7 Lessons I Learnt From Oprah’s Book :What I Know For Sure}

I must confess, I love everything Oprah and so when she announced her latest book I knew I had to get it. I eventually landed on the book last year at Dubai Airport. This was after an outing with my two girlfriends Akusa and Gertrude and knew this was the icing on my cake. Given that it was the last copy on the shelf, I actually did a happy dance when I got it.

I love the way this book brings out in simplicity many lessons that pertain to us on the journey of life. It reminded me of a quote from Iyanla Vanzant

all things are lessons that God would have us learn and the best students get the hardest tests”.

I had many aha moments while reading this book and below I share the same.

#1. We were meant to THRIVE in life

Each of us has pleasurable points in our lives. The things we do that bring us joy and pleasure. To some people, it is spending time with their children. Others it is reading a good book and for others, it is digging into a good meal they have created. Whatever it is that brings you pleasure, you need to do more of that thing so you can thrive in life. In my case, I find immense pleasure when I take time to prepare a meal for my family. I cherish the time we spend together at the table especially at breakfast time.

Take time to ask yourself what brings you pleasure and joy? After you have the answer, make time to focus on this, allow yourself to indulge and enjoy the pleasure this brings you.

#2. Embrace and live in the PRESENT moment

What we are certain of is the moment we have now. Yesterday is gone and tomorrow is only a promise. We need to quit living with regret about the past and anxiety about the future. We also should not put our lives on hold until something happens. Instead, we should embrace the moment we have and find joy and peace in it.

We are told that each day we either choose to live or to die. You choose life when you purpose to enjoy life. You choose death when you let whatever may be happening to rob you of your joy and happiness. We need to remember that God calls each of us by name and he will perfect that which concerns us. Let us, therefore, enjoy life as he gives it to us every day.

#3. Guard your YES

Many people craving balance today would be able to get it if only they learned how to guard their yes. Oprah reminds us that before you say yes, ask yourself what is my truest intention?” 

I shared some tips on how you can say No and not feel bad about it. Guarding your yes may not make you a popular person but it will enable you to eliminate the unnecessary so you have time for the essential. It is what will enable you to keep the promise to your children instead of breaking it to satisfy your peers.

When you guard your yes you will also be able to make the most of your time and achieve your goals.

#4. We are commanded to live a life of GRATITUDE

When you live with gratitude and make it a habit to say thank you, you go through the day looking for what to be grateful for and this brings you joy and abundance in your life.

Towards the end of last year, we were going through a rough patch as a family. In order for me to cope, I started a habit of writing three things I am grateful for each day. This habit has blessed me immensely. I often find myself looking out for the good even when I am facing a challenge.

We need to remember that being grateful requires making a conscious effort. Every day we may be presented with reasons why we should complain, regret or ask why me. And yet, it is when we feel least grateful that we need to show gratitude because gratitude can be a magnet for blessings in your life. 

#5. It is more blessed to GIVE than to receive

We need to determine to live life as givers and not takers. The blessing is in giving and not in receiving. Sometimes the bounty harvest we want to reap can only come when we give. We should not think giving is only for those who have an abundance instead we should give what we have. A kind word, a helping hand or anything in our hands. As Oprah reminds us, “what you give comes back to you”. 

We need to always remember that we are blessed to be a blessing. That is why the saying that “we get to give and not give to get” will always be true.

#6. Do not let FEAR immobilize you

As long as we are on earth we will come face to face with situations that cause us to fear. However, instead of allowing fear to immobilize us, we should confront the fear and do it afraid.

Life is going to throw you some good chances. Are you going to waste them because of fear or will you grab them with both hands and head for the goal post allowing them to change the trajectory of your life?

I loved this sentence “ask yourself have you settled for the passenger seat when every bone in your body is longing to be in the driver’s seat”? We need to dig deep and listen to what the still small voice is asking us to do. You do not need to see the entire staircase once you get the go ahead. Purpose to take one step at a time and trust that the answers you crave will come at the right time.

#7. Discover your PURPOSE and go after it

We are God’s workmanship created in Christ Jesus to do good works which God prepared in advance for us to do” This is one of my favorite scriptures. It points to the fact that each of us is called to a particular purpose. It is our responsibility to do the work and discover this purpose and then live life according to that purpose.

I liked this paragraph remember although wealth will permit you to enjoy the best things life offers. It is not able to bring peace and fulfillment which only comes when you are doing what God intended you to do when he created you.”


In my case, what I know for sure is each of us needs to embrace simplicity if we want to live a fulfilled life. Oprah reminds us that having the most expensive material possessions does not necessarily mean you will have the best life”. Many people are sacrificing themselves on the altar of work just to give their children what they believe they did not have. Unfortunately, these children, if asked, would rather have their parents present in their lives instead of material things.

When you embrace simplicity, you quickly learn that less can indeed be more. It helps you to keep true to yourself for as Oprah said, \”when you define yourself by the things you can acquire rather than what you really need to be happy and fulfilled, you are not just living beyond your means you are living a lie”.

I would like to know have you read this book? What lessons did you take away? Please share in the comments section.

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