What Dreams Have You Buried?

Have you ever had a dream and you were so sure that it is one from God and that he wants to fulfill it in your life?

The best story that comes to mind now is that of Joseph the dreamer. You can read the full story in Genesis Chapters 37-50. For purposes of this post, I will summarize the story.

Joseph was the 11th of Jacob\’s twelve sons from whom the twelve tribes of Isreal emerge. Not only was he born by his father\’s favorite wife Rachel, but he also came in Jacob\’s old age and he was, therefore, his father\’s favorite son.

Jacob evidently showed his love for Joseph much to the dislike of his other sons. He made him a special coat of many colours which Joseph wore with pride. When Joseph was 17, he had two strange dreams. In one dream as he gathered grain with his brothers; suddenly his bundle of grain stood up straight and his brothers\’ bundles gathered around his and bowed down to it. In the second dream, he saw the sun, moon and 11 stars bowing down to him. This time he shared the dream, not just with his brothers but his father as well; who kept his sons dreams in his mind.

These dreams of course caused more hatred for Joseph. This hatred was too much to the extent that is brothers later sold him as a slave. He ended up in Egypt in Potiphar\’s house. He would later win the favour of his master, who put him in charge of his household. This was until he was falsely accused of sexual assault by Potiphar\’s wife and  imprisoned. While in prison he interpreted two dreams which came true. This gift later brought him before Pharoah the King of Egypt. The king had two strange dreams that no one would interpret. After Joseph interpreted the dreams he found favour in the eyes of the Pharoah who made him second in command in Egypt.

Although there was a terrible famine in Egypt and the neighbouring countries, due to Joseph\’s efforts the Egyptians had enough food plus some to spare. His father Jacob sent his sons to Egypt to find food. His brothers not recognizing Joseph immediately bowed to him when they came to buy food. In the events that followed, Joseph revealed himself to his brothers and had his father and other relatives relocate to Egypt to escape the famine. His brothers, of course, feared for their lives but Joseph responded as follows \”you intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives\”.


This story has many lessons but I wish to share a few that I have been reflecting on and how they apply to us today.

#1. It is good to share SOME dreams.

Some people have argued that Joseph should have kept his dreams to himself then he would not have gotten into trouble with his brothers. However, what is interesting to note is had he not shared the dreams he may never have found himself in Egypt. Then how would his dreams have come to pass?

This leads me to conclude that indeed some dreams are meant to be shared. I identify with Joseph because like many people I like to share good news. Very unfortunately, in some cases, people do not view it as good news and instead think it is \’bragging\’. What I have learnt over the years is to ask God for wisdom on how and to whom to share my dreams with.

#2. God gives each of us dreams about our lives.

Joseph was only 17 when God revealed to him what would happen in his life. The dreams did not come true overnight, there were several trials before they came to fruition. Many times God has whispered to us the plans he has for our lives but because of the circumstances around us, we chose to bury our dreams.

I am a firm believer in the fact that each of us has a divine purpose to fulfill here on earth. I believe that God is always orchestrating our lives to ensure we live out our purposes. Sometimes our clues come through dreams, or thoughts or messages from people around us. Our duty is to hold onto these clues and write them down. We are told to \”write down the revelations for they await an appointed time\”. 

One of the things I advise my clients to do is keep a journal and record the ideas that keep popping up in your head. I have come to believe that God is always pointing us in the direction he created us to go. When you record these clues, at some time in life the puzzle begins to fall into place.

#3. We all have the Mind of God

In her book The Game of Life and How to Play itFlorence Scovel correctly argues that in addition to the conscious and subconscious mind; all human beings have a superconscious mind. She calls it \”the God mind in man\”. Her findings are backed by scripture which states that, \”for who has known the mind of the Lord so as to instruct him? But we have the mind of Christ\”Scovel reasons that the superconscious mind is the realm of perfect ideas and always flashes to the conscious mind the plans God has for us. Sometimes these plans appear unattainable or too good to be true.

The question to ponder is what plans has the superconscious flashed on your conscious mind? Do not look at the circumstances or try to figure out how things are going to unfold. Yours is to implant these ideas onto your subconscious mind which will then go to work to ensure that you stay motivated through all the struggles and trials of life. Please do not let the world cloud your visions and say you are not good enough or are incapable of fulfilling your dreams.

#4. Fulfillment of dreams is dependent on God\’s timing.

The fact that a dream is from God does not mean it will come to pass swiftly and without hurdles. Joseph was a teenager when he had his dreams. He was 30 when he began to serve the Pharaoh. After this, he had to wait another 9 years before his brothers first came to Egypt for his dreams to materialize. In between, he had to be a slave and prisoner.

Today our slavery and imprisonment may come in different forms. Perhaps you are battling an addiction, a terminal illness or bad habits that you wish to get rid of you. I would advise that you hold on to the dreams and plans that have flashed on your superconscious and know that \”in his timing, he makes all things beautiful\”  and you will overcome.


Maybe like Joseph, you are in the valley of your life and what you are doing or going through is very far from the dreams God revealed to you. We see that in spite of where he was, Joseph exhibited a spirit of excellence and maintained his integrity.

Similarly, maybe the dream you have now is very far from what your current circumstances are. I have come to believe that the only way we can experience and then talk about God\’s faithfulness is when he takes us from a clear here to there. Why not trust in the one who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all you would ever imagine? he created you and has a BIG PLAN for your life.

Let us purpose to do the best we can whatever the circumstances and trust that God will see us through the waiting period. In spite of what is happening do not bury your dream, keep it alive in your heart one day it will see the light of day.

I would like to know on what side of the fence you are?. Do you believe that we should share our dreams? Please leave me a comment in the comments section.


Rosette is a Leadership and Productivity Coach she is also a Certified DISC Trainer with the John Maxwell Team. She Co founded The Africa Women Leadership Summit which brings together women in leadership and helps them sharpen and grow their leadership.

She helps her clients live a Simple, Productive and Contented life. She has qualifications in Law, Business Administration and Human Resource Management and Development. You can book a complimentary session with her HERE.



18 thoughts on “What Dreams Have You Buried?”

  1. Dear Rosette, thanks for all the inspiring work that you are doing through this blog. I believe in following my dreams and I do follow them fervently. It’s the only way they get to see the light of day. Sharing, I do but very sparingly. If you recall the “egg-shell principle”. “Know your victim”. I strongly encourage that you get to know the person you want to tell your dream and anticipate their reaction.

    Be blessed,


    1. Rosette Wamambe

      Nicholas, thank you for your comment. I think I should take a leaf from you and share my dreams “sparingly”.

  2. Oh Rosette, this is so inspiring. I believe in dreams too because that’s how God speaks so audibly. Sharing dreams is another thing, but always know who to share with as others may aid in getting your dreams shuttered. Know those who are encouragers in your circle.

    Great article!!!

    1. Rosette Wamambe

      Thank you Kettie. It’s true God speaks through dreams ours is to take note of them for their time will surely come.

  3. Thankyou Rosette for the article on buried dreams… Got me thinking how God truly talks to us in various ways. I am one of those who has from time to time been blessed to receive communication through dreams. You will recall one such dream l shared with you before l even knew u were heavy with Ephraim. It is amazing. My view on sharing tho is different. Some dreams require massive action vis-à-vis prayer partners…l say share and get quorum. Others are more personal and hence, for your inner circle.. But all in all, all dreams require FAITH! See-Matthew 17:21 – “I tell you the truth, if you had faith even as small as a mustard seed, you could say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it would move. Nothing would be impossible.”
    Otherwise great weekend and be blessed

    1. Rosette Wamambe

      Ritah I like your point on making a distinction about what to share for prayer purposes.

      Yes I remember your dream about Ephraim and your dream was confirmed by a group of two ladies when they came to pray for him. Thank you again for the lovely gift you made for him. please keep your dreams alive. God’s timing is always perfect.

  4. Thank you Rosette for another interesting topic. I believe in dreams in terms of setting my self a bigger goal to be achieved over a period(dreaming big). In this case I prefer to share my dream with my confidant who will hold me accountable even when the circumstances are not favorable.

  5. Thanks Rosette for this fresh take on “Joseph the dreamer” – very insightful! I believe in selective sharing of dreams within my inner concentric circles of influence as the Lord leads both for prayer support and for sharpening the dream so to speak as “iron sharpens iron”. Thanks for the tImely reminder of the “need to write down the vision/ revelation which awaits an appointed time” – I need to action this in a consistent manner.

    1. Jennifer thanks for your comment. Please action that habit. It is always amazing to look back at God’s faithfulness. Sometimes in order to get through a storm in life all I have to do is go through my journals and am reminded of God’s goodness.

  6. That was a beautiful piece. I believe dreams in line with God’s plan for one’s life will come to pass no matter what. But i remain cautioned to distinguish between dreams from God and ambition or covetousness

    1. Rosette Wamambe

      You are right Lillian the line between dreams from God and our own ambitions is very thin. We need wisdom to distinguish between the two.

  7. Dear Rosette,

    I join the rest before me in thanking you for the great job you are doing. Please keep up the spirit.

    I relate to many of the ideas in the above article. I believe in sharing my dreams, but like Ecimu, I do it sparingly. I believe in sharing my dreams with fellow dreamers, not people who are negative and in the habit of pouring cold water not only on other peoples dreams, but theirs too. I also cherish my dreams a lot, and by so doing, it helps me to remain patient until when they are realized.

    However, there is one aspect of dreams that I would like you to help clarify further: What is the Biblical teaching on interpretation of dreams. Is it right that as Christians, we seek interpretation of our dreams?

    1. Rosette Wamambe

      Hi David thanks for your kind words. Regarding your question I honestly do not know. But basing on the fact that in the Bible several people sought for interpretation of their dreams I would think we ought to do it but prayerfully. I am one of those who believes that God speaks to each of us so we should go to him to give us interpretation of the dreams we get.

  8. Dear Rosette
    Thanks for this wonderful article. Your blog is really inspirational. I do agree with the others above that you need to know with whom to share your dreams and not to let your dreams die. Meanwhile we need to wait on God’s time for His time is not ours.

    1. Leonara thank you for your compliment. Please subscribe to the blog. I will be adding a monthly newsletter next month and only subscribers will have access.

  9. Pingback: Forget What Lies Behind | Fulfilled Life Blog by Rosette Wamambe

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