You Do Not Have To Give In To Fear

Depending on what part of the world you are in, you have either seen the devastating effects of COVID 19 or heard or read about them. From people dying to lockdowns that are having and will continue to have lasting effects on us all. COVID 19 is bound to get us all worried and worst of all fearful. However, I am learning that in spite of this crisis or disaster we do not have to give in to fear.

The Cambridge English Dictionary defines fear as \”an unpleasant emotion or thought that you have when you are frightened or worried by something dangerous, painful or bad that is happening or might happen\”. From this definition, we see that fear often takes different forms. It could come as a thought which often results from what you are seeing or hearing. The thoughts you then have may cause one to wonder if there is anything positive in the situation at hand. Fear can also come when you are facing a change or uncertainty in life. For example, with all the lockdowns we are bound to worry about what the future has in store for us. However, sometimes fear arises when we are in situations that are dangerous and it is therefore there to serve as a warning to us. Whichever form it takes, we need to remember that we do not have to give in to fear. Indeed someone rightly said F.E.A.R is False Evidence Appearing Real.

I am learning that as we all continue to navigate this bend on the journey of life called COVID 19, there are three simple things that you can do to ensure that you do not give in to fear.

#1. Focus On What Is Within Your Means To Do

With all the information that is doing the rounds especially on social media, it is possible to get overwhelmed and feel like the situation is out of control. However, when you remember that the statistics show that there are more recoveries from COVID 19 than there are deaths, this should bring you relief instead of fear.

We need to keep in mind the concept of our locus of control. This is the degree to which one believes that they have control over what is happening around them. Psychologists believe that there are two types of locus of control. An internal locus of control where one believes they have the ability to take action on what is happening around them. The other is an external locus of control where one either feels like they are helpless or they believe it is only other people who can take action in the circumstances.

Regarding COVID 19, we know for sure that there are preventative measures that we can all take to stay safe. Instead of focusing on the fact that those of us in developing countries do not have the means to fight the pandemic, let us maintain good hygiene habits and practice social distancing to stay safe. This will enlarge your internal locus of control and help you realise that since there is something you can do, you do not have to give in to fear.

#2. Pray for God\’s Peace That Surpasses All Understanding

When you read Psalms 91: 5 -6 and John 16:33 we know that as Christians as we live on earth and journey in life, we will expect to encounter diseases and other calamities of life. What should provide us with comfort and reassurance however, is the fact that our Lord Jesus Christ promised He will never leave us nor forsake us.  When we bring to mind the words of Paul in Philippines 4: 6 – 7 then we can be certain that we do not have to give in to fear. Instead of being fearful and worrying, let us pray more. We know that true peace is not found in the absence of calamities or conflict. True peace is found in knowing that God is in control and that He will perfect that which concerns us. This is the gift He promised and left us with as shown in John 14:27.

Let us, therefore, pray that in the midst of COVID 19, God will engulf us with His love, protection and above all His peace that surpasses all understanding. This in my view, is the comfort that we need in the midst of this pandemic.

#3. Keep Hope Alive

Experts on COVID 19 are telling us that it is going to get worse before it gets better. The fact that the majority of casualties return to full health after contracting the virus is what we should focus on. Unless we learn how to stop fear in its tracks, it is capable of robbing us of what we deserve which is to live a full and satisfying life.  I like what Psychologist Noam Shpancer says \”feelings of fear should not be feared. Instead, they should be examined\”. Let us, therefore, keep ourselves abreast of the latest information about the pandemic but avoid fake news which brings nothing but fear.

I am learning that in order to keep hope alive, I need to be mindful of what I listen to or put before my eyes. When you take time to fill your mind with positive statements from the word of God you will always have a weapon to fight destructive fears. You need to remember that in the midst of this pandemic, fear is an emotion you will experience however, you do not have to give in to the fear when it arises.


Let us keep in mind what Psychologist Noam Shpancer cautions us to always remember \”fear does not continue to rise the longer we remain fearful of the situation. It eventually levels off and then declines as habitation takes place\”. He also reminds us that feeling fear is a natural factor of life. To him, if you can feel fear that means your systems are working. The solution he says is to learn how to manage the fear and manage ourselves in the fearful territory. Let us, therefore, keep ourselves informed and above all heed all the measures that we are being advised to do. For sure, soon this too shall pass.

3 thoughts on “You Do Not Have To Give In To Fear”

  1. Rosette, reading your weekly blog is quite inspiring. and I appreciate the freshness that comes with each of them.. Overcoming fear is not easy but as you said God has answers in His word to help us overcome. We have the assurance that we are not alone. :”For God has not given us the spirit of fear but of power and love and of a sound mind”; 2 Timothy 1:7 (NKJV).. Looking forward for the next one. Thank you so much.

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