We Can All Be Noble Women (Part 2)

In last week\’s post, we concluded that the quest for becoming noblewomen is well within our reach.

This week we examine some of the lessons from Proverbs 31: 10 – 31 and discover how you can use them to live as a noblewoman in the 21st Century.

Different interpretations have been given about the woman being referred to in these verses. One interpretation says the name of the woman is not given so each of us can insert our names. Another concluded thus \”she is not one woman. She is all of us and none of us\”. Whatever interpretation you choose to go with one thing is certain.  The description of the woman in Proverbs 31 is bound to leave many of us feeling we can never measure up. This is of course until you remember our definition of a noblewoman in part 1 of this series. Plus the fact that as women we are each gifted differently.

When I read this proverb, instead of allowing myself to feel deflated given that there is so much that am not doing.  I instead focus on the lessons we can draw from this woman. Here are my top five.

Each of Us has Different Roles to Play In Life

We have different roles to play in life, it takes grace and wisdom to balance them all. We all know that as wives we are helpmates to our husbands. This entails supporting them as they lead the families and enable them to fulfill their purposes here on earth. When you think about it this is a very big responsibility for husbands!

Performing the role of a helpmate does not come easy. Sometimes it calls for making sacrifices to look at what will benefit the entire family and not just you alone. In the same vain because husbands and wives have a lifetime alliance we have to do whatever is possible to ensure that this alliance is fruitful in all ways.

As mothers, we also play the role of stewards to our children. The pressures and challenges we have to contend with in the 21st century make this a daunting task. This requires that you look at your children as individuals and not as a group. You have to learn the interests, strengths, and weaknesses of each child. Then guide them so they grow into responsible adults who can make meaningful contributions to the world and fulfill their life purposes.

The woman in Proverbs 31 is industrious and it appears her business abilities place her at par with her husband. We see her as a woman who is capable of making excellent business decisions. This is encouraging for us women today; whether you work outside the home or from home what is important is that you view yourself as being professionally equal to your husband.

Sometimes in order to achieve this equality, you need to take interest in what your husband does professionally so you can advise him when the need to do so arises. In addition to this, you should not look at women who work outside the home as more professional and neither should you consider women who work at home as less professional. The world has changed and so should we. I once read a story where a woman started a business as an entrepreneur working from home. Two years later her husband quit his 9 – 5 job to join her because the business had become so profitable and could sustain the family. We as women also need to be confident in the ability to dress in a suit and stilettos in the morning and then an apron after 5:00 pm.

Nature Your Gifts and Abilities

I must confess like many others I have tried to live up to the standard set by this woman and of course, failed. I took out time and learned how to quilt because in my mind I wanted my children to have bedding\’s made by yours truly. Whereas it brings me immense joy to walk into my children\’s room and see the work of my hands. Quilting was a tedious exercise that I may not embark on again in the near future.

As stated above, this woman is all of us and none of us. When you recall this, you can be comfortable with the fact that it is okay to solicit the services of those who are blessed in areas where you struggle. The key is to learn to focus on your strengths and magnify them so that they dwarf your weaknesses.

Preparation is key in order to live a fulfilled life 

One thing that our Proverbs 31 woman does is prepare herself. From waking up to organize what her family and workers will eat. To ensuring that her household has appropriate clothing for the seasons. \”She considers a field and buys it\”. Considering here means she prepares before making an investment. This could mean she ensures they have the means to purchase something instead of making hasty purchases which may result in living a life of debt.

It could also mean ensuring you are not too focused on amassing wealth. When you remember that \”a man\’s life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions\”, then you can place emphasis on your self-worth and not your net worth.

I have since learned that because there is always so much to be done it is best to have a plan and then work that plan.  It appears the woman in Proverbs 31 was mature and some of the skills she exhibits were acquired over a period of time. She is definitely not a novice in any of her roles. We are told that she works with her hands making crafts and clothes. These are skills that have to be learned and practiced. This encourages us to work on skills we would want to have and perfect them. Because she plans, she is also able to be generous. She knows \”she is blessed to be a blessing\” and that by putting a smile on another\’s face, her own joy will increase.

Work on Earning The Praise Of Your Circle of Influence

Earning the praise of our immediate circle of influence is paramount. I have since learned that it is important that I always give my best to my husband and children. Maya Angelou was right when she said \” if you have only one smile in you, give it to the people you love. Do not be surly at home then go out in the street and start grinning \’good morning\’ at total strangers\”. Many times we wait to do good things when our circle of influence has been enlarged. However, you have to remember to be faithful to the small circle before you can be given a larger one.

The Fear of The Lord Is Paramount

What matters the most is that we fear the LORD! We are told that \”favor is deceitful, and beauty is vain but a woman who fears the LORD, she shall be praised\”.  This points to the fact that the fear of the Lord secures abiding favor and moral beauty. No wonder this woman speaks with the wisdom she has drunk from the fountain of wisdom and this is evident in the way she carries herself (confidently) and manages her affairs.

Fearing the LORD is so vital it does not matter whether you are so successful and industrious as a woman. If you fail to bring yourself to the knowledge that you need to draw your strength and courage from God. You would have missed the greatest goal of all time which is to hear the words \”well done my good and faithful servant\”.

I am curious to know what lessons you draw from this woman. Please continue the discussion in the comments section.

In part three of our Noble Women Series, we shall consider the question who is mentoring you on your journey of living life as a noblewoman?




Noble Women Series

The Confident Woman 

Be a Proverbs 31 Woman in the 21st Century (You are here)

The Role of a Mentor 

You are Fearfully & Wonderfully Made


8 thoughts on “We Can All Be Noble Women (Part 2)”

  1. Rosette, this is amazing. Proverbs 31 : 10 – 31 has been my word since Sunday ( mother’s day). It reminded me of a woman who idoubles up as my mum and mentor. For the last thirty years she, though a widow, has earned the title of a noble woman. She has done so much for her fsmily, church and community. This teaches us to use our God give talents and gifts to serve our families. It is not how much money we bring to the table but we do to bring honour to our husband and children. It glorifies God. And as you have said, you can work even from home and do wonders. Thanks again.

    1. Rosette Wamambe

      Thanks Margaret for the point that “it’s not how much money we bring to the table but how much honor we give to our husbands and children”. God bless your Mum she is indeed a noble woman!

  2. What I like about this amazing woman is her planning and organisational skills, being able to laugh at the days to come means that she has things in control. She knows her source of strength and is confident that all will be well. Praying that I achieve this kind of harmony and peace in life.

  3. I’ve enjoyed reading this article Rosette. Unfortunately most women die before knowing that they were noble women. This is because during their lifetime they lived a life of selfless service to God, family, church and the community at large. They lived their lives in obedience, humility, diligence, etc. To some extent they never did receive any praise or thanks from anybody. They simply just went about doing what they needed to do rightfully. I believe one can only be referred to as “noble” by others–the people that you serve or sorround you. Because they are the ones that see you in action and how you go about in your daily life. Thanks for the great article!!

    1. Rosette Wamambe

      Thanks Catherine. I agree many noble women go without recognition. What is consoling is that God sees their deeds and will reward them.

  4. I have been challenged Rosette. I liked the statement that we should look at the larger circle. It is not our roles that define us but our integrity, bringing hope to many people. Look at Ruth in the bible, she didn’t have children, no husband but she was described as a woman of valor”virtuous”. True there are so many things that we can give out to those surrounding us love, care, time, ..the list is endless. We can all be noble indeed just like the Proverbs 31 woman. Thanks again.

    1. Rosette Wamambe

      I agree Lydia we have to start by giving out what we have which is love and hope. You know I recently discovered that in Ruth 3:11 Boaz referred to Ruth as a woman with a noble character. That is when I got the idea of this series.

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