It is hard to believe that January is almost gone! Last week I read on LinkedIn that most people give up on their new year resolutions by the 17th of January. Although this assertion had no research to back it up, it broke my heart. However, there are ways you can ensure that you make this your best year.
Whether or not we accomplish the goals we set for ourselves, the ball is often in our court. Granted sometimes external factors may creep in but all we can do is give it our all and thus improve our odds of success.
There is never a way for us to stop time in order to align everything in our favor. In addition, each of us regardless of race, sex or status in life is allotted the same amount of time every day. The manner in which we choose to use this time will determine the results we have at the end of this year.
Below I share some tips on how you can ensure that you make this your best year.
#1. Determine what your big rocks are
In this video, the late Stephen Covey demonstrates how we need to live our lives. In a nutshell, he asks us to begin by determining our big rocks then ensure these go into the jar first. If you put the small rocks first, they crowd out space for your big rocks and you end up letting the urgent drown out the important.
Without a doubt, this year like those past will have many distractions and priorities screaming for your attention. You need to determine what exactly is important to you and what your non-negotiables are going to be. It is only after you do this that you will be certain of what rocks to put in first.
#2. Determine your definition of success
Success is relative because each of us has a different meaning of it. Its traditional definition, however, is often driven by what other people want us to do in order to attain the badge of success.
In my view, success is doing things you are passionate about and which help you fulfill your life purpose. Success should flow from within and not from outside you otherwise the barometer used to measure it will constantly change.
This year, determine what makes you fulfilled and live courageously regardless of whether you find yourself on the side of the minority. Take the time to come up with your definition of success and then live according to that definition.
#3. Determine to let go of the past
Granted maybe because of past failures you feel scared to give that goal one more try. However, when you remember there is always a first time for everything, this should give you the impetus to give your goal another go.
I like what Michael Hyatt urges us to do when a goal does not work out the way you wanted it to, he asks us to “instead of changing the goal, change the strategy”. You have to remember that holding on to the past or the manner in which you have always done things is what often sabotages your progress.
This year, purpose to do things differently and try out new ways. You just may be surprised with the results you get.
#4. Determine to be a Life Long Learner
Without a doubt, we are in the knowledge era. Every day we are bombarded with information. Yours is to sieve out what is useful to you and will help you achieve your goals.
Being a life long learner will also require you to be flexible and open because you never know through whom or how your lessons will come. In addition, you have to become an avid reader. There is so much useful information out there all you have to do is find it and ingest it. Make time to develop a reading habit so you can learn more.
#5. Determine that you will not give up
Success is the reward for those who persist. Life does happen and throws us off the path we may have crafted for ourselves. However, you have to purpose to continue to walk your talk if you want to have the results you crave for.
Michael Hyatt reminds us that \”change only happens in the discomfort zone\” every time you are thrown into a situation that stretches you, it helps to remember that this is when you are going to get what you are working for.
It helps to remember that no sacrifice goes without a reward. \”There is no sacrifice that you can make no matter how tough, no matter how it breaks your heart, no matter how many tears you cry that God will not more than makeup to you.\” Make it your goal to sacrifice and operate in your discomfort zone and I promise you will make this your best year.
Thanks for the post Rosette.
You are welcome Catherine. God bless
Thanks Rosette for this – very practical piece – It resonates with me particularly the quote on change happening in a discomfort zone -so true! May this be the year of getting out of our comfort zones and stretching ourselves making it a year of growth like never before.
You are welcome Jen. Indeed let’s purpose to make this our best year.
I agree with you Rosette, when I look back at what I achieved in 2016, in one way or another the 5 points you have explained above were at play.
Thank you for this article.
You are welcome Peace. Glad you found it useful.