How Persistence Will Breed Results

The word persistence simply means continuing on a course of action in spite of any difficulty or opposition you met along the way. It is hard to imagine that the 6th month of this year is upon us. At this point, you may be in a position where you feel very far from the results you have planned for this year.

It is one thing to set goals and it is another to follow through with what you set out to do. Some goals may come easy however there are those that will have you second guessing yourself and wondering whether you should still keep going when the going gets tough. In my view, the latter goals tend to be the ones that will bring you the most fulfillment. I like what Napoleon Hill said about success;

Patience, persistence, and perspiration make an unbeatable combination for success

Simply put, persistence is what will breed the results you are craving for. Persistent people are the ones who refuse to quit and give up in spite of their circumstances. They know that in order to get the results they want they have to keep working with the hope that their success will soon come through.

It is one thing to do the work and discover your life purpose.  However, after the discovery then you have to live according to that purpose. It is the period between the discovery and actually living out the life purpose that requires you to be persistent. How I wish that upon discovering your life purpose everything falls into place and you do it happily ever after. Unfortunately, this is far from the truth. There are days when you have to question whether this is indeed your calling. If you are depending on the proceeds for survival there are times you wish you went back to doing what guaranteed a steady flow of income. However, focusing on the joy and fulfillment that comes when you are doing what you are called to do, is what should keep you persistent even when the going gets tough.

Remember \”Rome was not built in one day\”, you need persistence along this journey in order to depend on your calling for sustenance. Below I share some tips that can help you to persist on the journey to getting the results you crave.


#1. Focus on your WHY

Always ensure that you keep the reason why you are doing what you do at the forefront. Sometimes when things do not make sense, it is your WHY that will give you the impetus to keep going. At all times keep in mind that your persistence will breed results. When you work with a clear WHY and keep it in front of you, it energizes you when the going gets tough.

#2. Remember Small Steps Lead To Great Wins

In everything that you do, keep in mind that small steps do lead to great wins and therefore you will get to your desired destination. Even when nothing makes sense just keep doing what you have been called to do.

A word of caution here though sometimes you may need to pivot and do things a little differently. This in effect means as you work, do so with an open and growth mindset. Avoid having a fixed mindset that is closed on any other options. Whereas persistence does breed results given the Chinese Proverb that says:

Persistence can grind an iron beam down into a needle

It takes having the right type of steel for the beam to turn into a needle. Therefore, do your homework and ensure that all things align before you put your head down and work towards your success.

#3. Focus On The One Who Gives Growth

My favorite movie of the is Facing the Giants. I like the scene when Coach Taylor is feeling downcast because he thinks he is about to lose his job. He receives a word of encouragement from Mr. Brigges quoting from Revelation 3:8,  but doubts it and confesses he has been struggling but has also been praying. Mr. Brigges then tells him a story about two farmers who asked God for rain but only one of them went out and prepared his fields. He then asks him which one he is before leaving him with this final word, \”God will send the rains when he is ready, you need to prepare your fields to receive it\”. Every time you feel discouraged about what you are doing, remember this quote and keep persisting as you prepare your fields so that when the rains come you are ready.


When I think about how persistence can breed results, I find hope in the words of Elbert Hubbard,

a little more persistence, a little more effort and what seemed hopeless failure may turn to glorious success\”.

I also like the quote that says;

a river cuts through a rock, not because of its power but its persistence

I, therefore, urge to keep working on the goals you set for this year it is the persistence you exhibit that will bring you the success you are looking for.



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