How To Manage Your Life NOT Time

This week we continue with our organization series and move into the concept of time. Although most people talk about time management, it is hard to determine how one can manage time since its a resource that cannot be controlled. No one is capable of saving it or manipulating how it moves.

Every single day, each of us regardless of who or where you are, get the same amount of time. What differs is your return on investment at the end of the day after investing this scarce resource. Given the fact that time is a resource none of us is able to manage, it appears safe to conclude that you can work on how to manage your life and priorities in order to use your time effectively.

Below we look at three simple but effective tools you can use to manage your life and make the most of your time every day.


#1. Have  a Mission Statement

We all know that good and effective organizations need a vision and mission statement in order to carry out their objectives. Did you also know that as human beings we also need a mission statement?

A mission statement helps to paint a clear picture of what direction you want your life to take. It also enables you to clarify the values you want to live by as well as the legacy you will leave behind.

According to the late Stephen Covey, a good mission statement should:

1. Be Timeless given that it is based on principles and general rules which deal with the totality of life.

2. Deal with both ends and means. This in effect means it should address both the destination you want to reach and how you will reach there.

3. Address all the roles in your life. Many times people fail to achieve their goals because they set them in the abstract. Good goal setting takes into consideration the roles you are currently playing in your life.

4. Deal with the four dimensions of your nature as a human being. These are your body or the physical, relationships or the social/economic, mind or mental and spirit for the spiritual aspect.

When you take time to craft a mission statement, it serves as a rudder for your life. All you do or seek to do must align with it. This ensures that you are able to weed out stuff that would derail you and therefore steal your time.

Working with a clear mission statement helps you to manage your life better and this, in turn, helps you use your time effectively. People who are able to live according to their mission statements tend to lead fulfilled and happier lives.

#2. Have Clear Written Goals & Objectives

The benefits of goal setting are enormous and research shows that people who have their goals written down tend to live a more focused life. They know what they want and how they plan to achieve it. Goal setting allows you to properly manage your time because you stop doing what is not aligned with your goals. The key here, however, is to ensure you are setting goals the right way.

When setting goals, start with a self-evaluation so that you are clear about who you are and what skills and abilities you possess. Your goals should help you to achieve your mission statement and your hearts desires.

Experts recommended that you take time to regularly examine your life to ensure that your actions are in congruence with the plans you have set for yourself. When you do this, you are able to see how you are using your time. If you discover there are activities taking your time but which are not compatible with your vision, they should be minimized or eliminated.

I often recommend that at the end of each year or period, my clients conduct a life audit to help them determine where they are and where they want to move to. What this does is help you to manage your life and look for ways to use your time better.

#3. Guard Your To Do List

Nothing steals your time more than not being in control of what gets on your to-do list. One time you may be doing well with a manageable list before you know it things are out of control. You have over-committed yourself! The only way to avoid such a scenario is to get into the habit of saying NO!

Peter Drucker was right \”people are effective because they say no\”. Similarly, Kate Olsen reminds us that \” No is a full sentence\”. Sometimes all you need to say is no without an explanation. I have shared how you can ensure that you accomplish what is on your to-do list. In the same way, I have also shared ways that you can say NO and not feel bad about it.


You need to remember that the best way to manage your life and use your time effectively is to get in the driver\’s seat of your life. You can do this when you have a clear mission statement and set effective goals. In addition, prior to committing yourself to do something, check to see whether you have the time to accomplish the task. Ensure the activities you eventually commit to align with your mission statement and will contribute to achieving your goals. Please do not be afraid to ask the question how does this fit in my plans?

If you follow these steps, you will find that you not only live a stress-free life but are also able to accomplish much in the 86,400 seconds we each receive every day. When you do this, you will get better results on this journey of life.

Should you find that you need help in putting in place any of the suggestions in this post, please schedule a FREE 30-minute appointment and I will help you start the journey.




The Organisation Series

How Simplistic Living Helps To Avoid Stress

4 Reasons To Have Routines In Your Life

How Small Actions Can Produce Big Results

How To Manage Your Life NOT Time (You are here)

3 Ways to Beat Procrastination




11 thoughts on “How To Manage Your Life NOT Time”

  1. Good Rosette. I’m back to the drawing board wondering how my time for fitness and exercise got swallowed up somehow by some tasks.

    1. Rosette Wamambe

      Yes Catherine if we are not intentional with how we use our time we wonder what happened. All the best as you get back on truck.

  2. Thanks for the lovely piece Rosette – We have been inspired by your family missiom statement to start thinking through our own at a family and personal level.

  3. Pingback: How Simplistic Living Helps To Avoid Stress | Fulfilled Life Blog by Rosette Wamambe

  4. Pingback: 3 Ways To Beat Procrastination | Fulfilled Life Blog by Rosette Wamambe

  5. Pingback: How Small Actions Can Produce Big Results | Fulfilled Life Blog by Rosette Wamambe

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