YES! We Can All Live a Fulfilled Life.

It is true when God created the universe he intended that we live life in all its fullness. This is of course until the cares, worries and burdens of this world snatch this promise from us.

I like the definition of the word fulfilled in the Cambridge English Dictionary. It is “feeling happy because you are getting everything you want from life”. This definition coupled with the promise in John 10:10 Changed my perception of life. As you may have observed the word fulfilment comes from the verb to feel which means “to experience an emotion or sensation”. To be fulfilled also entails getting everything that we want from life. Notice here that the get comes before the want.

This draws me to another promise in Psalms 37:4 where God has promised to to give us the desires of our heart if we trust him. Again we have to desire and trust. Many times we make the mistake of trusting God and yet we do not have any specific desires that we want him to fulfill for us.

We have a big role to play in this game of seeking to live a fulfilled life. We have to begin by establishing what it is that we want out of life. The onus will always be upon us to desire/want and then trust that God who is ever so faithful will help us to find simplicity and balance so that we are able to bask in his glory and enjoy the blessings he has bestowed upon us.

1 thought on “YES! We Can All Live a Fulfilled Life.”

  1. Yes we can! Sounds familiar?

    Indeed we can achieve anything if we put our mind to it and don’t give up. The key is taking the initiative, believing in yourself, believing it is possible, and doing your best.

    Remember that nothing great was ever achieved by only sitting still (Ecclesiastic 11:4-6), and that God’s gifts and His call are irrevocable (Romans 11:29).

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