How to Handle Overwhelm At Work Or At Home

It happens to all of us, sometimes you feel like the wheel of life is spinning too fast and you are not holding on tight enough.  Maybe it is a new job or it is just a busy season of life. The question you ponder on is how will you handle overwhelm?

Overwhelm can affect us all and do a lot of damage to our productivity. We all want to get results and contribute to our Key Performance Indicators. This means we need to have in place a plan that we can turn to when we are overwhelmed. Unless you have a clear plan, it is easy to turn to the unnecessary things that offer us temporary relief. Unfortunately, such things only rob us of our productivity instead of contributing to it.

Below I share some tips on how you can handle overwhelm either at work or at home.


#1. Begin by making a list of all the things vying for your attention

Prior to making a list, it may seem like your head is about to explode. However, when you take this first step and do a brain dump you will feel the pressure subside. This is because you have now faced what seems like a giant and called it out for what it is. Sometimes like David did with Goliath all we need to do is stand up to the giants in our lives.

#2. Handle Overwhelm by Making a plan of how you are going to tackle your list

Stephen Covey was right when he said;

\”You have to decide what your highest priorities are and have the courage pleasantly, smilingly non apologetically say no to other things. And the way you do that is by having a burning yes inside. The enemy of the best is often the good.\”

As you make your plan of action, list your activities in order of their importance. Keep in mind the 80/20 rule that is 20% of your activities are what are going to contribute to your 80% results.

#3. Use Time Blocking to make the most of the time you have

Time blocking is a productivity technique that allows you to work in blocks of time. When used effectively, time blocking can help increase your productivity since you focus on one task at a time. Every time I feel overwhelmed with a lot to do and not enough time, I resort to time blocking. You can read how I use time blocking to increase my productivity. Do not forget to also download the FREE time blocking sheet in the post.

#4. You can handle overwhelm by under promising but aim to over deliver

When you have too much on your plate, avoid adding more by promising the impossible. Instead, make small promises but as you go through the plan you have made, aim at over delivering. For example, you can commit to submitting that report in 5 days but work towards turning it in within 3 – 4 days. When you do this, you will be scoring points with those to whom you are giving the report. The results will be different if you commit to 3-4 days but turn it in on the 5th or 6th day.

#5. Do not be afraid to ask and accept help when it is offered

Sometimes in order to get out of an overwhelming situation, all you need to do is ask for help. Other times you may need to accept help when it is offered to you. Let your colleagues or family know that your plate is full and you will take any help that is offered. Sometimes this help may be physical or it can be spiritually where they extend a prayer for you as you navigate that season of life.


Whatever happens during a season of life when you are overwhelmed remember to stay positive. Take a step at a time and remain focused on the plan you have crafted. In such times I am often reminded of the quote by Robert H. Schuller \”Tough times never last, but tough people do\”. It is a season that will pass all you need to do is hang in there and outlast it.

I would love to know how you handle overwhelming seasons of your life. Please share in the comments section below.


5 thoughts on “How to Handle Overwhelm At Work Or At Home”

  1. Dear Rosette. Thank you for this topic today. You have given me inspiration to ask for extended time where a deadline has been put. Rather than do shoddy work i would rather ask for an extension so that when I am ready I can produce good results. God bless you

  2. Margaret Makanga

    Oh! Rosette thank you so much for the topic on dealing with overwhelm. So timely. May the Lord bless you.

  3. Pingback: 5 Ways To Deal With Uncertainity During COVID19

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