How To Set Goals Effectively & Accomplish Them

We all know the benefits of goal setting from providing focus to allowing us to create the future we desire. However, some people openly admit they do not belong to the goal setters club. They reason it is because they seldom accomplish the goals they set. The truth, however, is we can all be part of the goal setters club. You too can set goals effectively and celebrate when you accomplish them. In order to do this, you need to ensure you are setting your goals in the correct way and have a system you follow to accomplish them.

It all begins with when you set the goals in the first place. As we prepare to welcome a new year and a new decade there has never been a better time to set goals. I often advise my clients to avoid waiting until the beginning of the year as this in most cases it is too late.  In fact, I advocate for setting goals in the last quarter of the preceding year. This in my view allows one to put into practice the habits that will help them accomplish the goals they will have set.

Below I share five rules which I believe can help you to set goals effectively and accomplish them.



#1. Think Big but Plan Small

When it comes to goal setting, you need to begin with your end in mind. What results are you aiming for? where do you want to see yourself at the end of the year? At this stage do not even worry about how. Instead, focus on your why. Determine what is driving you to desire those results. Once you have that big picture in your mind put it on paper.

I suggest you use this Goal Setting Worksheet which will allow you to capture your big picture into what I call your Focus 5. Experts on goal setting advise that in order to be effective in your goal setting, you should set between 3 – 5 goals at a time.

Once you have captured your big picture, begin to work on the actions you are going to take to achieve those goals. These actions should be broken down into what you will do quarterly, monthly, weekly and daily.

For example, if one of your goals is to work less and enjoy more balance in your life. You could start by establishing why you work too much in the first place. Maybe it is to make more money so you can get out of debt. Start by asking yourself what you can do every quarter to move you closer to achieving this goal. You could decide to start a budget to help you see where what you are earning is going. Now, this can be one of your quarterly goals. It can also be a monthly goal since in most cases you are paid monthly. From the month, determine what you can do every week to help you get to your goal. This may entail you getting your life organized with things like having a weekly meal plan which then ensures you eat out less and save money. Finally, your daily action could be to ensure that you prepare the meals on your weekly meal plan.

You see how you started with a big picture but when it comes to execution, you are breaking it down. This Goal Setting Pyramid demonstrates the process you have to go through.

#2. Set Your Goals In The Seven Areas Of Life

In my practice, I encourage my clients to set goals in what I believe are the seven areas of life. These are i) Personal, ii) Career/Business iii) Family & Relationships iv) Financial, v) Spiritual vi) Health vii) Community & Service.

In my view, you need to start with personal goals because, in order to achieve the goals you set in the other areas, you need to become a person you have never been. In addition, it is only after you have your cup full that you are able to fill the cups of others. Finally, as you set goals in these seven areas, ensure that you follow what I have come to call the 3 P\’s of goal setting. These are, ensure that you set Positive goals, ensure they are set in the Present tense and finally ensure that your goals are Personal.

I have shared 5 simple steps that can help you become a goal achiever.

#3. Embrace the 12 Week Year System

In the book below, Brian Moran makes a case for why we should move from looking at achieving our goals in 12 months and instead look at achieving them in 12 weeks. He reasons that one of the things that hinder the achievement of our goals is annualized thinking.  That is, thinking there is plenty of time in the year to take action on your goals. This he says removes the sense of urgency required to take action on your goals every week. He advocates that we get rid of annualized planning and instead embrace periodic planning using the 12 week system. Using this system ensures that each week is treated as being important in the achievement of your goal.

The 12 Week year ensures that you take small steps which lead to great wins and moves you from mediocre performance to peak performance every week. With the 12 week system, you are always achieving and by the time the year ends, you will have accomplished your goals.

After reading the book, I created my 12 Week Year System and this is what helps me to set goals effectively and accomplish them effortlessly.



#4. Always Keep Your Goals Before You

Another rule to help you set goals effectively is ensuring you always keep them before you. What usually happens is people begin the year in high gear they write down their goals and keep the paper somewhere. By the end of the first quarter of the year, they will have forgotten what they wanted to achieve in the first place.

This is when the use of vision boards comes in. They allow you to paint mental pictures of what you want to have once you have achieved your goals. Brain Tracy advises us to ensure we look at our goals everyday. He says this programmes the subconscious mind to go to work and look for ways to achieve those goals. I encourage you to purchase the Vision Board Workbook and create your vision board with images or words to help you achieve the goals you have set.

In addition, I also recommend using this goal setting worksheet which can enable you to see your goals every month. It will allow you to break your goals into weekly actions which move you closer to achieving the goals for the month.

#5. Make Each Day Count and Celebrate Little Wins

In order to accomplish the goals you set, you need to do something everyday to draw you closer to your goal. This is when the ideas above of planning small and embracing the 12 week year come into play. When you see yourself registering small wins, it motivates you to keep going knowing that your goal will ultimately be achieved.

Avoid making the mistake of only focusing on the big goal and forgetting the impact the little steps you take have. If for example, your goal is to exercise at least three times a week and enjoy a healthy lifestyle; look for pockets of time and incorporate small changes in your life which you can use to achieve your goal. If for example, yesterday you had one hour to work out but today you can only spare twenty minutes. Embrace those minutes and make them count for the day. It is still a win and is enabling you to achieve your set goal.


I like what Mark Twain said, \”the secret of getting ahead is getting started. The secret of getting started is breaking your complex overwhelming tasks into small manageable tasks and then starting on the first task\”. I find that when you put in place systems which allow you to set goals effectively, then you are most likely to accomplish them. Keep in mind, it is what you do each and every day that will eventually contribute to your overall result. As you begin to register progress on your goals celebrate the achievements you make this serves as motivation to keep going.

I wish you a happy new year. May you accomplish the goals you set and enjoy what those who belong to the goal achievers club do which is living a happy and fulfilled life.



I would love to know have you been successful with the goals you set for this year? Please share in the comments section.

6 thoughts on “How To Set Goals Effectively & Accomplish Them”

  1. i love the idea of the 12 week goals. I will try that for the period to the end of this year. It’s especially good for those of us who work best towards our deadlines.

    1. Yes Miriam you should give it a try. It keeps you focused as you make small wins which eventually contribute to you achieving your big goals.

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