A Year Of Blogging? Happy Blogiversary To Me!!

Really a year already??

I remember the day like it was yesterday. Sitted on my bed going through emails one of which was from Ruth Soukup of eliteblogacademy marketing E.B.A. Her message had three videos entitled Blogging Made Simple from Passion to Profits.  After watching video one I was hooked. People who have met me can attest to the fact that I love to talk and tell a story or two. Here was someone giving me permission to do what I love…. sign me up already!!

After watching all the videos I was determined to get onto this blogging train. I even wanted to enroll for the course immediately except all I knew about blogging was it required one to write. Finding a name for my website was a challenge since what I wanted was not available. I settled for the closet option and on 24/02/16 I hit the publish button. To say I was scared is an understatement I was so green and my first posts can attest to this.

I made a promise to write weekly as I wanted to have posts that were well researched. I am grateful to God who has enabled me to keep this promise. There have been weeks when I have second guessed myself and wondered whether this is sustainable but it is during such times that I have received encouragement from you my subscribers and this has spurred me on.

What\’s Coming Up….

It has been a time of learning and growing and this year, I am one of the students in Elite Blog Academy. Every part of me is ready for this course. I want to learn how I can turn this passion into a business and offer you my subscribers even more and better content. I covet your prayers and support on this journey.



My mission on this blog, is to empower you to know that it is possible to live a simplified life and yet be fulfilled. In addition, I believe we can all learn new skills at whatever age that can enable us be productive and achieve our goals and objectives. I would like to offer resources which will be accessed online and allow you to achieve what your desired result for living life in its fullness is.

The journey is long but it is one that can be undertaken with God\’s guidance and if we purpose to hold each other\’s hands.

There would be no blogiversary without you my subscribers. Thank you for taking this expedition with me. You have given me a reason to show up every week and month through the monthly newsletter. May the Almighty God bless each and everyone of you and meet you at your points of need.


I hope you have had a glance at the new testimonials page. In case you want to leave an honest review of this blog, please feel free to send me a note. Let us continue to spread the news about the blog and the benefits you get from it. Together we can grow the Fulfilled Life Blog Community.



21 thoughts on “A Year Of Blogging? Happy Blogiversary To Me!!”

  1. A year already!!! Wow!!! Congratulations my dear.

    We are indeed out here and we hear you loud and clear. Keep going and Thank you for caring enough to share.

  2. wasswat@hotmail.com

    Congrats Rosette! Extremely consistent, you’ve done well.

    I’ve enjoyed your insightful and valuable lessons… Keep on keeping on! May the Good Lord go before you in all you do. Best wishes always!

  3. Christine Mukhwana

    Dear Rosette,

    Congratulations and happy blogversary!
    I celebrate you and thank God for the positive change this space is creating and the many lifes that will be transformed as a result of your effort. Indeed it has been a great year of motivation and transformation. Through this blog, I have made great strides in enhancing my personal and professional life and I believe more is yet to come.
    God bless and best wishes in your new journey.

    1. Thank you Christine for your kind words. I avail myself to continue to be used by God as I serve him on this blog

  4. Dear Rosette,
    Indeed a very happy anniversary to you!! To many more anniversaries, blogs, experiences, insights, ideas, lessons and joy and aliveness to be celebrated!!

  5. Congrats Rosette on reaching the first blogversary! As it is said “90 percent of success is showing up” – thank you for faithfully showing up week after week to inspire and bless us all. May you continue to be used mightily of God. Kudos – here’s to many more!

  6. Happy first Anniversary to you and your blog!!!! Rosette! It’s unbelievable that it’s been 1 year of about 53 posts. These posts are usually fresh on my mind. You’ve been a great motivator and have offered great encouragement. All the best in this new course. And as always I look forward to reading many great posts from your blog!

  7. “Don’t focus on having a great blog. Focus on producing a blog that is great for your readers” Brian Clark.
    I can testify that this is what you have done throughout the year. Your blogs have greatly and positively impacted my life. I can specifically testify to one article you wrote about your boy Ephraim and how you resolved it by listening to the Teachers. “who to believer…” Since that day I have learnt to pay particular attention to my children and their small requests which I used to take for granted. My girl wants me to pack her food every Friday and I do it happily even if it means getting late to work. Your series of a Noble Woman were just amazing, I have shared them with a number of my friends who hard troubled relationships and their testimonies were just amazing. I have used the knowledge from your blog to empower my self more. You just started at the right time for me when we had to stay separately with the other part of me and has helped me sail through. I can not thank you enough. Fulfilled blog… THE JOURNEY CONTINUES….

  8. Happy first blogiversary !. Thank you for your discipline and persistance even when all you could see was a small cloud. I have benefited from these posts and I thank God that through your persuit for passion many of us have been impacted.All the best in the academy,we are waiting for more to come.

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