In today’s world, one of the things that are eluding many people is happiness. You would think that with more of what we have today compared to what our ancestors had we would be happier but this is far from the truth.
The quote by Rabindranath Tagere “it is very simple to be happy, but it is very difficult to be simple” comes to mind now. I am learning it is true that happiness can be found in the simplest of things. Below I share how you too can be able to invite happiness into your life.
#1. Begin Each Day with a Purpose to be happy
We all know each day is a gift and once that gift is gone you can never get it back. I find that when I am intentional with what I want my day to be like it helps me to be happy. One day I can determine that I will be productive and tackle tasks I have been putting off for a while. The satisfaction of ticking off a to-do list brings happiness.
Another way I can purpose to be happy is to be intentional with how I interact with people. I am yet to meet someone who will not appreciate a kind gesture or word. I find that when I do simple things like asking the young girl at the checkout in the supermarket how her weekend was and what she did, it opens up a conversation that blesses both of us. We each smile and this definitely invites happiness into our lives.
#2. Always keep your definition of success before you
Happiness like success is relative and what brings happiness to one person may not be what brings you happiness. However, when you do the work and determine what success means to you and keep it in front of your eyes, you will inevitably feel happier I always like to say. “When you do not have a clear definition of success, you tend to feel; unsuccessful each time other people talk about their success”.
The next time you are feeling unhappy, check your thoughts chances are you will have been focusing your attention on another person’s definition of success. Immediately you change and focus on what you have defined success to be, you will find that you are able to invite happiness into your life.
#3. Make the choice to be happy
Happiness is a choice and it is only you who can make that choice for yourself. Life does happen all the time. Over the years, I am discovering that circumstances that happen to us in life are neutral until you give them a different meaning.
For example, maybe you are purposing to be happy like we talked about in #1 above and you greet someone with a smile and instead, they proceed to roll their eyes at you. You have the choice to either make that a bad circumstance and let it ruin your plan for the day or excuse the person let it pass and look for the next person to offer your salutations too.
Similarly, you may be going through a season in life where you feel challenged no matter what you do. We have to keep in mind that every situation bad or good has a double side to it. Where you choose to focus your attention is key. As Deepak Chopra correctly said, “all pain and pleasure in life comes from where you place your attention”. This statement contains a lot of truth.
I am also reminded of a story I read somewhere about a grandfather telling his grandson about the war between the two wolves that exist in each of us. One wolf he said is full of anger, jealousy, greed, resentment, inferiority, lies, and ego. The second wolf is full of joy, peace, love hope, humility, kindness, empathy, and truth. The little boy wanted to know which wolf eventually wins the war. The grandfather responded it was the wolf you feed the most. I find this to be true about happiness as well. Only you hold the key to happiness in your life. You can use that key to open the door and invite happiness into your life or to lock it out of your life.
#4. Live a life of contentment
Nothing steals your happiness as much as living a discontented life. In today’s world with social media all around us, it is very easy to be discontented.
In my view, discontentment often arises when you want to conform. Perhaps you suffer from FOMO (fear of missing out) so when you feel you are not like everyone else then, discontentment sets in. Suddenly because you cannot afford to do what everyone else is doing you feel unhappy. I am finding that in order to live a life of contentment, I need to be comfortable with being different. This is a lesson we are teaching our kids and I pray it serves them well as they grow.
As you purpose to invite happiness into your life, be content with being different. So what if you cannot have a holiday like everyone else? or drive a flashy car which requires that you make monthly payments you are struggling to keep up with. Learn to enjoy the place where you are in life and make the most of it.
#5. Determine to live life with gratitude and be a giver
I like the scripture that says “It is more blessed to give than to receive”. I find that every time I go out of my way and determine to bless another person I instantly feel happy. In fact, my favorite time is Christmas because of how much I push myself with my giving. I listen more for what people’s needs are and I make myself Santa’s helper. Next time you are craving some happiness please try giving of your time, talent or treasure to another human being I promise you the results will astonish you.
In addition to being a giver, be a grateful person. I have come across people who will complain about almost everything and then they wonder why they are unhappy. Gratitude begins with you thanking God that you are alive each day and then looking for ways to enjoy that gift of life. Grateful people inevitably invite happiness into their lives each day.
Like I have espoused above, let us remember happiness is something each of us can create because we can make a conscious choice to invite happiness into our lives.
I am also discovering that when I focus on the simple everyday activities and aim at spending my time and resources on experiences with those I love it increases my happiness. The other weekend I packed a picnic basket and we headed to the park with some board games. The laughter we shared that day brings a smile to my face as I write about it now.
In addition, I find that when I put myself on my to-do list by making time for self-care it increases my happiness and makes me a better wife, mother, and friend.
However, in my view, the best source of inviting happiness into your life comes from a source that is bigger than us all. I call this source God who is the same yesterday, today and forever. I find that when I remain rooted in God, no matter what comes my way I can find happiness because in him there is always hope. Life does happen from time to time but one thing I do is remind myself that this too shall pass and it often does.
If you would like to discuss further how you can put these tips and others into effect, schedule a FREE 30-minute consultation. You can book your appointment HERE.
I really like your mantra about success. When I lose sight of my own definition of success, I tend to get irritated by others’ success. I’ve found recently that it’s best to focus on one goal at a time. Thank you for sharing your valuable life wisdom. We need more of it on the internet 🙂
You are welcome Hercules. I am glad you found it useful.
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People are happy not because their life is easy, but because they choose to be happy. Nice article. Thank you.
Thank you too Meltblogs for the encouragement.