Train Up A Child: Lessons From Lois & Eunice

This month in honor of Mother\’s day, we shall look at four women in the Bible and the lessons we can draw from them. We begin with two women who teach us that the manner in which we train up a child can impact their adulthood.

Lois and her daughter Eunice were one of the early Christian converts. It appears the two lived together with Eunice\’s son Timothy. Not much is said about Timothy\’s father but it is presumed he was not a convert. Reading from 2 Timothy 1: 5 and 3:14 -15 it is evident that Lois passed down her faith to her daughter Eunice who in turn gave it to her son Timothy. Let us look at some of the lessons we can draw from these two women.



#1. We should honor the role of teaching our children

In the Old Testament, parents were entrusted with the role of teaching God\’s commandments to their children. As mothers, our role goes further we are called upon to prepare the next generation of believers. This is confirmed by scripture in Proverbs 1:8. This comes as no surprise since in days past, children spent most of their time with their mothers. Even today, in most cases when a child has a question they begin by asking their mother.

Our children need to hear from us what the word of God says as they grow up. We need to be intentional in teaching them God\’s word. In today\’s world, there are so many philosophies being sold to children in school. If they have not had a solid foundation from home, they are bound to fall for some of these philosophies.

More than ever, we need family values to guide us in teaching our faith to our children. Not only should we teach these values, but we should also live them out. This brings us to the next point.

#2. More is caught than is taught

Our actions often speak louder than our words. Children tend to form their behavior from how they see their parents behave. We see that Eunice modeled what she saw her mother Lois do and this is what her son Timothy also later took from his mother.

We just never know how far our actions will go in teaching or preaching the gospel to our children. When your children see that you depend on God for everything in your life, this is what they will take away. On the other hand, if your children see you complaining about everything or gossiping about other people do not be surprised when you see them doing the same in the future.

Let us put in place values and customs in our homes that show reverence for God by worshiping him and reading the Bible together. This is what our children will later pass on to their children.

#3. Aim for excellence and honesty NOT perfection

You may have heard or read about children who grow up in Christian homes but they go wayward when they grow up. This should not discourage us especially when we remember the scripture \”train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it\”. Some of the testimonies I have heard about such children is that they eventually find their way back home.

As we live out the gospel before our children, let us model excellence and honesty. We know that sincere faith does not call for perfection for any of us is perfect except God. They need to see us fail and get back up again because he who has called us is faithful. What is key is that our children see us applying the scriptures to the things that happen to us in our daily lives.

#4. Leave your children your faith as a legacy 

Many times when we talk of leaving a legacy for our children, what comes to mind are material possessions. In Timothy\’s case, we see that what he got from his grandmother and mother was his faith. He had been taught the holy scriptures from his infancy. The result of this was a young man who was rich in wisdom. With this legacy, Timothy went on to contribute greatly to the building of God\’s kingdom here on earth.

It is indeed a blessing to have a godly mother and the greatest legacy you can leave for your children is your faith in Jesus Christ. What comes to mind are the words of Abraham Lincoln, \”no one is poor who has a godly mother\”.


#5. Do not focus on your status in life

Although God intended that both parents participate in raising children and teaching them his laws, sometimes this is not possible.

We are not told much about Timothy\’s father. What we see however is that although he may not have been present, what he failed to do, Lois and Eunice did. In effect, as mothers, we can have great influence in the lives of our children even when the fathers are either absent or passive.




Lois and Eunice leave us with the lesson that we should train up our children in the ways of God. Let us not underestimate the effect of godly parenting on our children. Further, that is an honorable and pleasant gesture if as women of faith our children can boast of the fact that the greatest legacy they got from us is our faith.

Next week, we shall look at lessons from Ruth.


Mother’s Day Series

Train Up A Child: Lessons From Lois & Eunice (you are here)

Where You Stay I will Stay: Lessons From Ruth





9 thoughts on “Train Up A Child: Lessons From Lois & Eunice”

  1. Dear Rosette…. Thank you for the post!

    Wishing you
    all the love
    and happiness
    you so richly deserve!

    Happy Mother’s Day

  2. Thanks Rosette for zeroing in on this important topic. Our work as parents and particularly as mothers is well cut-out. May God help us to be intentional as we rise up to the challenge daily to prepare our children to be men and women after God’s own heart. In reading your blog the words of Mother Theresa came to me, “Preach at all times, only use words when necessary” – indeed actions speak louder than words. May we make most of every opportunity to point our children to Christ.

  3. Pingback: Wherever You Stay I will Stay: Lessons From Ruth | Fulfilled Life Blog by Rosette Wamambe

  4. Pingback: Where You Stay I will Stay: Lessons From Ruth | Fulfilled Life Blog by Rosette Wamambe

  5. Pingback: Trusting God’s Timing: Lessons From Hannah | Fulfilled Life Blog

  6. Great example you used. I really liked #2. It truly is by example we learn. Our children always turn out to be more like us than we think and that is why it is very important to show them who we are in Christ and how to respect the church as Christians.

    1. Rosette Wamambe

      Thank you Carmen for stopping by. You are right we have a very big influence on who our children turn out to be.

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