We have all been in situations where our to-do list is longer than the number of hours in the day. What differs, however, is how we choose to react. To some people, there is not much they can do except throw their hands in the air. Others, on the other hand, choose to make the most of the time they have available.
I like what John Maxwell said in his book Leadership Gold, \”our days are like identical suitcases. Even though they are all the same size, some people are able to pack more into them than others. The reason, they know what to pack\”. Ever since I came across this quote, it has helped me determine how I make use of my time. It reminds me to check whether at the end of the day I got a return on how I invested my twenty-four hours. We always have to keep in mind that time is one resource that can never be controlled. Regardless of what you do or have no one can gain back lost time.
I am learning that there are some things I can do to make the most of my time. Yes, this includes even the tiny pockets of time that we tend to overlook.
Always have a plan in place
Since none of us are able to manage time, we need to manage what is within our locus of control. The only thing we can manage is ourselves. You can only manage yourself with a plan that guides you on what you need to do to achieve the results you want. Your overall plan is then reduced into yearly goals then quarterly goals, monthly goals, weekly goals and finally daily goals.
When you have a plan, the direction you need to take becomes clear. A plan is what constantly points you to your true north. If for example one of your goals is to climb the corporate ladder or grow your business to another level. You need to come up with clear actions that you will take to get those results.
Maybe one such action will be to increase your knowledge in a particular subject. If this is the case when you find yourself stuck in traffic; instead of getting annoyed, choose to make the most of that time and listen to a podcast or an audiobook. While the rest of the people will be cursing the traffic you will be growing your knowledge.
Work Smarter and not harder
When you have a plan in place, you know what needs to be done to achieve that plan. What follows is putting in place systems and tools to simplify your work and bring the results you crave. Again I think it was John Maxwell who said: \”the secret of our success is found in our routines\”. I have shared about some of the benefits of routines.
Routines are what enable you to achieve more in less time. In addition to routines, another way I find working smarter helps is being organized and always working with the end in mind. When you begin a task with a clear picture of what results you want to achieve, you are able to find ways to shorten the process of that task.
Let go of perfection
Nothing steals our time more than trying to chase perfection. I always keep in mind that as human beings we are called to excellence and perfection is reserved for God. Perfection is what causes people to put off handling tasks because according to them the timing is not right. Maybe you find yourself with a small pocket of time of 15 minutes instead of tackling the sink with dirty dishes you put it off. I have found that when I use the small pockets of time that show up in my schedule I am able to do much. Instead of waiting for the perfect time to start a project, I start with the little time I have and keep building on that. Similarly, I have to remind myself of the Silicon Valley slogan \”done is better than perfect\”.
How many dreams have been put on hold because we are wishing for the perfect workspace or time? People who register success are the ones who remember that what you have is the moment now and make the most of it.
Think big but plan small
I am learning that when it comes to goal setting and accomplishment, it helps to think big but have small steps of how to achieve those plans. It is for this reason that I embraced the 12 week year system. When left in their original state, goals will always seem insurmountable. You will always wonder where will you find the time to start your side business and yet you have a 9 – 5? Where will you find the money to achieve the dream vacation you have for your family? It is after you break the big goal into small actionable steps that you are able to see the forest for the trees.
This also applies to how we use time. If you want to achieve more in less time then develop the habit of planning small. A lot can be accomplished in what we think are a few minutes. The key is to remain focused and follow your plan.
Make Use Of \”Little\” Pockets of Time
Sometimes we fail to achieve results because we think the time available is not sufficient to finish the task at hand. However, I have discovered that this is far from the truth. I have had on my to-do list that I should do a big purge of my clothes. My problem, however, was when would I get the appropriate time? This morning I had about 2 hours before my next task. I decided to tackle this item on my list and in less than two hours I had finished the task. See the evidence in the pictures below.

In order to make the most of your time and achieve more, it helps to remember that you need to be and stay in the driver\’s seat. You need to determine how your time will be used. I like what Carl Sandburg said: \”time is the most valuable coin in your life. You and you alone will determine how that coin is spent. Be careful that you do not let other people spend it for you\”.
I would like to know in what ways you ensure that you work smarter and achieve more results in less time. Please share in the comments section.
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