We started our series on organization last week by looking at how by living simply we can avoid stress. This week we move into looking at some of the reasons why routines help us organize our lives. In an earlier post on the power of routines, one of the comments that came through was routines tend to get boring. Whereas this assertion may have some truth, the advantages of having routines far outweigh the disadvantages associated with them.
In its simplest definition, routines can be described as the little but important activities that make up our lives. We rely on them to get us through what we have to do each day. In the paragraphs that follow, I share some of the advantages of why we need routines in your life.
#1. Routines Help Us to Achieve Results
Recently, I read about the routine of Olympic gold medalist swimmer Michael Phelps. Apparently, he not only follows a particular routine at the start of every race but also, his coach Bob Bowman gave him a routine called “watching the videotape”. There is no actual videotape involved all that Micheal does is visualize in exquisite detail the perfect race from the moment of his starting position on top of the blocks through each stroke until he emerges from the pool victorious with water dripping off his face.
Michael goes through this routine every night before he goes to sleep and first thing when he wakes up. During training when his coach wants to push him all he yells is “put in the videotape” and this propels Michael to work harder. Obviously, this routine has produced results given the performances Michael has put up over the years.
From this example, it is clear that you need routines that will help you see the results you want and propel you to success.
#2. Routines Help Us Achieve More in Less Time
One of my goals this year is to read at least a book every month. With all the roles that I have this goal was seeming almost impossible for me. I read a lot of personal and professional development books and most of them require that I concentrate. Determined not to let this goal fall through, I set for my self a target to read for 15 – 20 minutes each morning after I have done my devotions. You will not believe but focusing for these minutes is enabling me to achieve my goal.
Not only this, I have a set menu for breakfast for each day of the week. In addition to breakfast, I have to pack our son lunch. Waking up and only having to remember what day of the week it helps me to ensure that I prepare breakfast in the shortest time possible as well as pack school lunch and snacks for our kids.
Clearly, if you need better results in a short time, you need routines in your life.
#3. Routines Help Us to Avoid Decision Fatigue
Research has shown that having the right routines helps avoid decision fatigue by freeing up mental space to concentrate on new things. When you have developed routines, you are able to work in autopilot and execute the essential activities while at the same time, engage in another activity without sacrificing your level of focus. We have all heard about how some executives in Silicon Valley like Mark Zuckerberg wear the same color of clothes so they do not have to add another activity to their busy schedules.
Recently, I read about a CEO who has designated different activities for each day of the week in a bid to avoid routine fatigue. I have taken a leaf from him and done the same for myself. For example, we do laundry twice a week, I work out three times a week and therefore prefer to have meetings outside the home on days when I am not working out. By simply putting in place these simple routines, I find that I am registering better results on my goals.
#4. Routines Help You Avoid Getting Overwhelmed
With all the things that are competing for our attention every day, one is bound to get overwhelmed. However, when you take the time to set up a routine and follow it, it makes life doable.
Your routine could consist of ensuring that you spend the first hours of your day having breakfast with your family because you will not have control of your time once you step into the office. You can also put in place a routine of when you will check and respond to email so that you do not spend your day putting out fires and failing to do any meaningful work.
Whichever way you choose to make use of routines to organize your life, what is important to remember is with routines in order to get big results you need to start small and allow the routine to grow into a habit. Without a doubt, routines are gifts that keep on giving because they allow us to achieve more by doing less. I am remained here of a quote by John Maxwell, \”you will never change your life until you change something you do daily. The secret of your success is found in your daily routine\”.
If you have not been registering success with some of your goals, go ahead and create a routine that you can follow each day only then will you be able to conquer your weaknesses and register success.
Next week we shall look at how small actions produce big results when we organise our finances.
The Organisation Series
How Simplistic Living Helps To Avoid Stress
4 Reasons To Have Routines In Your Life (You are here)
How Small Actions Can Produce Big Results
Great post Rosette. I like having a routine to the way I do my things, this keeps me organised…but I do not like being a ‘stickler’ of routines — so that sometimes I can be able to do something on the side that may not have been in my original routine/plan of the day.
Catherine I agree that having too many routine can cause fatigue and that is why we should switch things up once in a while but maintain the routines that enable us take care of the essential. Hope you are doing well.
In my opinion, the value of routines cannot be overstated. Especially where you have kids involved. Everyone being able to know – at least generally – what is next on the agenda, where to go, when to have their shower, when to sit down to do their homework, when to exercise, when to start on dinner, etc has a major impact on how the day will go and on the harmony in the home. Inevitably there will be some changes to the routine but at least we have a general framework within which to operate and that I believe benefits everyone.
You are right Akusa routines make our lives move smoothly.
Thanks Rosette – powerful and food for action… It resonates well with what Mike Murdock said, “The secret of your future is hidden in your daily routine.”
Thank you Jennifer. Indeed we have to watch what we do daily.
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