I often wonder do we have to eat in order to live right? or do we live to eat? Whichever group you belong to, what is certain is we all need food. Unfortunately, if we are not too careful food can be one of the things that eat up most of our budget every month. However, when managed well the kitchen can be a place that enables us to have the nourishment and also help us in our quest to save money. The question then is how can one save time & money in the kitchen?
Below, I share five simple but effective strategies to help you save some time & money as you put nutritious meals on your table.
#1. Get In The Kitchen
I know this may seem confusing for some people but here in Africa, we are blessed that we can get house-help at affordable rates. Unfortunately, this blessing if not used well can cost you money. When you are not aware of what is going on in the kitchen you could be losing lots of money.
Although you have help, it is necessary that you are aware of what is going on in your kitchen. Ensure that you occasionally get in the kitchen and check things up. Ask what is happening and when requested to buy or top-up items inquire about how they are being used. Once the house-help knows that you understand what happens in your kitchen they will be careful with how they use things because they know you will ask.
#2. Invest In Gadgets That Simplify your work
What we enjoy today that our grandparents lucked are gadgets that cut our work in the kitchen into half. From a crockpot to the famous instant pot, these gadgets allow you to provide nourishment to your family without spending a lot of time in the kitchen.
Using the right tools in the kitchen can save you both money and time. When buying gadgets aim for quality over quantity. If a gadget can do more than one thing then invest in it. For example, the instant pot can act as a slow cooker and also a rice cooker among other things. I use my instant pot often on days when I know I will be busy all I do is turn into a slow cooker and it never disappoints. When I come home not only is dinner ready, but also there is a very nice aroma in the house.
Initially, It may seem like you are spending a huge amount of money as you invest in gadgets but the payoff, in the long run, is usually worth it. Just google gadgets that save time and money in the kitchen, include them on your wish list, and begin saving up. I can assure you that you will give yourself a pat on the back often.
#3. Ensure That You Meal Plan
Meal planning is another way to save money and time in the kitchen. Some people meal plan for a month, others for two weeks. I find that what works for me so that there are fewer changes in the week. Also because I do weekly shopping I usually want to base my meal plan on what I have bought. Not only does meal planning help one to avoid the dreaded what is for dinner tonight question. It also ensures that you do not cook the same thing all the time.
Meal planning is easy I am sure there are sites online that can help you do this. In my case, I use the old fashioned way of using a pen and paper. My breakfast menu is set and it is only the dinner menu that I spend time working on. I use this weekly menu plan which includes a list of what has to be bought. This ensures that I buy what is needed and avoid spending on items that I will not use that week. It also means I go to the grocery store less all this keeps money in and not out of my pocket. Meal planning is certainly one of the ways that enable you to have a healthy relationship with money.
#4. Incorporate A Left Over Day In Your Meal Plan
Another way to save time & money in the kitchen is to have leftover days. On such days, you do not have to cook much or at all. When preparing your meals especially stews make more than can be consumed in one meal. The rest can be saved for another day where you can simply add something to be eaten with the stew. This will save you both time and money plus stews often taste better the next day.
In addition, we do not always eat all the food that we cook. Often, we tend to keep leftovers in the fridge and forget only to throw them away later. This is not only a waste of money but also of effort that went into preparing the food. To avoid all this, you can set aside a day(s) in the week when you do not cook but ensure you clean the fridge of all leftovers. You get to rest from cooking and also it ensures nothing goes to waste which is a double win.
#5. Have A Meatless Day At Least Once a Week
Let us face it meat is expensive and takes up a huge part of our grocery budget. In addition to this, some research points to the fact that too much of it is not good for our health.
In our home, we have meatless Monday I find that this brings down the meat budget a bit. Vegetables cost less than meat. In addition, they are also easy and faster to prepare. Another way I ensure that we consume less meat is to have fillers with our meat. For example, I once tasted lasagna where my friend had put carrots and peas with the minced meat. Not only was it a nutritious meal but it was also so tasty. I am now hooked to preparing our lasagna this way.
If you are looking for ways to save money in your home, it helps to start from the foundation and check the philosophy you have about money in your marriage. Secondly, as a Leadership and Productivity Coach, I have the ability and heart to hold your hand as you begin the journey to financial freedom book a Complimentary session, and let us begin to do the work to your destination.
Really useful tis! Thank you
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