We all love Sundays, right? Not only do we get a few more hours of sleep but the fact that we have this whole day in front of us means we can use it to our advantage. You can make your Sundays count and use them to jumpstart your week. I have heard people who are productive say they do certain things every Sunday which sets them up to win during the week. For starters, check out these tips on how you can reclaim your weekend. to ensure that you use your weekends to relax.
I am finding that engaging in some of the tips I share below can contribute to your entire week being productive.

#1. Make Time to Refresh Your Soul
According to the Daily Mail Newspaper, a U.S.A study revealed that going to church is good for women\’s health. The study found that women churchgoers can reduce their risk of dying early by a third. The reason for this they say has to do with optimism and having a sense of community. These often help people overcome the effects of stress and depression.
We go through a lot of stress during the working week and we need a place to relieve this stress and get hope for the future. The researchers in this research found that going to church increases social support and helps people to be more optimistic and hopeful about life. Results further revealed that going to church more than once a week lowered the risk of death by 33%. Those who went weekly had a 26% lower risk than those who attended less than weekly who had a 13% risk.
I find that one of my highlights of the week is going to church. It gives me the opportunity to engage and hear an inspiring message from the word of God. It also gives me an opportunity to serve and ensure that the next generation knows about God and his promises of hope.
If you have not given going to church a try I encourage you to do so. However, if this is not your thing then find a community of people you can engage with in ways that will help you refresh your soul. The results will amaze you.
#2. Restock up your Pantry and Fridge
Depending on when you buy your groceries, Sunday is a good day to stock up especially if you work outside the home and have no time to go to the shops during the week. I find that buying groceries in small quantities ensures that I use them up before they get spoilt. Also, this keeps my fridge manageable instead of buying too many things and I do not have the space to store them in the fridge.
When you take time to take stock of what items are missing in your home and then make a shopping list, you will be in and out of the supermarket. This will not take up so much of your time since you took time to organize yourself before going to the store. I keep a running grocery list of items we need weekly on my phone if I do not have time to make a formal list. You can download my easy to use grocery list and customize it to suit your needs.
After you have done your shopping, it is a good idea to come up with a meal plan using the items you have bought. In addition to the meal plan, go ahead and prepare some of the food that can be prepared and either frozen or kept in the fridge. Nothing is as refreshing as knowing that after a hard day\’s work, there is ready food to eat. Similarly, having a ready snack to have with your coffee or tea in the morning ensures that you have a nourishing breakfast which sets you up to win throughout the day.
#3. Plan for the week ahead
When you fail to plan, you are planning to fail. Sitting down to prepare for the coming week is what will ensure that you make the most of your time.
Planning for me starts on Sunday with ensuring I go through my emails and try to start with a clean slate. In addition, I go through my calendar to see what is coming up during the week and plan for it. This helps me to not only avoid surprises but also to allocate my time well. It also helps me with meal planning because if I know I have a busy day then I plan for a quick easy meal.
I also like to plan my wardrobe for the week. I got this idea from a friend who chooses her clothes for the week based on a color scheme. For example, you can have a blue week or brown week etc. I have found that this helps me to use my clothes evenly instead of each time reaching for the same outfits. It also makes the whole exercise very effective plus when it comes to upgrading your wardrobe you know which area is lacking.

#4. Take a long nap
We could all do with some extra sleep and Sunday is the perfect time to do this. Whether it is an extra hour in the morning or after lunch. A nap is bound to leave you feeling rejuvenated and ready to tackle what the week brings. Although this is not possible for me every single Sunday especially when I am hosting guests, however, when I can sneak in a nap for about an hour I feel refreshed.
Whether Sunday or Saturday is your rest day remember to make it count. Begin the day by being intentional about it. It is easy to feel like you have a lot of free time but if you do not plan well, the day will just slip away. Instead, make the most of the day get your ducks in a row and enjoy the benefits this will bring you.
I would love to know what things you do on your Sunday or Saturday whichever day is a rest day for you. Please let me know in the comments section.

Thank you Rosette for the tips. A year or two back, my Sundays were easy and pretty much the way you have described. I could afford an extra hour of sleep in the morning and another in the afternoon, shop for the week,plan meals, and even read a book. All this changed after enrolling for an online course that has placed quite some demand on my time, with Sunday being the “busiest” I have deliberately made Monday my rest day were I take it easy and try to plan the rest of the week.
Hey, Christine, I am glad that you have since found another day to still get your rest in. Sometimes we need to adjust to the particular season one is in. All the best with your studies.
Oh my! I love all these suggestions, especially the idea of a long nap! However, at my age if I take a nap on Sunday afternoon it messes me up for Monday. ??♀️ Sadly my boss doesn’t like naps like I do! ?
Thank you Maggie. Since you cannot take the nap you should find something else to calm you down.
Sunday morning is definitely my “Me” morning.
Thankyou Rosette for this. Church lifts me up and kick starts my week. I especially love the praise and worship. So amazing how it ushers you into the week. It works!!
I am going to try out your proposal – weekly colour coordinates. Seems like a good timesaver and what l need for my wardrobe check/organiser. Will report back….
Blessings my dear.
You are welcome Rita I am glad you found the tips useful. Please try the clothes tip. I usually start by picking out the bag and then the clothes follow.
What a great way to start the week out right!
Yes Linda, we have to purpose to start our week right.
Great advice, so wish I had Sundays off to attend church. But when you work retail you do not get normal weekends. Thank you for the motivation!
Sorry about that Tammy. Is there a day you are off? you could use that day to engage in activities that refresh your soul.
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