Why You Should Build Your House With Wisdom

This week I watched a video by Tai from www.hisandhermoney.com in which she shared how she saves her family lots of money by shopping for Christmas presents in July and August.

This reminded me of the scripture that says \”By wisdom a house is built and through understanding it is established; through knowledge it\’s rooms are filled with rare and beautiful treasures\”. I wanted to make sense of these three words wisdom, understanding and knowledge so I turned to the Cambridge dictionary and this is what I found:

Wisdom = ability to use your knowledge and experience to make good decisions and judgments

Understanding = knowledge about a subject, situation or about how something works

Knowledge =understanding of or information about a subject that you get by experience or study.

Interestingly, I also checked out the meaning of house. According to google, as an adjective the word house can relate to a business, institution or a society.

Let us examine this scripture and see what lessons we can draw from Tai\’s actions.

1. Building your house with wisdom puts money in your pocket

In our definitions, we saw that acting with wisdom allows you to make good judgments and decisions. In Tai\’s case, she shared how she and her husband want their children to have good memories of Christmas just like they had growing up. However, they do not want to achieve these results with huge debt. Using her knowledge and experience she knows that large departmental stores mark down their toys in July/August. She took us through her haul and honestly she had picked up some good bargains for a fraction of the cost. All her actions ensure they not only achieve their goal and bring happiness to their children but rack up a huge saving which translates into money in their pocket.

People who choose to build their houses with wisdom also run their homes on a budget. John Maxwell correctly observed thus, \”a budget is telling your money where to go instead of wondering where it went\”. How many times do you wonder where the money you work so hard for goes? Not only does having a budget ensure that you put money in your pocket it also ensures you spend money on things that align with your purpose, values and goals all of which lead to a stress free and fulfilled life.

2. Building your house with wisdom will elevate you in your career/business

We have all heard of the phase, \”experience is the best teacher\”. The lessons that come to us through experience tend to stick more. Through experience you are able to determine your life purpose and align what you do to it.

In the same vain, as you work at your career or business avoid being tempted to re invent the wheel instead of building on existing knowledge and understanding to produce better results. It not only makes you a good team player but also it reduces on the cost of doing business.

3. Rare and beautiful treasures can be intangible things

In addition to physical and tangible treasures, building a home with wisdom can also bring intangible gifts like peace, joy, laughter all of which constitute a happy home. In today\’s fast paced world these are becoming rare as people turn to chasing tangible things which are visible to the world and therefore make them fit into society or a certain class of people.

Today when people ask the question what do you do?  the response they expect is you to rattle off a big job title, only then will you be considered a success. I often wonder what they think of those who have chosen the conventional route? If you ask me these people are having their cake and eating it at the same time. Please do not take my word head now to www.justagirlandherblog.com and see how Abby is enjoying not just treasures of money but also creating rare and beautiful memories as she works at home with her husband and raises their two boys.

In wrapping up this post, let us purpose to be women who build our homes with wisdom, knowledge and understanding.  We ought to be working on filling our homes with treasures of love, joy, peace and happiness. Our daily prayer should be \”Lord make me a better wife and mother\” because according to the scripture above, this is what constitutes the \”right things\”  in my life.




1 thought on “Why You Should Build Your House With Wisdom”

  1. Also, it’s quite interesting to know that in every construction project, there are three types of construction specifications. The three types of construction specifications are prescriptive, performance, and proprietary.

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