Re Discovering The Meaning Of C.H.R.I.S.T.M.A.S

Have you ever taken time to dig deep into what the meaning of christmas is? The full story of how christmas came about can be found in Luke 1:26-38 and Luke 2: 1-20.

We all know that Christmas is the day we celebrate the birth of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. When you take time to read the full story and examine its origins what comes out clearly is that this is indeed a season that deserves all the attention that we give it. This year as we have been going through the advent season and reflecting on the christmas story these are the points that I placed emphasis on as we discussed the story with our children.

The Christ Child

There would be no christmas if there was no baby in the manger. Several prophets in the old testament including Isaiah 11:1 and Jeremiah 33:15 prophesied how the messiah was going to sprout from the lineage of David. The birth of Jesus Christ to Mary and Joseph who were both descendants of David was fulfillment of prophesy.

The story of christmas is one of love and hope. It brought redemption to us as sinners who had lost hope after Adam and Eve sinned in the garden of Eden. Jesus’s birth, death and resurrection excused us from the consequences of our sin which is death and eternal separation from God. However, the death and subsequent resurrection of our Lord and Saviour could only come after his birth here on earth. This is what makes this birth important.

The Manger

Another point of significance in the christmas story is how and where Jesus Christ was born. You would expect that since he was the son of God he would be born in different surroundings. Instead he came to us in a humble way. This could have been God’s way of communicating that he had come to save all of us regardless of our status in life. It can also be interpreted to mean that he was coming into this dark and dirty world to offer us hope of subsequently going to a better place.

The Visitors

In the Christmas story, we read that an angel appeared to the shepherds who were taking care of their sheep. The Angel gave them the good news of the birth of our saviour. Ironically, in the old testament sheep were the animals they used for sacrifices to atone for sins. It therefore comes as no surprise that the God wanted the Shepherds to be among the first people to see the lamb that would forever take away all the sins of the world.

Another set of visitors that baby Jesus received were the three wise men. They did not come empty handed but came bearing gifts. I once read that the gifts they brought of myrrh (anointing oil) frankincense (perfume) and Gold had spiritual meaning. These gifts symbolised Christ\’s kingship here on earth, his deity as son of God and the death he would have to face.

Beyond the gifts and food we receive and enjoy at Christmas, this day holds a lot of meaning to us as Christians and followers of Jesus Christ. This year as you celebrate Christmas, remember to offer a prayer of thanks to God for sending us his Son who came as a little baby. And while you are at it, consider making room in your heart for him. He longs to be your friend to hold your hand and give you the hope and redemption only he can give.

From my family to yours, I wish you a very merry Christmas. May you experience the joy, peace and love that Jesus Christ came to give us all.

4 thoughts on “Re Discovering The Meaning Of C.H.R.I.S.T.M.A.S”

  1. Rosette, thank you for this reflection which breaks down the Christmas story into bite-sizes for the children – I will use it for our own reflection with the children.

    Unto us a Child is born! A most Merry Christmas to you and yours!

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