Becoming a goal setter is not difficult; the internet is awash with tools on how to effectively set goals. The work however is how to achieve the goals you have set.

In my Workbook 3 Steps to Become A GOAL ACHIEVER & Live A Fulfilled Life, I take you through three easy steps you can follow as you set your goals until you eventually achieve them. I discuss the three steps briefly below.

Step One has to do with DESIRE

To desire something is to go after it strongly. This in effect means we have to begin by ensuring our goals flow from our core being and not what society or peer presure asks us to do or get. We also have to move from merely wishing we achieved a goal to actually desiring the goal. When we replace our wishes with desires, the roap map becomes clear and suddenly we are obssessed and focused on achieving that goal.

In addition to ensuring that your goals flow from your desires, you have to check your motive for wanting that particular goal. We are told that “we receive not what we ask for because we ask with wrong motives.”  Having a good motive for a goal makes the journey to achieving that goal easier and smoother. On the other hand, wrong motives tend to drain and because they surround you with negative energy, this makes the road a bumpy one full of strain which is discouraging and often this is what causes people to loose momentum for achieving set goals.

I am a firm believer in the fact that once you have felt a strong desire to set a certain goal then it will be accomplished. It may take time if its appointed time has not arrived but goals born out of desire are often accomplished.

Step Two has to do with ATTITUDE

You may have heard the adage “your attitude determines your altitude”. We can be sure of the fact that all goal achievers maintain a can do attitude. Like the rest of us, they too have bad days when the unexpected happens and derails them from their plans. However, instead of throwing their hands in the air, these people work on ensuring they maintain a positive attitude.

Given the fact that attitude has alot to do with belief, we have to use tactics that can address this element and maintain a positive mindset. This can be done through verberlising positive statements which are called affirmations. Affirmations so to speak allow us to “call those things that be not as though they are.”

Step Three has to do with ACTION

Ask anyone who has failed to achieve a goal and they will give you many reasons why they have not yet embarked on the journey to achieving that goal. My guess is often times, people spend too long at the planning stage and sit with intention. It is imperative to remember however good they are, intentions count for nothing unless they are acted upon. We have to do what NIKE asks its customers to do which is “just do it”.

I share these three easy steps in detail in the workbook and have questions for reflection after each step. To get your FREE copy, simply subscribe to this blog.

4 thoughts on “You Can Become A GOAL ACHIEVER”

  1. Hi Rosette
    Thanks for the life changing article about setting goals. My take in this”ensuring our goals flow from our core being”.I will bold and underline the words in my mind, and follow it up by taking action in that direction.

    1. Thank you Peace for the encouragement. Am glad you found the post useful. Please read the workbook and do the exercises they will provide more insight on the goal setting process.

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