How Our Thoughts Affect Our Feelings

Did you know that there is power in our thoughts? Our thoughts can determine whether you live a fulfilled life or constantly feel like you are failing in life.  I once read somewhere that \”good attitudes are fed and kept alive by good thoughts\”.

In his Book Your Best Life Now,7 Steps To Living At Your Full Potential, in Step three Joel Osteen asks us to discover the power of our thoughts and words. According to Osteen, \”like a magnet, we draw in what we constantly think about. If we think positive, joyful and happy thoughts that is what we get\”. In line with this, James Allen in his famous book As a Man Thinketh noted: \”A man is literally what he thinks, his character being the complete sum of all his thoughts.\”


One thing for sure is that we need to remember that we are the custodians of our thoughts. Recently through doing a course on Natalie Bacon\’s blog, I learned that our beliefs cause our results. Natalie shared that:

Your THOUGHTS cause your feelings

FEELINGS cause your actions

Your ACTIONS cause your results

This statement opened up my mind. As a result, I have since realized that I can have control over what thoughts I think because they will determine how I feel. Below I share how I am ensuring that I guard my thoughts.

Remember that Garbage in is Garbage out

You are what you constantly think about. This is the reason scripture tells us that, \”As a man thinketh in his heart so is he…\”  Your thoughts are largely determined by what goes into your mind. When you choose to watch or spend time on social media where what is being discussed is negative the result will be negative thoughts. In the article Keeping It Simple Is Key  I wrote about how avoiding clutter in form of things and sometimes even people is key for me. I am therefore being very mindful about what I allow to come before my eyes or into my ears.

Michael Hyatt has correctly observed that \” negative thoughts deplete our energy. On the other hand, positive thoughts replenish our energy\”. You need to keep in mind that what you choose to feed your mind on is key. When you spend time ingesting information that is positive. This will help you move towards the life or person you wish to become. Developing this habit may take time but if you keep at it you will see good results.

Keep Your Mind In Perfect Peace

There will always be things that do not go according to our wishes. However, we need to get into the habit of focusing on the good/positive in every situation. We are told that  \” when our minds are steadfast and we trust in God then he will keep us in perfect peace\”.  Remember no situation is permanent. We know that \”weeping may stay for the night but rejoicing comes in the morning\”. With this in mind, you need to practice the art of praying that your mornings come sooner rather than later because for sure they do come.

Joel Osteen also cautions us that \”whatever happens, we should do our part and stay in an attitude of faith and remain filled with hope\”.  The way you can ensure you stay filled with hope is by hiding God\’s word in your heart. Many times when you are facing a trial, try and recall a scripture this will keep you going as you wait for your morning.


Keep in mind that what you choose to dwell on will greatly impact you. The next time you feel overwhelmed with the cares of this world, ask yourself what have I been thinking about? You need to remember that positive thoughts can turn a negative situation around.

I would love to learn from you. In what way are you ensuring that your thoughts remain positive. Please let me know in the comments section.



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