Reflections Of The Ultimate Sacrifice

Like most Christians all over the world, this Holy Week was spent in penitence. I reflected on the sacrifice Jesus Christ made for us on the cross.

We know that sacrifices still exist and they come in different forms. As I meditated on the ultimate sacrifice, I also thought about the different sacrifices that we have to make every day of our lives. Think of those who donate their organs just so another person can have a better life. Or mothers in drought and famine areas who give the last drop of water or food to their starving children. Another is parents who give up their normalcy of life. They work just to give their children a better life than they themselves had.

All these aside, you need to read the story of Jesus’s sacrifice in Luke 22, 23 & 24 to be reminded that this was no ordinary sacrifice. Nobody wants to die or be involved with death. Even with Jesus, the pain was too much and he cried out to God for help. God in his faithfulness like he always does sent him an angel to comfort him.

We need to be mindful of the fact that Jesus had a choice. He could have chosen to say it was too much and not go ahead with what he had to do. However, he choose to let his father\’s will be done. He was fully aware of the repercussions of his refusal to go all the way to the cross. He was denied by those closest to him. In spite of this, he did not leave us alone to suffer the consequences of our sins.

Like a sheep being laid to the slaughterhouse, he matched on. No wonder he is referred to as the “Lamb who was slain”. His resurrection would however later earn him another title of “Lion of Judah”.

The message Jesus gave his disciples a day before he would die by washing their feet was that they should love one another. The world today will certainly be a better place if we heed this example of love.

The gloominess that filled the world that Friday still affects us today. How many times do you go through a day or season in your life and wonder if things could ever get better? And yet as you know, joy often comes in the morning.

Before we could experience resurrection Sunday, we had to endure the Saturday in between. So it is with life before you can overcome whatever bad season you may be going through, you have to endure the days in between. Sunday morning brought resurrection power and you too can overcome and live a fulfilled life.

Indeed because Jesus lives, we can face tomorrow and all the uncertainties it brings. Our dark and gloomy days can be followed with days full of hope because resurrection came after death. What you may think is dead in your life can come alive if only you believe in the one who gives life.

Like we saw at the beginning of this post, in life, you will have to make different sacrifices. It will help if you remember this ultimate sacrifice and know that as beneficiaries, God has a part he wants us to play and that is to honor this sacrifice by accepting his son Jesus Christ as our Lord and saviour and living with the hope that because he resurrected we live and will one day see him in eternity.

Happy Easter to you all. He is risen indeed! As Darlene Zschech reminds us in the words of this song he wears the victors crown!

10 thoughts on “Reflections Of The Ultimate Sacrifice”

  1. Hi Rosette, thanks for remainder us. We have to have a constant heart of gratitude all the time as He is good all the time. Happy Easter to u too

  2. Thank you Rosette for explaining more about sacrifice. Denying ourselves what is rightly ours is not easy, but at the end of it all, it brings joy and fulfilment. Happy Easter too.

  3. Thanks Rosette for the sharing and the beautiful song. I have blessed by the powerful reminder of the Ultimate sacrifice… So very moving … In spite of the physical and emotional pain he felt He remained resolute and focused on His mission. What love!
    Happy Easter to you and yours!

  4. Wonderful article! Thank you Jesus for being the Ultimate sacrifice for the remission of our sins. Thank you Father for giving your Son as a ransom for our sins.

    I enjoyed reading every bit of it. Thanks for sharing. God bless you.

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