Reasons To Celebrate In Style

Given that it is the season to be jolly and celebrate, this is exactly what the Abidjan Chapter of Operation Lose That Pot Belly (OLTPB) did last Saturday. I have written about this group and their committment to stay fit and exercise even if it means defying-the-rain-to-accomplish-a-goal/

Although it was sad to say goodbye to Thuli who is taking up a new post in another country, we thought it would also be a good time to take stock and celebrate our achievements for the year. Our host for the day is a classic example of the fact that \”nothing is impossible if you believe\”. She joined the group in March this year and in her own words, \”I could not even manage to walk more than 6km and had to always walk with the children\”. Well, not anymore! she is now giving out tips on nutrition and exercise. In addition, she is rocking a new body after loosing more than 24kgs.

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The scene was set for the day and the ladies did not disappoint as they turned up dressed for this all white party. The atmosphere was jovial. Maggie who is responsible for the lovely photos here quickly brought her skills to bear and taught us a song saying goodbye to Thuli. Who said \”you cannot teach an old dog a new trick\”? the manner in which we pulled off this song one would have thought we had ample practise. Thuli who had been told she was going to a Gambian party was ofcourse surprised.


Nothing would spoil this evening and dampen the spirit not even the storm that caused the electricity to go off. The music speaker was charged so we continued to enjoy and dance to songs from across the continent taking full advantage of the diversity the group boasts of. When the power eventually came on, we dived into the three course meal and enjoyed a game of getting to know ourselves better as we shared what it is that people donot know about us. In addition to this, we were also privy to some tips on how to make us better in the institution of marriage. It is amazing what you can learn from another culture….

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Soon, a second session of dancing was in order if only to digest the sumptuous meal we had just had. The ladies then had a chance to pick songs of their choice and teach us how to dance to the same. The gift we choose was appropriate to ensure that Thuli continues on her weightloss goals.

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By the time it was time to go home, we were all in agreement that we should do that more often. I look forward to what 2017 will bring for us given the commitment we each made to take things a notch higher and push for even better results.


13 thoughts on “Reasons To Celebrate In Style”

  1. Rosette this is great! Very detailed and a good account of what transpired on Saturday. As ladies we encounter so many challenges that can derail our own personal goals such as staying fit and living a healthy lifestyle. Our group is a constant reminder and encourager to keep fitting for the goals we hold dear. I wish all members of OLTPB-Abidjan Chapter an even more successful 2017! Thanks!

  2. Wow Rossette, I am so proud to be a part of this group, and I enjoyed reading this article, keep it up my dear

  3. Christine Mukhwana

    It is great to be part of this dedicated and holistic group and I am really looking forward to 2017 to bounce back.Thank you for capturing the event in the most interesting way and like you have mentioned,we need to do this more often.Happy season

  4. Rosette, I enjoyed reading your colorful description – it looks like great fun was had by all.. It is indeed good to take stock and celebrate the achievements – well done to members of OLTBP. May you, and we all press on towards achieving our goals in 2017.

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