and to all the noble women out there!! God bless.

  2. Thanks for the great piece Rosette -here’s to all the noble women! I like the seven secrets from Joyce Meyer – the power of a positive attitude is indeed real. It is a choice whether to see a glass as half-empty or half-full. Attitude determines altitude so let us indeed choose a positive attitude and soar!

  3. Pingback: We Can All Be Noble Women (Part 2) | Fulfilled Life Blog by Rosette Wamambe

  4. Pingback: We Can All Be Noble Women (Part 3) | Fulfilled Life Blog by Rosette Wamambe

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