The school year will end soon and everyone is excited! Teachers, students and parents alike. Not only do we all want to enjoy the long break but as parents, we also need relief from deciding what to put in the children’s lunch boxes.
I do not know if this only happens in our house or other parents can relate as well. During the last month of the school year, my efforts are rewarded with either a half empty lunch box or a full one. I do not know what to pack anymore!! Last year they could not stand tuna sandwiches this year it is everything from patisseries to grains. Even our beloved chapati (a form of flat bread that is similar to the Indian naan bread) has not passed the test.
Feeding 5000 with a boy’s lunch!
Reflecting on my dilemma reminded me of the story where Jesus feed 5000 people using a little boy’s lunch. I have often wondered at the generosity of this mother. I mean who packs a little boy five loaves of bread and two fish? Maybe the boy mentioned that some of his friends had nothing to eat at lunch time or she just ensured he had more than enough to share.
This mother had taught her son about sharing. I know this because when Jesus was looking for what to use to perform the miracle he gladly offered up his lunch. Or perhaps like our son he too was fed up with what his mother had packed all year round. Either way, his act resulted in a miracle that will be talked about for years to come.
Your Work Matters
Often as parents we are like this mother, we give our all and sometimes wonder whether it matters at all. At times, we long to hear the words “thank you” but alas! Other times we wonder if anyone even notices the contribution we make. I ponder on the fact that perhaps this is what was going on in the mind of this mother that morning as she prepared to pack yet another lunch that could be returned untouched. Little did she know what would become of the work of her hands.
Your Reward Awaits You
Contemplating about this brings to mind the parable of the talents where the faithful servant was rewarded with the words “well done good and faithful servant! you have been faithful with a few things. I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness”.
A take away from these stories is that the size of the audience we are playing for should not matter. Let us aim at remaining focused and leaving an impact on the circle of influence we have been blessed with. Sometimes this impact may not make sense in the short run especially because we do not know what the future holds.
What we should do is our best at all times even though sometimes our efforts will be rewarded with an untouched lunch box!
Deep and beautiful… Thx Rose
Thanks Ritah hope you are doing well.
That lunch box story is all too familiar!!! The last weeks have seen me stare at the lunch boxes in the morning contemplating what to put in them. And oh yes wondering if anyone notices! Your words of encouragement will surely push me to continue doing my best…you never know! Thanks Rosette
Indeed Miriam you just never know.
Lol! The lunch box is truly a never ending struggle for me too. But now I get them to tell me what they want and the deal is that we will provide what they want provided its healthy and in my kitchen. In turn, they have to eat it ALL.
Akusa at least you have a solution. Will try it out next year.
Very exciting!
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