According to John C Maxwell, “everything rises and falls on leadership and leadership is all about influence nothing more nothing less”. Going by this definition, we can conclude that we are all leaders and as such, we need to invest in ourselves in order for us to be better influencers.
We need to remember that one of the roles of a leader is to inspire and motivate others. It is the leaders role to see to it that morale and energy levels are high. In addition, in most cases when tough decisions need to be made the back stops with the leader. Maya Angelou was right “as you grow older you have two hands one for helping yourself and the other for helping others”.
Although most leaders tend to reason that self care is an indulgence they do not have time for, it has been proven that in order for a leader to do their best, they need to begin by making time for themselves. You see self care is an investment that you make in yourself. It is all about you loving yourself enough so that you can love others. When you get it right, this investment bears fruit by increasing your productivity and effectiveness. We know that both of these will inevitably make you a better leader.
Self care requires that as a leader you get vulnerable and realize that you are human too and need to stop running on empty. Although self care may include indulging in activities like a spa day, shopping etc. I have come to the realization that it is all these and more. It is us making the time to check in on how we feel and then intentionally doing the work to make us fit for the role of leadership. Let us keep in mind the words of John Rohn \”work harder on yourself than you do on your job\”. This is because wellbeing, positivity, health and happiness are all factors that contribute to good leadership. In order for us to get the benefits of all these factors, self care is key.
I believe that self care is being true to who we were created to be. In my view it can differ from individual to individual and can take different forms for example:
It could mean finally recognizing that your past does not define you. Taking full ownership of what the present has brought you and embracing it fully and basking in it.
Self care can also be accepting the situation you are in and recognizing that professional help is what you need so that you bring your best to the leadership table.
It can also mean finding the strength to do the work to get yourself out of a job that you are not enjoying and engaging in work that allows you to use your skills and abilities in a better way.
Self care can also be you walking away from relationships that no longer serve you. It can also mean not beating yourself up when you make a mistake or fail to live up to the expectations you have of yourself.
It can also mean finally getting comfortable with using the word no and not allowing yourself to feel guilty about it or the consequences that will follow.
Self care can also mean accepting that as a leader in the 21st century you need a higher power to enable you to deal with the challenges of leadership.
Of course this list is not exhaustive because like I mentioned above it differs for every leader. Similarly, self care is not static it evolves from time to time. However, the constant thing when it comes to self care is that you be intentional with whatever you choose to do. Consequently, the results should nourish and rejuvenate you and fill your cup so that you can pour into your followers. To this end, self care starts with us recognizing that it is ok to put ourselves on our to do lists.
I also believe that in order for us to make time for self care in our lives, we need to always remember that we are creatures of the creator. Our creator loves us unconditionally and He excepts us to do the same for ourselves. It is why we are called upon to love our neighbours as we love ourselves. (See Mathew 22:35-40)
Keep in mind that when you ignore your body\’s call for time to refresh exhaustion sets in and this inevitably affects your work as a leader. We know that as a leader your role is to chart the course for your followers. To do this, you need to be at your best which means being not only healthier but also happier both of which ensure that you lead better and get the results expected of you.
Whatever you decide will constitute self care for you, keep in mind that it should not fit any mold. Allow yourself to be true to what makes you feel refreshed and fuels you up. Remember that as a leader you set the tone for your team. When they see you making time for self care they will take the cue and do like wise. In addition, a good leader knows that there is no doing without being first. This is because the latter calls for you connecting with yourself which is greater than what you do. It also fuels what you do so that you get the results you crave.
I encourage you to spend sometime discovering what self care means to you and then be intentional about doing it. After about a month discuss with those you lead and ask how making time for self care has benefited your team? I guarantee you, the results will being a smile on your face.
Our theme for the Africa Women Leadership Summit for 2021 is Be More Do Less. We trust that you will join us from 28 – 30th October 2021. Please read more about this summit and sign up HERE
Rosette is a Leadership and Productivity Coach she is also a Certified DISC Trainer with the John Maxwell Team. She Co founded The Africa Women Leadership Summit which brings together women in leadership and helps them sharpen and grow their leadership.
She helps her clients live a Simple, Productive and Contented life. She has qualifications in Law, Business Administration and Human Resource Management and Development. You can book a complimentary session with her HERE.
The people you work with are important to your success. Their ability to help you be better at your job, the effectiveness of the team, and their emotional intelligence will have a significant impact on your career. Self-care acts as a means to solidify relationships with your team members. It reinforces trust, loyalty, and connections with these people who are important to your career.
True Nia thank you for reminding us of this fact.
I appreciate this blog so much, I just learned something powerful that I never considered therefore I was always tired, I am going to apply this from now on consciously so!
Thank You Senate. Welcome to the Fulfilled Life Community.
I am glad you learnt something new and that it is going to improve your life going forward. #Keepsoaring my dear. A
A very personal blog
Selfcare has been one of my new year goals. I’ve had many conversations with myself regarding how self-care might affect the work itself and how I might better manage my health. If there is a time to be sick, and that’s when it is most useful (according to society and the culture we’re in), I believe that it is during this season; it’s during our “year offs” where our bodies are saying “This feels good. This is what I need or want” and by asking ourselves this question we allow the universe and life to show us those things. However what’s always been, and is now even more important than asking this question, however is understanding not only what it means in the moment but also what those feelings mean and who needs to work on them and also how we can move through them. When going into and out of self-care, I want nothing more then to feel like a strong force for good and to build myself one person at the time with every action, every word I say. But I want more than that; as human beings we are all connected…