How To Reclaim Your Weekend & Feel Recharged

How about if I told you there is a way to reclaim your weekend and feel recharged on Monday exciting right?

More often than not, we go through the week looking forward to the weekend. However, when the weekend finally comes, we have so much lined up leaving us with little time to rest and recharge. We keep going through this vicious cycle hoping that one-day things may get better. However, things can only get better when you take time to make a few changes in your life. Below, I share some tips on how you can reclaim your weekends and feel rejuvenated at the beginning of the week.




Be Intentional With How You Use Your Weekends

You need to constantly remind yourself that there are only 52 weekends in a year. Doing this helps you to focus and remember it is the only time you have to get things on your bucket list done. Suddenly, the idea of spending your entire weekend in front of the TV binge-watching a series does not seem good. (Did you know that this causes mental fatigue?). Instead, do something that will rejuvenate you like playing with friends and family or engaging in a hobby.

I look forward to my Saturdays because I start the weekend by going for a long walk with a group of friends. This is not only good for me physically but emotionally and mentally as well. I have found so many answers to life issues on during these walks. After the walk, I like to take a long nap. I usually wake up feeling refreshed and ready to take on the weekend.

The key is to find something you love and will have you looking forward to engaging in it when the weekend rolls around. Remember to be intentional about doing it, engage in it on a regular basis and enjoy the benefits it brings you. It could be a yoga class or meditating for longer than you do during the week. You can even consider engaging in a cooking or baking class to fuel your passion.


Always Keep The End In Mind

You know how we keep putting things off with the idea that we will get them done at the weekend? Try to avoid this. Instead, set aside time during the week to engage on social media or respond to messages or emails. Doing this will allow you to get a tech freeze and relax your mind when the weekend comes around.

The same goes for household chores. Avoid leaving everything for the weekend. Instead, handle things in bits of time during the week so that at the weekend you do not spend most of your time cleaning or doing other household chores. Remember, the goal is to reclaim your weekend and not spend it catching up on what was not done during the week. In this post, I shared how you can make use of small pockets of time and achieve more in less time.

Look For Ways To Engage & Give More

This could be either giving your time, talents, skills or even treasures. There is something about giving that makes us feel good. Even the bible tells us that \”it is more blessed to give than to receive\”. Get involved in your community and the activities that go on. This is very good as it takes your mind off the stress you may have had during the week. It also helps to recharge your mind. Maybe it is volunteering with a youth group or teaching a Sunday school class at your church. When you see that you are making a difference in people\’s lives, it will make you feel good.

Speaking of engaging, regularly attending church is another way that can help you relax at the weekend. Sometimes all you need is a reminder through a sermon that there is a God who is bigger than what you could be going through. This reassurance will calm your mind and allow you to begin the week rested and reassured. I have shared how research shows that people who go to church tend to live longer.

Another way to engage and give that will help you reclaim your weekend is inviting friends over for a meal. Remember the point here is not to showcase your cooking or entertaining skills but to deepen relationships. Enjoy the love and laughter this brings and begin the week with a spring in your step.

Allow Yourself To Be Without Commitments

We live in a busy world where it is sometimes considered strange to have nothing lined up for the weekend. However, just allowing yourself to be free without a commitment can be very relaxing. Remember like we said at the beginning of this post, it is all about being intentional with how you choose to use your time at the weekend. This may of course not be possible every single weekend but aim for at least one or two weekends in the month where you are not over committed that you have no time to rest. The key is to remember that in order to reclaim your weekend, you have to limit the number of commitments you say yes to. In this post, I shared some ways you can use the word NO and not feel bad about it.



Keep in mind that although reclaiming your weekends is not going to be a walk in the park, it is something that is achievable if you purpose too. Try out some of these tips and be among the people who look forward to Monday because they made time to rest and recharge at the weekend.

I would like to know some of the things you do to recharge at the weekend. Please share in the comments section.


8 thoughts on “How To Reclaim Your Weekend & Feel Recharged”

  1. I love these tips! I’m one of those who put things off with the idea that I’ll get them done at the weekend. This post really inspired me to start reclaiming my weekends! One of the things I do to recharge at the weekends is to celebrate my week’s wins. Making a sale, gaining one new customer, losing a pound, it doesn’t matter how big or small they are, writing them down feels so empowering.

    1. Jessica I am glad you found them useful. I like your idea of celebrating wins. I will incorporate it in my journaling.

  2. This is too awesome and giving back the power to me. TFS… I have watched you do this for almost 3 yrs now Rosette & I must admit, I’m inspired. Thanks for the tips 👌🏾

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