Welcome to the Fulfilled Life Blog. I\’m glad you stopped by.

This blog is a result of a journey that started way back in 2009. After I left my corporate job to follow my husband who had taken up an international job. Little did I know that this would stale my career progress and lead me on a quest to discover what exactly my purpose is here on earth.

After doing a lot of questioning, soul searching and reading, I discovered that the common thread that span through all the compliments I received from family and friends was that I was good at offering encouragement even in the most devastating circumstances.

When I registered my management consultancy in 2013 my mission was to empower individuals and businesses to achieve their desired results. In addition to this, my passion for reading means that I come across several resources which I have put to use and this has led me to believe that we can indeed live a fulfilled (\”feeling happy because you are getting everything you want from life\”) life.
All this has culminated into the birth of this blog. My mission here is to encourage people to know that they can live a life of simplicity and yet be fulfilled and productive.

I will initially be posting an article every Thursday on how living simply and in balance will allow us to enjoy the blessings God has given us.

Please come back and spread the word so that we can hold each other\’s hand on this journey of life.

20 thoughts on “WELCOME!!”

  1. Great!

    This is a brilliant mission – helping people to take the initiative to attain and live a fulfilled life.

    May the Almighty God give you wisdom, commitment and strength to continue on this journey you have started.

    All the best!

  2. Well done Rosette! I am very excited for you and for all of us who will enjoy your incredible writting on a regular basis. You have already been inspiring me and I am sure God will give you what it takes to inspire many more people…
    Let’s all aim to live a fulfilled life!
    May our Lord bless your new initiative.

  3. OMG! This is so inspiring and exactly what most of us need in such a challenging age and world we live in. Lovely reading about your journey and I like the fact that you stress on simplicity… Looking forward to being encouraged on a weekly basis. Thank you for taking out the time for others… So selfless.

    All the best!

  4. Wow!!! Rosette, this is a great initiative am so inspired. May God bless you and family.
    Will definitely love to read more and more on this blog.
    Miracle Betty

  5. Rosette, the mission of this blog is addressing a key issue in people’s lives, am sure it will be a blessing to many. I am already touched and encouraged by your welcome message, I look forward to reading more.

  6. The sky is the limit for u Rosette. Amazing how God continues to gracefully use you each day. Looking forward to living the rest of my life as a simple, fulfilled woman, courtesy of this blog… Mukama akulungamye mubuli kimu era akukuume!!! Be blessed…..

    1. Rosette,
      We’ve had two sessions so far and I have only one question….where have you been all my life? You are just amazing and I am so grateful to God that He made our paths to cross. Thank you for giving me the backbone to change my ‘shoulds’ into ‘I must’ when it comes to my life goals and for teaching me HOW!

      God bless you!

  7. Well done Rosette! We thank God for your life. I believe in your philosophy of living a simple and fulfilled life. May God richly bless you. I look forward to your words of encouragement! Enjoy your family and ministry …

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