Leadership Summit

In the year 2020, when the world shut down and we were all forced to do what we are commanded to do “be still and know that I am Lord”. My friend and fellow Maxwell Certified Leadership Coach, Betty Ogiel Rubanga challenged me. She asked that I think about how we can use the resources we have in the Maxwell Leadership Certified Team to serve women on the African Continent and beyond.
The Africa Women Leadership Summit is an annual event that is hosted by both Betty and myself. After the COVID 19 pandemic, as certified coaches from the Maxwell Certified Leadership Team (MCLT) we sensed a need for women leaders to come together through a forum where they would be encouraged, inspired and also listen to seasoned speakers on leadership issues that would enable them move the needle in their leadership journey.
The 1st AWLS was held on 28 – 30 October 2021 under the theme Be More Do Less. Participants were reminded we are human beings not human doings and therefore we must focus on our well beings over what we do as the culture of do more to be more is making us sick. Our Keynote speaker was Darlene Drew also a Coach from the MCLT. She spoke on the topic Selfcare Precedes Good Leadership. Other speakers included Nancy Mate who spoke on the topic Choose the Meaningful Over The Urgent. Another Spaeker was Mercy Niwe who spoke on the topic Achieve More Using Little. One of the co founders of the AWLS Betty Ogiel Rubanga spoke on the topic Becoming a Woman of Influence In the Workplace. Finally Rosette Wamambe spoke on the topic Let Go of The Guilt. She also conducted a coaching session on goal setting.
In 2022, the theme for AWLS was A Seat At The Leadership Table. AWLS2022 was held on 16 -17 September 2022. Our keynote speaker Dr. Gloria Burgess (PHD) a TEDX Speaker, Mentor at the Maxwell Leadership Certified Team, spoke on the topic, Push For Your Worth At The Leadership Table.
Sheila Braka Musiime spoke about Owning Your Seat At The Leadership Table. Participants also heard from Dr. Eunice Adubango who spoke on the topic Building Financial Resilence.
Betty Ogiel Rubanga, spoke on the topic The Power of Asking At The Leadership Table.
Our moderator Juliet Nakimuli Kasiita kept the participants engaged and entertained with the vast amount of knowledege she has serving women and seeing them use even miniature resources to build buisness that are enviable.
Rosette Wamambe facilitated the panel discussion and fire side chat on the theme of the Summit.
For AWLS2023, the hosts decided to experiment with Linkedin Live and had the Summit on 30th November under the theme Dare To Be Different.
The AWLS for 2024 will be held on 18 & 19 October 2024 under the theme Opportunities Through Collaboration.
There is a place for every woman at the Africa Women Leadership Summit. We know that as our Mentor John C. Maxwell says, Leadership is about infuence and not the position one holds. So, whether you are in the corporate suite; or enjoying running your own enterprise/ business; or you are a work from home mother or serving your community; Betty and I welcome you to take up your seat at the next AWLS.
I have read that when women lead a lot happens. Productivity soars and they tend to give back to the communities in which they operate. In addition, I believe as co creators, women leaders are able to guide others become the people that God created them to be.
In his book, The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership, John C. Maxwell introduces us to the Law of Influence which states that “The true measure of Leadershipn is Influence nothing more, nothing less”. To this end, we at AWLS believe that every woman is a leader.
Join us for AWLS 2024 where our theme will be Opportunities Through Collaboration. You can read more and sign up for this event at www.awlsummit.com